The Odyssey ScoopCast Reviews “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off”
By Jacob Isom | November 29, 2021
As we near the end of our review series of Adventures in Odyssey Album 70, “Finding a Way,” the team parks on the last episode and discusses the first installment in the aftermath of the Morrie Rydell Saga.
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off in Review
Honesty is the best policy… or is it? This concept appears to be on the line in the latest episode of the podcast. Hosts Michael LaFaver, Ryan Matlock, and Timmy Baze question the lessons being taught in “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off.” Is Morrie Rydell’s wrongdoing justifiable? Also up for debate is how well this episode handles the mystery, other characters, consequences, detention scenes, and Emily’s emotions. Find out only here on the ScoopCast!
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