The Harry Potter Thread

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The Harry Potter Thread


We've had our arguments on here about reading the books, but who on here has actually read and enjoyed J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series? As some of you have noticed from my signature, I'm a huge fan, and have been for a long time. I wanted to create a thread where fans of the series can come to talk about what they enjoy about it - standout characters, memorable moments, favorite books, and whatever else comes to mind. (And if any of you are on Pottermore, if you want to exchange usernames, that'd be cool, too. \:D/)

As the Foolish One might say, let's talk it up.

Note: As this is not in the Debate Hall, this is not intended to have anything to do with the same arguments about whether or not the books are "evil" or what have you. If you want to express your opinion about the books' witchcraft elements, please do so in either Harry Potter or Debating Harry Potter (if you wish to discuss problematic fantasy elements in media as a whole, go to this thread about the occult in media instead). This is meant to be a thread where fans of the books can discuss them, or where people who are interested in reading them can learn more.
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Fudge Marble
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Yes yes yes yes I love them! I didn't read them till the year after high school. Not because I wasn't allowed to read them but because I was afraid of them when I was a kid (I got scared easily) and then I tried to read them in high school but found the third one boring and stopped half way through. I picked it up again after high school and loved it. I guess it is different for me since I didn't grow up reading the books and waiting for the new ones to come out and I didn't get that feeling of growing up with Harry. The first book was a little childish but I love children's lit so I think it's great. The second was a little to repetitive. The third I found boring at first (I'm not into the quid-itch scenes) but then I LOVED IT. My favourite thing is how the plot unfolds slowly leaving you trying to understand it, especially Snape. To this day I don't know what to think about Snape. My favourite were the last three because I wasn't too into the tournament. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Neville so much that I can't even explain why but oh man! Ok that's enough for now :P
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I can say the first four are delightful. The first one I wasn't quite getting it. I appreciated the imagination and sharp writing, but the only character I connected with a great deal is Hermione. But it sucked me into its world well enough I wanted to stay, so I read Chamber of Secrets and so glad I did! Rowling is amazing and I've grown very close to the characters. I feel like this is the first fantasy, especially children's, to unleash magic. You can write more or less anything you want happening with fantasy, and Rowling's books take magic and say, "Let's see what this baby can really do." Incidentally Madame Carnivore, writing this, I suddenly realize why I clash so much with you and Doctor: cunning and logical, you're both Slytherin!

P.S. Only I say let's talk it up! Ahem: let's talk it up. Only kidding, I'm flattered.
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Chocolate Chip
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Oh, this book series is awesome. Every time I sit down and read through it, I find myself remembering just how good it is, and how different the books are from the movies! (I've seen all eight movies many, many times, mostly because my siblings and I are nerds and every Christmas will watch at least four of the movies in a row. It's pretty much our Christmas tradition.)

The first three are just... charming, if you'll excuse the pun. Reading them, I remember the sense of wonder and eager anticipation I had when I read these as a child, thrilled for Harry and his friends on their adventures, which always seemed exciting more than frightening. As a child, I never enjoyed the later books as much, but when I grew up I really started to appreciate them for the emotionally-charged, deeply engaging tale of tragedy and growth and courage and friendship that Rowling spins. It always takes a bit of effort to get through them, but I still enjoy them so much, though multiple read-throughs have dulled the impact of most sad scenes. I also enjoy much of Rowling's wit that escaped me as a younger reader. The names of the school books, for instance, are much funnier now than they were when I barely skimmed them ten years ago. :P

When I was younger, I was pretty meh about the main trio, mostly because during my tender young years I only ever cared for villainous characters (or terribly snarky ones). Now, though, I really am fond of them, especially Hermione. She's probably one of my favourite characters from the books, though I can't really relate to her as much as I'd like. :P I do love the character of Lupin though, he was one rare exception to my "only-the-villains" rule.
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Guys guess which house I'm in :P
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Miss Friendship
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Could I have a character description of Snipe? Villain or what? I have seen him impersonated on Studio C but don't know anything about him other than he acts like a witch.
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Mocha Jamocha
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Pound Foolish wrote:Incidentally Madame Carnivore, writing this, I suddenly realize why I clash so much with you and Doctor: cunning and logical, you're both Slytherin!
Haha, I'm flattered that you find me cunning (I've never been described that way before), but actually, I've taken the Pottermore Sorting quiz, and I'm in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave (and highly stubborn) at heart! \:D/ Wouldn't be surprised if Eleventh was a Slytherin, or perhaps a Ravenclaw, with his love for knowledge and discovery. What House are you in, PF?
Miss Friendship wrote:Could I have a character description of Snipe? Villain or what?
Snape is...complicated, and is a character for whom I have found a growing distaste - but as his story is very spoiler-y, you'd probably do better to check the Wikipedia page on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, or look up his individual character page.
aragtaghooligan wrote:Guys guess which house I'm in :P

As far as favorite characters are concerned, I'd have to say that my favorite character out of all of them is probably Harry, with Ron, Ginny, and McGonagall close behind. I mean, obviously as the viewpoint character we're kind of supposed to connect with Harry, but I really saw a lot of myself in him - his passionate love for his friends and family, his deep and troubled emotions, his awkwardness (monster in your chest, Harry? Come on, now), his unrepentant and often dark sarcasm, and his regular feelings of loneliness. Unlike a lot of people, I found myself empathizing with him during his "angsty phase" in Order of the Phoenix, because so many horrible things had happened and were happening all at once and he - a fifteen-year-old boy - didn't know how to handle it all. He's a deeply flawed and yet incredibly courageous person, and I loved every minute of getting inside his head and watching him grow up. (I mean, guys, Harry's up there with Trent DeWhite - this love is real.)
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I haven't read the books, but I have been thinking about doing so, since I already have a strong attachment to the three main characters. Both my previous and my future roomies are huge fans too, so when they've been fangirling, I've wished I could join in. They also determined that I am a ravenclaw, which I definitely agree with.

What do you think? Should I read the books?
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Mocha Jamocha
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YES! The books are amazing. The prose is delightful, the characters are so much better developed, the lore and the worldbuilding are a lot of fun to explore, and the story itself is wonderfully constructed. You should read them - you're in for a real treat. :)
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Fudge Marble
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yessssssss I am a Hufflepuff according to Pottermore. A lot of people say that it is the lesser house but I'm proud of my result :) I think it is a great house.

I feel bad that I never connected with Ron, Harry, or Hermione. There are plenty of reasons why I could have. They are all good characters, but I think I could relate to them because they had each other and I never had very many friends so I could relate more to Neville.
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Chocolate Chip
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I take that Pottermore Sorting Quiz with a pinch of salt, though, as it sorted me into Slytherin. While I'm secretly flattered, of all of the houses that I am not, Slytherin I am not the most. I expected Hufflepuff, or maybe Ravenclaw if I was lucky. I'd have taken Gryffindor, if only for my stubborness and love of adventure. But Slytherin? Ambitious? Cunning? Astute at manipulating others? Resourceful? Nope. Not me. :(
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Its been awhile since I read them.... Can't remember much.
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Eleventh Doctor
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I think the Pottermore quiz is a bit arbitrary, I like this one more: I'm a Ravenclaw Primary with a Hufflepuff Secondary

Also if anyone is on the East Coast there's a Harry Potter themed conference this November:
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Aw, yeah! Someone else knows about sortinghatchats! \:D/ That's another place I based my Gryffindor-ness from; I tend to be really stubborn about my ideals and don't change them easily, and while I may be logical, I'm still something of a spitfire about it.
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I actually just finished reading through all of the Harry Potter books again. This time around, I appreciated Harry as a character much more than I did previously. His portrayal is very genuine, with tangible flaws and strengths, and relateable emotions. I have to say I was a little bit disappointed with Luna's character. In the time between readings, I had filled out her personality in my head, probably with some influence from the movies. This could just be my perception, but it seemed like the extent and frequency of her conspiracy theories were toned down in them, to the point where her lines in the books seemed overdone. It made her seem less real and more exaggerated.

I'm still amazed with Rowling's attention to detail. The foreshadowing and linking between events is impressive, and there's so much of it in all of the books.

Sorting Hat Chats was great. I'm still reading through everything, but I'm leaning towards Ravenclaw primary, and I'm not sure about a secondary house yet.
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Thanks Eleventh! That sight was great! Confusing at first but once I read through it all I came to the same conclusion as before: I am Hufflepuff through and through for both primary and secondary.
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Bethany Shepard
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I have, sadly, never read them. :P

My older sisters grew up on them and loved them. Our family stopped reading them (for spiritual reasons) right when I had "come of age" to read them (*sigh*), so I have no idea what they're even about. :P

I hope someday to pick one up, or watch one of the movies. :mrgreen:
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Join the club, Bethany. I've never read them either, have no intention to, and get the creeps just thinking about it. :twisted: And this is coming from...ya :P
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Goosebumps or Harry Potter, Helios? Haha

My sister got SO attached to the books and was having lots of mood swings depending on what was happening in the book. :P She's the most level headed person I know. It was weird.
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Miss Friendship
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That does sound weird. Almost what I would expect though, believing what I do about those books.
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