AshleyWhittaker's Thread

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AshleyWhittaker's Thread


Hey guys! I just wanted to post the beginning of a fan fiction I'm working on. I'll put it in a spoiler :)
Ding! The door opened early Monday morning and Connie Kendall walked in. "Hi, Connie!" Whit greeted her warmly. He was still pretty glad about her not being married to Jeff, and was always happy around her.
"Hi Whit." She greeted him a glumly as he had greeted her cheerfully.
"Oh boy. I haven't seen you this down since Penny painted your room neon pink." Whit chuckled at the memory.
Connie almost smiled too, then sighed. “It’s nothing. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Whit.” She smiled at his concern, then walked into the kitchen.
Ding! The bell rang again, more quickly this time. Eugene came rushing in.
“Good morning Mr. Whittaker! Sorry I’m late!” He cried.
“Wow! It’s nice to hear you say that for once!” Connie called from the kitchen.
“I’ll ignore that.” Eugene said. “Shall I start on the Imagination Station today?”
“Yes, yes. The Hannah and Samuel one need to be done by August, and it’ll take that long to program it. We don’t want to keep the kids waiting.” Whit said, then winked.
“Or adults. I heard a lot of feedback, and they want it almost as much as the children!”
“Well then, let’s get to work.” Whit said, and walked behind Eugene behind the stairs.


Connie cringed at the sound of Eugene and Whit’s feet pounding on the stairs. She sighed. “They really have to get that fixed.” She thought, then sighed again. The thoughts kept swirling in her head. “Why doesn’t he love me?” She thought despairingly. “If only he knew how much I cared for him…” Then she jumped at the sound of the bell over the door ringing.
“Hello? Anyone here?”
Connie managed to put on a smile and walk out of the kitchen. “Oh, hi Jason.”
“Hey, Connie!” He said cheerfully. “Dad in?”
She thought she would die from bliss under the sunniness of his smile. “Uhh… he’s upstairs.”
“Thanks!” He called over his shoulder as he bounded up the stairs two at a time.
Connie sighed… this time, a very Barbie-like-when-she’s-in-love sigh. She knew she had found her Ken.


“Dad? You up here?” Jason called.
“In the Bible Room, Jason!” Whit said from under the Imagination Station.
“Good.” Jason walked in and sat down on the floor beside Eugene. “Hey, did any of you notice how pretty Connie looked this morning? Almost as if she had walked off a movie set!” He finished with an almost dreamy smile.
Eugene rolled his eyes and Whit cleared his throat. “Yes… um… did you need something?”
“Oh… right.” Jason said. “I need to talk to you guys about something.
“What is it?” Eugene asked eagerly. “Another case?”
“Kinda,” Jason began, “More like a… um…”
“A case.” Whit finished. “But I thought you were finished with the NSA, Jason.”
“I know, I know. But this has more to it than that. It has to do with Connie’s uncle.”
“Connie’s uncle?” Eugene asked in surprise. “Which one?”
“Well, he’s dead now,” Jason stated, “But he left behind a case for me to solve.”
Eugene and Whit stared at him in unbelief. “What kind of case?”
“You see, he was an NSA agent like me. And apparently, he was killed by a jealous someone because—“
“Whit?” Connie called from the bottom of the stairs. “Phone!”
“Coming!” Whit called back. “You can explain later, Jason.”
“Yeah; Ok. I know Connie won’t want to hear me talk about it.” Jason said.
Whit walked down the stairs and took the phone from Connie. “Thanks, Connie.”
“No problem.” She smiled weakly and disappeared to the kitchen to dwell over Jason not loving her.
“Hello?” Whit said into the telephone. There was a pause. “Hello?”
“Are you Mr. John Avery Whittaker?” A which-like voice said into the phone.
“Yes,” Whit said somewhat nervously, then stronger, “Who are you?”
“None of your business.” Said the witch. “I need you to tell me if you have an employee named Connie Kendall.”
“And why do you need to know?” Whit asked suspiciously. Connie looked at him with surprise and curiosity.
“As I said, none of your business! Now, does she, or not?!” He snarled.
“No. She doesn’t. Is that all?” He asked.
“Yes.” Then he hung up.
Whit put the receiver in its cradle and sighed.
“What’s wrong, Whit?” Connie asked with concern.
“A man was calling to ask if you worked here.” Whit started.
Connie looked confused. “Then why’d you tell him no?”
“Because of the way he asked. He sounded like a villain.”
“Oh…” Connie said thoughtfully, then paled and went quickly back to the kitchen. But Whit didn’t notice. He was too busy thinking about who the mysterious caller was.
That's all I have so far. Please tell me what you think!
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"Connie sighed… this time, a very Barbie-like-when-she’s-in-love sigh. She knew she had found her Ken."
Awww! Lovely... It's odd to think of Connie still liking Jason, especially since we've never been given a single reason to think she might be, but lovely. Well written. Jason's a hard character to write for and you did him nicely.
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Why thank you, PF. I should have mentioned that I based this on a story I made up several years ago, but never turned it into a fan fiction till now. It is very... odd, to say the least. It includes a dead brother and uncle of Connie's, a jealous madman, and other things. Should be interesting :)
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Cookie Dough
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I love that Connie and Jason are + about each other! It's like my dreams have come true! *sighs*

Though I did think it was a bit out of character for Whit to lie to that guy on the phone. Also, if that guy was trying to figure out if Connie works there, she shouldn't have answered the phone... He probably would have recognized her voice.

But other than that, it was great! Good job Ashley :D
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Raspberry Ripple
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I just listened to a sermon from 1st Samuel on when a priest lied to Saul about where David was cause Saul was going to kill him. I think the same applies for Whit telling the guy if Connie worked there :) And the reason he didn't recognize Connie's voice is because he hasn't seen her since she was a little girl.
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That makes sense. I suppose all of that will be revealed later in the plot? :)
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Raspberry Ripple
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yeppers! I'll say now, though, that it is NOT AT ALL like the Odyssey we know. I made up this story when I was 13, and let's just say I was weirder then ;)
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Weren't we all at that age?? lol
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OOh, a bit of mystery, Connie + Jason-- Please continue! :)
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I'm going to try to do a bit more today :)
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Here's more :)
I just want to say that I added a part (that I won't post here cause it's one line) where Eugene goes downstairs too. It makes this part of the story make more sense :)
Chapter two
Connie went back to the kitchen. She picked up the dish she had set down when the phone rang and continued to scrub it. Worried thought ran through her head. Why was he here? Not why, she though grimly, but how? How had he found her? She had changed her name and everything, so how- Her thoughts were interrupted by Eugene's "Ms. Kendall!"
"Yes, Eugene?" She called back, slightly annoyed at him for interrupting her thoughts.
"Can you come here for a brief minute?"
"Yep!" She walked out towards the counter, thinking nothing of the nervousness she heard in his voice.
"Yes, Euge-" She started, then stopped. "You!!" She gasped.
"Yes, it is I, Connie. Or should I say Ro-" The muscular man said, then was cut short by Connie.
"Can't you put the gun away and we'll talk about this like all relatives should?" She asked nervously.
"Sorry; can't. Let's go."
"What about me?" Eugene asked in a small voice.
The man glared at him. "What else?! You're coming with us!"
Connie didn't like that idea. He would be sure to find out things then; things she had kept secret for the past 10 years. "Oh come on, Uncle, can't you just leave him here? He won't tell, will you, Eugene?"
Eugene looked confused. "Uhh... is that a trick question?"
"You see? C'mon, let's go." The man grabbed their wrists, being the large man that he was, he could handle both, and he threw them in the back of his large, stoled hydro van, and sped off. Connie knew that it would be no use to try and struggle. He was good at this. He had caught her once; she had only escaped because her Uncle Fernando had been there to rescue her. Now he was dead, and no one could save them now.


"Ok, Jason; what was that you were saying?" Whit asked once he got back up to the Bible Room.
Jason smiled. He always enjoyed keeping people in suspense, especially his dad. "What's that, dad? Are you curious?
Whit chuckled. "No... I just want you to finish what you were saying.
Jason smiled knowingly and continued. "Well, it seems there's this guy who killed my partner from the NSA, Connie's uncle, who is at large. He was apparently seen in Connlesville last, and is on his way here. And he's looking for... um, dad? What's wrong?"
Whit looked from the window to Jason. "Huh?"
"Is something the matter?"
"No, no. It's just that a hydro truck pulled out of the driveway, and we didn't need anything fixed, did we?"
Jason thought for a second. "No... I don't think so."
Whit got up. "I'll go and ask Connie or Eugene if they know."
Jason got up too. "Ok, I need ot go down too."
They both went down the stairs towards the counter.
"Connie? Eugene?" Whit called.
"Hey Connie! You here? Eugene!" Jason called, louder than his dad.
"Hmm, they're not here." Whit said. "Did they say anything about needing to go out to get some things?"
"No..." Jason said slowly. "They didn't say anything about going anywhere, so that only means-"
Whit cut him off. "Oh come on, Jason. That's just the agent coming out in you."
"Well?! What else can you think of?"
"They... took a bathroom break?"
"At the same time? Ok, I'll go check the men's room."
Jason ran and went into the men's room and was back in less than 20 seconds. "Nope! He's not there. And I peeked in the ladies room..."
"...and she wan't there, either!" Jason finished with a hint of triumph in his voice.
"Ok, call the police. But they can't do anything! We don't have any proof!"
"Well, maybe we could check the security camera?"
Whit felt stupid. Of course! Good grief, he told himself, you're losing you touch, Whit. To Jason he said, "Good idea. Let's go."
What do you think?
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Fudge Marble
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Oh, no! Connie and Eugene have been captured! And Connie has some family secrets. I hope that Jason rescues them--but not before we find out what's going on!
Can't wait for next chapter!
By the way, I saw you have the first chapter up on
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Raspberry Ripple
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Yep I put it there! And I read your stuff too... they're amazing!!!!!
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Thanks Ashley! I was a little hesitant to put them up there at first, because of the violence. Rated T definitely. Not for younger listeners!:) Poor Jason! :( I am a little surprised that I did this to him, but then again, it wasn't me, it was the bad guys.
Anyway, getting off topic.....
Are you going to post more on Other stories?
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Cookie Dough
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That was great, Ashley!
You do a good job with Jason. I can so hear him say everything you're writing ;) Keep it up!
Can't wait till the next installment. :D
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Raspberry Ripple
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Liz'alike wrote: I can so hear him say everything you're writing ;)
Omgosh that's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten. Thanks! ;)
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haha You're welcome :) It's very true.
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I hate Connie and Jason romance other than that it is fine.
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