reflecting reality: is AIO true to life?

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reflecting reality: is AIO true to life?


How closely does love in fiction reflect that of life?
One feels, so often, that love in a book comes so close to love in our real world. Bonnie and Billy's devotion seems real. Romeo and Juliet's fiery passion seems real. Katniss and Peeta's strange, bizarre feelings, tangled emotions and conflicted inner storm seem real.
Of course, fiction tries to imitate reality... or does it? Is the point of fictional romance, really, to try and take a picture of what we can already see? However, we can see so little of reality. Is fiction trying to capture shards of reality we fail to grasp? Or is fiction more about imagination… about dreaming… about things we know nothing of, that sparkle in our minds, distant feelings in the depths of the oceans in our hearts.
Oh yes, our hearts are deep as the oceans.
Far deeper.
What is there? What mysteries lie on our heart’s sandy floor? What dreams are there that we dare not dream?
I read an article which the author complained of AIO love relationships, saying they were too dramatic, had too much and too extended flirtation, and were unrealistic.
Are relationships in fiction supposed to be realistic? Does that really matter?
On the other hand, are are AIO relationships truly unrealistic? Truth be told, romantic relationships are full of drama and flirtation, and don’t necessarily move fast.
Let’s take a quick look at some of the much talked of AIO love affairs:
Connie and Mitch
Connie adored Mitch right off the bat. A few question this. Can one fall in love at first sight? Or was Connie’s passion infatuation all along? After all, the relationship ended. Is it possible to romantically love someone, really love someone, then stop?

Priscilla and Barrett
This hasn’t gotten very far, was we all know. But it’s risen some fascinating issues in the Priscilla and Barrett topic started by yours truly. (In the Characters forum.) How young is too young when it comes to love? IS there such a thing as too young? Should feelings of romance be clung to at tender ages?
Mandy and Trent:
This relationship was never dived into very far, but it was touching. And, like Priscilla and Barrett, their affections started young.

Wooton and Penny:
OMG, l should I even get started? This pair rocks, but this thing’s been debated left right and through the window. In any case, the amuse some (myself included) and the affair really seems quite sweet. They laugh together, like the same things, and are both Christians. Speaking of which, people keep complaining Wooton never asked Penny if she was Christian. Sure, we were never shown it, but the scene with Wooton meeting Penny ends with their conversation apparently just starting. Obviously, we were just supposed to assume he asked.

Emily and Buck:
When I last brought this up, Mr. Thinker kinda lost his patience with me. He thinks the whole thing was creepy. Really, it could be seen that way. But Buck was taking advantage of Emily’s affection to get a cell phone. Not really creepy or romantic. What gets interesting is when you let your imagination go a little… and wonder if he really meant just a little of what he said. And, hey, if you’re not annoyed be giggling, Emily’s adoration of him was very sweet. (Yes, Mr. Thinker hates Emily’s giggling.)
Well, that’s enough, I’d say. There are others. Jason and… well, his three loves. Mandy and Seth (shudder) which thankfully never went anywhere. Oh, yes, and Valerie and Brad…
So, what do you guys think? Would you say the relationships are fairly realistic? What about AIO in general? Is it much like real life? And does it really matter?
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I liked Penny and Wooton together, giddy as they may be. Emily and Buck added some intriguing dynamics, but I think it would only work for TGRC. If they came back together, I might blow something. I have never liked Barrett and Priscilla together. AiO does not need to have three romantic relationships at once. I think that this pair does not need to exist.
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Oh come on, PF! I was gonna do a post on romance and Odyssey. You better watch yourself, boy. >:(

Kidding. ^.^

Maybe it's because I'm a girl and I'm a romantic at heart but I like all the romance that Odyssey has covered. Sometimes, it can be a bit silly but hey, normal life romance is often a bit silly. Romance/love/puppy love is a main part of life. Odyssey is a realistic show (well, not all the time. Looking at you, Novacom saga) and let's chill out.

As for your questions, I think Connie was truly in love with Mitch, Pricilla and Barrett aren't that annoying so I like them, Mandy and Trent are great, Wooten and Penny are fun but I can't see them getting married, I have no comment about Buck and Emily, and I either ship Jason/Tasha or Jason/Me.
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A lot of the time it is, but, it is kind of far fetched when it comes to things like the buissness about 'Rakistan'.
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Honestly, if we are talking about the whole love thing, I really don't know. I have never had a boyfriend, only un-communicated crushes. I get most of what dream about love from books or movies. My friends (those not dating : P) and I talk about crushes, but we don't know yet.

I mean, I think what it is, is that most of what we know, we either read about it or watched it in a movie. But that is what books are about, to loose yourself in something you will probably never experience. I have dreamed so many ways of meeting my future husband, and I am pretty sure that it will not happen any of the ways that I have thought of, but it is fun to dream about it. The whole thing with AIO is that it is a different world. It isn't reality for us, but that is why we like it.
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