Least Favorite Episode

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What is your least favorite AIO episode?

The Day After Christmas
The Pushover
A Lyin Tale
Bethany's Flood
The Seven Deadly Dwarves
Snow Day
Called on In Class
Finish What You...
An Agreeable Nanny
Total votes: 131

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underseasie wrote:
The Old Judge wrote:You're one of those people who think Mitch and Connie should have stayed together and that Maureen is a terribly wicked person, aren't you, Underseasie?
Yes, I am. Why, are you one those people who loves Maureen and is glad the whole Connie/Mitch thing is over(like my sister)?
I believe Maureen should have stayed off the show period dot dash period.
Called on in class bores me to death and I don't think I will ever like it Period dot dash period.
some other ones that I absolutley despise are The second coming. Alls well with Boswell, The trouble with girls and Muckraker I wasted a whole half hour today on that one. Oh and The Adventure of Adventures period dot dash period. :!:
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The Old Judge
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Underseasie, I actually am. My first choice would've been for Mitch not to appear again at all, but this works just as well. Good for your sister! She has good taste.
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One episode that comes to mind is Emotional Baggage, because it's on the Whit's End cue. One of the episodes I wouldn't mind skipping over. :)

Some that others have mentioned--Nothing to Fear-- I actually like this episode because it's creepy especially the dream sequence with the giant mouse.
Snow Day--I don't dislike this episode, but it's not one of my favorites either.

I do hate to admit there's any episodes I don't like, however. Most I do, to varying degrees. Few have no redeeming value whatsoever.

I did not like the split episodes.....most of those annoy me, if for nothing else than the fact that they're TOO SHORT.
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Stella C.
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I agree with you, Triangle on Agreeable Nanny. The whole hiring an actress was a bit unnecessary. Personally, I didn't like Big Trouble Under the Big Top (#57) very much...

Also, I have to agree with you PF about Three Dollars More.
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The Old Judge
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I am currently listening to The Pushover. I feel sorry for Cody. And before you say, "Well, kids won't do that much to be accepted, you should know you're wrong. It's rare to act that harshly in order to be accepted, but I've heard stories of even more extreme behavior than that. The banana peel and pickled pig's feet sandwich sounds absolutely tormenting, but I remember hearing somewhere that banana peels contained some kind of toxin. Perhaps I'm wrong. If not, though, why didn't we hear about him taking medicine to counteract it, or even being hospitalized?
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T.S. (myself) wrote:Least favourite episodes:

Snow Day

Game for a Mystery and Stage Fright

Something Old, Something New

An Agreeable Nanny was very interesting and not too far fetched (except for one thing), which I appreciated. I was disappointed, however, with the babysitter somehow being a actor. That was completely unnecessary and it took away from the rest of the episode.
I'm with the Snow Day lovers, just to be clear. Snow Day hits my funny bone square on in some places. Alex wearing Powder Puff sweatshirt? Really? That alone makes the episode. One can see how a person could be uninterested in the episode, though. It's flagrantly silly, overdone and childish.
As for Game For a Mystery... You sir, are a cad.
Everyone has a point with Something. Those were just heartrending. As episodes, though, they're good. Of course I really shouldn't open up old wounds. What the heck, I will open em anyway.
But seriously. To introduce Mitch's new wife and give her barely any time onstage? We didn't have a chance to know or love her. So it's all too easy to despise her for taking Mitch from Connie. I kind of enjoy them now they're not breaking my heart to smithereens, though. (High praise indeed.)
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Nothing to Fear? It was good.
Called on in Class was DA BOMBBBBB!
Hallowed Be thy Name was OK.

The Worst ones are "The Big Broadcast" "Snow Day" "Over the Airwaves" - just listen to that junk. Also, the episodes with Bethany Shephard were horrible. Oh, and some other terrible episodes are BTV.
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"Snow Day" isn't my least favorite, but it isn't the best ever, either. I'll give it a listen every so often, but I much prefer "Broken Window", so I usually end up fast-forwarding through "Snow Day" on that ancient form of primitive listening known as a "cassette tape". ;)

I like "Called On In Class" (though I will admit that it might have something to do with Trent being in it). It's a nice insight into both glossophobia and character background, even if some of Trent's narration was a bit...over the top. (I mean, come on..."All eyes turned to look at me with an oily glare"? What twelve-year-old boy with a crippling fear of public speaking gets over that fear quickly enough to read prose that violet-hued in front of his peers?) All told, though, I really enjoy this one.

As to some of my least favorites not on the list, I'm going to have to echo what others have said and mention "Game For A Mystery". Between Barrett screaming out almost all of his lines and Emily's squeaky, nasally voice saying words and phrases that no smart ten-year-old I've ever heard of would ever utter, the episode successfully managed to drive me up the wall. (It should be noted that I rather like Barrett, and I'm pretty 50/50 on Emily as long as people aren't either singing her praises or raking her over the coals for stupid reasons, so my criticisms have less to do with disliking the characters and everything to do with the fact that, simply put, it wasn't an enjoyable episode.)

I also don't really like "Hear Me, Hear Me", because I don't think the characters in it were used very well. (Especially Trent and Liz. I think one trait of Trent's, his imagination, was played up way too much for the sake of rather unamusing comedy, while his penchant for working hard and being honest with his friends was ignored so he could develop a fantastical ego to Teach A Lesson; meanwhile, I think Liz would have nipped the "not listening" problem in the bud before it could even become an issue.)
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I really dislike An Agreeable Nanny. It seems a little odd parents would pull such a deception over their kids, or maybe that's just me. Matthew's quips about the British were bordering offense in my opinion, and it just was a little cheesy.

Of course, I have been forced to listen to this episode a few hundred times... :mad:
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Caroling,Caroling. I mean, you guys complain about morals being forced. But Caroling,Caroling doesn't have a moral. And it is horrible for many other reasons, like it is completely made of songs.
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Caramel Crunch
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My least favorite episodes are Caroling Caroling because nothing happens besides singing, and Chain Reaction, because three completely coincidental events lead to a water slide or water park never being built is extremely ridiculous.
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