Blitzner's question place

What's your favorite color? What's your most embarrassing memory? From the usual questions, to the bizarre, here is where you can ask any question of others, so grab a chair and chat!
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Moose Tracks
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Questionaire with the lightning bolt


You can ask this lightning bolt anything. From history to well life in Ghana to anything. Just ask.
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

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Favorite movie?
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Moose Tracks
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Umm lets see..... Probably Prince Caspian.
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

Can you change me from the monster you made me? Monster: Starset
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How long have you lived in Ghana?
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Prince Caspian is a lovely choice.

What are your favorite books?
“I absolutely demand of you and everyone I know that they be widely read in every [censored] field there is: in every religion and every art form and don’t tell me you haven’t got time! There’s plenty of time.”~ Ray Bradbury
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What historical figure would you most like to have a discussion with? While we're on history, would you rather have John Adams, Martin Van Buren, or William Howard Taft's hair style/facial hair?
"I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther.
I want to be Bob Denver on acid playing the accordion."
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Almost eleven years this June. And have enough experience to prove it ;) .
Medieval fantasy of course. What else would suit a man?
I would most like to talk with Napoleon. I share his birthday, and he did marvels in Europe.
Hmm not sure.
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

Can you change me from the monster you made me? Monster: Starset
Butter Pecan
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Wow, you like Prince Caspian! :)

What's your least-fave school sbuject?
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Moose Tracks
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Science or English. I hate Biology of all the science classes most.
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

Can you change me from the monster you made me? Monster: Starset
Butter Pecan
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Ugh, biology is pretty nasty. But also fascinating...particularly the part where one gets to dissect the specimens... :twisted:

Now in reference to somethings you said on Poundy's thread:
Blitz wrote:Oh and don't worry about falling head over heels in love with me... your too ancient. ;)
Pah, who says PF is the only flirt?
Really??? Ancient??? O.o I'll have you know, my first real crush was on a boy 9 months younger than me!!! :P

And are you implying that you are a flirt? ;) Naughty naughty... *wags finger*
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Moose Tracks
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Okay still how do I know how old you are? ;) And crushing on people when you are a girl younger than you is strange. The first person that crushed on me to my knowledge was about a year older than me... Weird. And hey I have a gf already. I am not that much like PF
Hey! you are worse than me for not being allowed to email boys even.
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

Can you change me from the monster you made me? Monster: Starset
Butter Pecan
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You don't know how old I am...that's the point. :)

Well...maybe it's weird. But then I'm weird (he told me so himself) so I'm okay with that now.

Thank goodness you're not like PF! One of him is far too much already!!! ;)

What a minute, how am I worse? :?
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Moose Tracks
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Your 16 or 17 from what I gather.
Yeah you are weird.
Your worse because you aren't allowed to even PM boys and yet you are worse of a flirt than I am.
Okay now ask me a question.
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

Can you change me from the monster you made me? Monster: Starset
Butter Pecan
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Location: Stealing your place in the sun


Thank you. I thrive in my weirdness. :twisted:

I'm a flirt??? O.o (you ain't the first to say so, unfortunately) you have any siblings? I think I recall you mentioning a brother on your blog...
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Moose Tracks
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Then why do you question that you are a flirt? ;)

Yeah I have one older brother. 16 he is.

I HATE having a cold.
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

Can you change me from the monster you made me? Monster: Starset
Butter Pecan
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It was another crazy girl who told me so...she was nuts... :P

Wow, that's nice. You two being so close in age. So what's the normal age for getting a driver's license in Ghana? :D
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Moose Tracks
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What did who tell you?
18 unfortunately. Just when I am heading off to Europe to where cars are not used much. Grrr....
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

Can you change me from the monster you made me? Monster: Starset
Butter Pecan
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Location: Stealing your place in the sun


A girl told me I was a flirt...

They don't use cars in Europe? O.o What do they do, ride around on scooters? :P Okay, that's an exaggeration. But I suppose it must be pretty irritating to have to wait so long for a license. :P
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Moose Tracks
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Your 15 then. Mwhaw.
See if a girl can tell then we all know.
No they use buses. A huge system of buses. You can't be one minute late.
Debate Vampire

Everyone (Blitz doesn't count) fears ninjas, except for one: I, Ninjahunter

Can you change me from the monster you made me? Monster: Starset
Butter Pecan
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Location: Stealing your place in the sun


I shall let you draw your own conclusions as to my age. ;)

So, have you ever had a girl tell you you're a flirt? :P

Oh, yeah. Public transportation systems. So if you one minute late, what do you do? Run thru the streets shouting bloody murder? :twisted:
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