Marybeth the Author!

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Suzy Lou Foolish
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Wow, I enjoyed reading this. Very interesting! I find if even more fun, seeing as Ruby is "me". I'm quite in suspense!! Can't wait for part 3. =)
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Cookies & Creme
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haha thanks suzy! and thanks to the rest of you who have encouraged me to continue even when i wanted to quit. :)
Image"Charm is deceptive,and beauty it fleeting,but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 30:31
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Stella C.
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*Waiting for part 3*
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. -Proverbs 27:1
Sam: Up on our mountain, where the muffins stink, the boys aren't, and we play music all day long.. xD
Stella: Sounds AWESOME!
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Rose was making the bed and folding the sheets. Lily was trying to chrochet as Luke ran in. "Luke, what's wrong?" Rose asked him. "There was an incident at the saloon." Will came in with Ruby in his arms. "Ruby! What happened?" Ruby wanted to tell her, yet couldn't. Will told her instead. "Mark was abusing her, Rose." Rose ran and hugged Ruby. "He even threatened to take her life." Luke added. "Oh, Ruby! I'm so sorry!" She told her friend. She looked at her and could see the fear in her eyes. She hugged her again. Lily came over and joined them. Rose looked at her and noticed blood trickling down Ruby's throat. "Ruby, did Mark do this to you?" She nodded. "Lily, quickly, get me a wet cloth!" Lily obeyed and handed her a cloth. "Here, sit down on the bed." Ruby did as she was told. She put the cloth on Ruby's neck. She flinched. "Does it sting?"Ruby nodded. Will and Luke still were standing there watching the whole time. "Don't you two have things to do?" Rose asked them. They looked at each other and then nodded. "Well, go on!" They walked out the door and Rose laughed. "Man can be so strange sometimes!" She turned to Ruby. She was still in shock. "Lily, you go on to the pump and get Ruby some water." "Why do I have to do it?" "Because I told you too!" Lily rolled her eyes as she ran out the door. Rose walked over and sat next to Ruby. Ruby started to cry all over again. She held her. "Ruby, it'll be alright!" Ruby looked up. "How do you know?" Rose smiled. "Do you think that Will and Luke are just going to let Mark hurt you?" Ruby shook her head. "Exactly! I won't let him hurt you either!" Ruby smiled. "Do you think Will would ever like me?" Rose smiled. "Oh so you like him?" "Why would I do that?" "Don't give me that! You do!" Ruby blushed. "Maybe a little." Rose smiled. "He kept looking at you the whole time!" Ruby looked up. "He did?" A smile came to her face and her eyes were shining like stars. "Yes! I bet he likes you!" "Oh, I hope so!" They both laughed as Lily came in. "Here's your water,Ruby." She handed her a cup. "Oh, thank you!" She took a sip. "Are you hungy, Ruby?" "A little." "Good! We can go home and pick apples!" "But what about the clinic?" "If anyone needs me they can come and get me!" Ruby, Rose, and Lily walked out the door. The summer breeze felt wonderfull on their skin. They all walked out to the feild and saw the apple trees. Lily ran and picked one. She then handed one to Ruby. Ruby took a bit. It was one of the redest, juiciest apples she'd ever eaten. "Oh ,this is the best apple I've ever eaten!" Rose and Lily laughed.
Image"Charm is deceptive,and beauty it fleeting,but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 30:31
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brittany k
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very, very good, mary! :)
I'm a crazy gal! :)
I love life! :)
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Mint Chocolate Chip
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I like it still Mary!
"Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts." - Jeremiah 15:16
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Fudge Marble
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i will love it! I haven't been able to read it yet. Sorry
"What-ever."- Pound Foolish


"Why are you cutting a table with a chainsaw...?"
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Aaron Wiley
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I finally got around to reading this (at least, the first section). Good effort! You seem very interested the idea of writing, and are expressing yourself well. Don't feel bad because you won't get this published. Like you've already been told a bunch of times, it really hard to get stuff published these days. Perhaps someday you will get published, but you can only get to that point if you keep writing and improving.

There are an amassment of fairly simple spelling and grammar mistakes, but those skills only come with time and practice! Don't feel bad when people don't like your story; you'll just get yourself discouraged. Your first story is nearly never as good as the next, or the next, or the next. The more you write, the more you'll improve.
"I strive to be an Elephant" - Odyssey Fan Wiley
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Did you base the title off Beautiful Joe? That's a real book, but I don't know if it's still in print.
What do you want here? You can move along to the next post now; nothing fun here in my signature.
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Raspberry Ripple
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Well I don't have a lot of English and book writing tips' but I must say It was pretty good. :D:
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aww thanks fodo! [my dear husband ;)] and smile awhile, i've never heard of that book, i called it "Beautiful Rose" for two reasons, I love roses, and the character i imagined was beautiful! and to everyone else, i'll be posting part 3 today! [WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! :)]

-- Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:29 am --

Rose was making the bed and folding the sheets. Lily was trying to chrochet as Luke ran in. "Luke, what's wrong?" Rose asked him. "There was an incident at the saloon." Will came in with Ruby in his arms. "Ruby! What happened?" Ruby wanted to tell her, yet couldn't. Will told her instead. "Mark was abusing her, Rose." Rose ran and hugged Ruby. "He even threatened to take her life." Luke added. "Oh, Ruby! I'm so sorry!" She told her friend. She looked at her and could see the fear in her eyes. She hugged her again. Lily came over and joined them. Rose looked at her and noticed blood trickling down Ruby's throat. "Ruby, did Mark do this to you?" She nodded. "Lily, quickly, get me a wet cloth!" Lily obeyed and handed her a cloth. "Here, sit down on the bed." Ruby did as she was told. She put the cloth on Ruby's neck. She flinched. "Does it sting?"Ruby nodded. Will and Luke still were standing there watching the whole time. "Don't you two have things to do?" Rose asked them. They looked at each other and then nodded. "Well, go on!" They walked out the door and Rose laughed. "Man can be so strange sometimes!" She turned to Ruby. She was still in shock. "Lily, you go on to the pump and get Ruby some water." "Why do I have to do it?" "Because I told you too!" Lily rolled her eyes as she ran out the door. Rose walked over and sat next to Ruby. Ruby started to cry all over again. She held her. "Ruby, it'll be alright!" Ruby looked up. "How do you know?" Rose smiled. "Do you think that Will and Luke are just going to let Mark hurt you?" Ruby shook her head. "Exactly! I won't let him hurt you either!" Ruby smiled. "Do you think Will would ever like me?" Rose smiled. "Oh so you like him?" "Why would I do that?" "Don't give me that! You do!" Ruby blushed. "Maybe a little." Rose smiled. "He kept looking at you the whole time!" Ruby looked up. "He did?" A smile came to her face and her eyes were shining like stars. "Yes! I bet he likes you!" "Oh, I hope so!" They both laughed as Lily came in. "Here's your water,Ruby." She handed her a cup. "Oh, thank you!" She took a sip. "Are you hungy, Ruby?" "A little." "Good! We can go home and pick apples!" "But what about the clinic?" "If anyone needs me they can come and get me!" Ruby, Rose, and Lily walked out the door. The summer breeze felt wonderfull on their skin. They all walked out to the feild and saw the apple trees. Lily ran and picked one. She then handed one to Ruby. Ruby took a bit. It was one of the redest, juiciest apples she'd ever eaten. "Oh ,this is the best apple I've ever tasted!" Rose and Lily laughed. Rose ate one as they kept walking. "So what are you going to name the baby?" Asked Lily. "Lily May, Don't be noisy!" Lily's head went down and stared at the ground. "Oh don't feel bad, Lil! I don't really know what to name him or her. I've always liked the name Violet. What do you think?" "I think it's a beautiful name, Ruby!" Rose told her. "If it's a boy what will you name it?" Lily asked. "How about Nathen?" "I like it!" Lily said. "Lily, how about you go and pick some of those wild flowers?" "Alright!" Lily said before she ran ahead. "Ruby, now I know this is none of my business,but who is the Father? Do you know?" She nodded. "It's Mark." Rose's eyes shot open. "Does he know?" "No, of course not! Do you really think I'd tell an abusive man he's going to have a child?" Rose shook her head. "No, I would hope not, but how long ago was this?" Ruby sighed. How could she forget? She had nightmares about it. "About a week ago. I started getting morning sickness a few days later." Rose nodded. She put her arm around Ruby. "I regret it more then anything. I wish I could go back in time and re do that night over again." Ruby told her. Just then Lily came running with her braids bouncing. She had daisys and buttercups in her hand. "Here, bend down,Ruby!" Ruby sat on the grass as Lily put flowers in her hair. Lily then looked at her. "You look beautiful!" Her smile was huge. "Aww thank you, Lily!" She hugged her. "If I have a baby girl I hope she's just like you!" "We could practice now!" Lily suggested. "We could pretend that your a Mommy now and I'll be your future baby!" Rose and Ruby both laughed. "I'd like that, Lily!"

-- Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:27 pm --

alright guys, this is part 4!

Lily's eyes were glowing like the moon. Rose looked at Ruby as she began to speak. "Ruby, if your going to stay with me you need to change out of that so called dress!" Ruby looked down at herself. Her dress was pretty immodest, but she loved the color. It was a beautiful red with black lining. "Tell you what Ruby, lets go home and you can wear one of my dresses!" "Oh Rose, I couldn't do that!" "Yes you can! Come on!" Rose helped Ruby off the ground as they headed for home. Rose didn't realize how long they had been outside. She looked at the sun as it was setting. The clouds were beautiful and bright. They were pink, white, and a little blue. "I wonder if Luke is home yet." Lily stated. They finally were home and they walked through the door. Luke was sitting on the chair as they walked in. "Hey Luke!" "Hey, Lily!" Luke shot up as he saw Ruby. "Are you ok, Ruby?" Ruby nodded. Rose glanced over to see Luke, his blue eyes were shining. She could see the compassion in his eyes. A wave of jealousy swept over her. Luke looked at her and smiled. She couldn't take this. "Um, Come on, Ruby. Lets pick out that dress." Ruby followed her to her bedroom. Rose could see Luke at the corner of her eye. He was still smiling. She rolled her eyes as she shut the bedroom door. "You have such beautiful dresses!" Ruby exclaimed. She ran to them. Rose held up a blue dress to Ruby. "Do you like this one?" "Yes! It's perfect!" "Well go ahead and get changed. I'll be in the kitchen." Rose went out the door and walked into the kitchen. She couldn't decide what to make. Nothing came to mind. She finally decided on pancakes, it was the only think that actaully sounded appealing. She made the batter as Ruby walked in. She had on a beautiful blue dress and her hair was down. "Oh, Ruby! You look gorgeous!" "I'll agree with that!" Luke added as he walked in. Ruby blushed and Rose looked away. Her eyes were full of anger. He seemed to like Ruby instead of her. 'I am falling for him!' Rose thought. She got back to the pancakes. She finally made 8 pancakes and set them on a plate. She set the plate on the table as Luke, Ruby, and Lily sat down to the table. "Lily, will you say grace?" Rose asked Lily. "Ok." They all held hands and bowed their heads. "Dear Jesus, Thank you for this food and for this day. Thank you that Ruby is having a baby and that she'll stay with us." Rose opened her eyes for a moment. 'She says such silly prayers.' Rose thought as she closed her eyes again. Lily kept going with her prayer. "Oh, and Jesus? Thank you for Luke and Rose and please let them get married. Amen." Rose blushed and Luke looked up at her. Rose now embarressed, didn't know what to say. Luke smiled. Rose coughed. "Um, Thank you, Lily." Lily smiled. "If you two do get married you need to have a lot of children so I can be an Aunt!" Rose wipped her mouth off with her napkin. "If you'll excuse me, I need some fresh air." Rose said as she got up. "Is something wrong, Rose?" Luke asked. "No, no, I'm fine!" She lied. "I just need some air." She walked out the door and went to the porch. 'If only Luke and I would end up together,' Rose thought.

Rose had been sitting on the porch for only a few minutes as Luke walked out. He sat on the steps besides her. "Where are Lily and Ruby?" "They're washing the dishes." He told her. "Why aren't you in there?" Luke looked at her. "Because I wanted to see you." "Oh, but don't you want to spend time with Ruby since you obviously like her?" She almost wanted to cry. Luke started to laugh. "You thought I liked Ruby?" "Well, yes, don't you?" He laughed again. "Are you jealous?" "No!" She lied again. "Oh, so you are!" "Well, you didn't answer me! Do you like Ruby?" "Why would it matter to you?" She didn't answer. "Look, Rose, well I've been wanting to say this for awhile now, but I was scared to. This seems like a bad time, but since you've brought it up I might as well say it." "What is it?" "I want to court you, I think I'm falling in love with you." Her heart skipped a beat. "Oh, Luke." He contiued. "Now I know I'm not as good as Will, but I've been thinking a lot about God lately. When Mark hurt Ruby today it made me realize that I need Jesus. I don't ever want to become like Mark. In some ways my past is the same as Ruby's and I know I'm going to hell." Rose didn't know what to say. "Luke, where did this come from?" "I was reading your Bible earlier. Then I found the part where Jesus died and rose again. I want to become a christian, Rose. Will you help me?" Rose's eyes sparkled as she smiled. "Yes, I will! Now you must ask Jesus to forgive you." "Well, what do I say?" He asked. "You just say what's in your heart." He bowed his head. "Well, God, I'm new to all this praying stuff, but I want to ask you to forgive me. I'm so sorry for sinning and rejecting you. In your name, Amen." He opened his eyes. "Luke?" "Yes, Rose?" "I will court you!" He smiled. "Oh Rose!" He took her hand and kissed it. She blushed. "May I have the permission to kiss you?" He asked her. "You may." He put his strong hands on her face and looked deep into her eyes. He gently kissed her. It was the most amazing think Rose had ever felt. She felt like she was 5 feet of the ground. She never wanted it to end, but it did. "Rose and Luke, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Lily and Ruby shouted. Rose and Luke laughed. "You two go on!" Rose told them. Luke put his arm around Rose as they laughed together. She leaned her head against his shoulder.
Image"Charm is deceptive,and beauty it fleeting,but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 30:31
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Suzy Lou Foolish
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This is wonderful! The scene between Luke and Rose seemed a bit rushed, but it wasn't bad. Thoroughly enjoying your story, Mary. *taps foot* Not trying to rush you or anything, but...I'm really looking forward to part five. ;)
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Cookies & Creme
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haha still working on it! :)
Image"Charm is deceptive,and beauty it fleeting,but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 30:31
Pound Foolish
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Rose is as wonderful and likable as ever (though she seems a bit, um, intolerant about other people's clothes. ;) )
I Ruby's reply to whether she liked Will. "Why would I do that?" Like she'd been asked about something one purposely goes out and executes. Adorable!
Rose and her friends sure have a lot of drama in their lives all at once... a guy shows up spewing blood... Ruby pops up after getting her throat cut by her boss... Rose was s**ually seduced by a guy who apparently was also abusive... Where does Rose live? Some Indian crime-center slum? ;)
BTW, Suzy, you should've known not to abandon me for Fodo... Look what happened! >:) Oh, and, um, about being pregnant... isn't that kinda a bad example to Selena? Sorry, sorry, there I go again. :D
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Cookies & Creme
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so you think it's good so far? i wanted as much drama as possible! now what should happen?

-- Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:52 pm --

ok guys, this is part 5!

Luke had wanted this to happen for the longest time, but he never thought he would. He even dreamed about it. Rose looked up at him. "Oh, Luke. This is wonderful. I never thought you'd want me!" "Why wouldn't I? You're the most amazing women I know!" "I've messed up and I have a terrible temper!" She started to choke up, the tears started to fall. "Rose, I love you! Nothing is going to change that!" He gently dried her tears. "I have to tell you something." "Alright, what is it, Rose?" She took a deep breath. She started to panick inside. She finally spoke. "I, I was abused when I was 8." Luke's eyes shot open. "Who did that to you?" She didn't want to say, but she couldn't lie to him. "It was my uncle." "Oh Rose, I'm so sorry." He held her close as she started to cry. "Not even Lily knows. This is the reason I am so protective of myself. I'm so scared it will happen again." "Rose, I promise I will never do that to you." "I know you never would, but it still hurts. I still have nightmares about it." "Rose, I'm here and so is God. Your past doesn't make a difference. I love you for who you are, not what you were and besides, it's not your fault! I've done bad things to." "Like what?" He was hoping she wouldn't ask. "Well, Um, Rose, your not the only women I've loved. I thought I loved her anyway, but what I did showed that I really didn't." "You mean," Luke sighed. "Yes, Rose, We did some things that we shouldn't have done."

-- Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:30 pm --

part 6! if anyone else is still reading,

Rose looked up at him. "Oh, Luke. This is wonderful. I never thought you'd want me!" "Why wouldn't I? You're the most amazing women I know!" "I've messed up and I have a terrible temper!" She started to choke up, the tears started to fall. "Rose, I love you! Nothing is going to change that!" He gently dried her tears. "I have to tell you something." "Alright, what is it, Rose?" She took a deep breath. She started to panick inside. She finally spoke. "I, I was abused when I was 8." Luke's eyes shot open. "Who did that to you?" She didn't want to say, but she couldn't lie to him. "It was my uncle." "Oh Rose, I'm so sorry." He held her close as she started to cry. "Not even Lily knows. This is the reason I am so protective of myself. I'm so scared it will happen again." "Rose, I promise I will never do that to you." "I know you never would, but it still hurts. I still have nightmares about it." "Rose, I'm here and so is God. Your past doesn't make a difference. I love you for who you are, not what you were and besides, it's not your fault! I've done bad things to. That's the wonderful thing about God. He always will forgive us and heal us." She knew deep down in her heart that he was right. She closed her eyes as that cool summer breaze gently blew on her face. It had been 3 months since Luke had gotten there. The time had gone by quickly. She again leaned her head on his shoulder. Was it possble for someone to love her in that short of time? She pondered the thought. What if he was being like her uncle? He had claimed he loved her to, but had taken advantage of her. Rose's uncle was only 8 years older then her. She finally banished the thought. She coulnd't take those wicked memories. "These memories of my past and the pain I feel is like a cancer that won't leave." She finally said. Luke held her hand as she continued. "It's as if there's no cure. I'm a doctor, I'm use to fixing things and making it better, but with my own pain I can't cure it." "In this case God is the physician, you just need to let him do the fixing part. You need to let go of your past, Rose." He gently told her. The words echoed in her ears. She had heard that line so many times. "It's easy for you to say. Your not in my position. If you were me what would you do?" She asked. "I'd follow my own advise." He plainly told her. They both sat their in silence for what felt like an eterinty. Rose finally spoke. "We should go inside, it's getting late and I'm tired."
Image"Charm is deceptive,and beauty it fleeting,but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 30:31
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Cookies & Creme
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So hey guys, i have some news about my book. I have this writer friend and i showed her a few pages and i JUST got her email now. She said i might be able to get it published!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Image"Charm is deceptive,and beauty it fleeting,but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 30:31
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brittany k
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MaryBeth_13 wrote:So hey guys, i have some news about my book. I have this writer friend and i showed her a few pages and i JUST got her email now. She said i might be able to get it published!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
That's so awesome mary! :) great job! :)
I'm a crazy gal! :)
I love life! :)
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Cookies & Creme
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I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image"Charm is deceptive,and beauty it fleeting,but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 30:31
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you should sign up....your book might win.
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Cookies & Creme
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wow i dont think i could win. my parents haven't decided if i can or not. they prolly wont decide at all and they'll reject it like always
Image"Charm is deceptive,and beauty it fleeting,but a women who fears the Lord shall be praised." Proverbs 30:31
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