Diving deep into the depths. (Now say that five times fast.)

Do you think Matthew is a great character? Absolutely hate Emily? This is the place to discuss AIO characters, from the old to the new!
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Diving deep into the depths. (Now say that five times fast.)


Okay, so. I've been re-listening to different episodes of the relaunch over the past few days and I've concluded that...

There isn't really much to our current characters, is there?

I mean, we get episodes centered around characters every album. Yet, they are centered around characters we know hardly anything about! We know near to nothing about their families, backgrounds, hardships--Anything!

We know about the Parkers most, and we can pretty much have a main idea about their lives. Same goes for the Jones family--We have a pretty good idea about them now. How Emily and Matthew struggle to both find and be themselves with their family and friends.

But what about others? What about Nelson and Valerie Swanson? What makes Nelson so jumpy, or Valerie so angry and mean? What about Ryan [Jim] Cummings? Will we ever get to see his backstory, as presented in the Kidsboro books, set to life in Odyssey? And how about Priscilla? I recall at least once, perhaps twice, where she spoke of her mother. Yet, no father? Very interesting.

This is the topic where you all may create and speculate upon characters and their back stories. Give them depth from the depths of your own imagination. Only you can decide.

Here is part one of my ideas for character stories:

The Swansons: When Nelson was only four, and Valerie only six, their mother left them, stating she no longer wanted the responsibility of being a parent or wife. Just taking off, leaving Val and Nelson alone with their father, to continue hurting.
The two children didn't understand, and for the rest of their lives, they always felt like it was their fault. They felt eyes staring them down like hawks to their prey. Judging. Misunderstanding. Hating.
People made fun of them both, calling them burdens and other insulting nicks' for years. Nelson, being the soft-hearted, sensitive boy he is, took each insult like another load to carry.
And carry he did. He'd carry he did. He'd carry it all until he'd trip and fall, and then he'd fall apart.
Valerie, on the other hand, took it in anger. Her mother didn't want her, so she didn't want her mother. She even grew hatred toward her, and others. Though deep down, she was afraid. Afraid of getting hurt, afraid of betrayal. She could hardly handle it once, much less a second time.
She could and would play rough-ian or poison princess to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. People were scared of her, even her own brother.
Really, she knows that none of her 'friends' are friends at all. And maybe, that's what gets her to act so poorly still.
All she wants--and needs--is a real friend. Perhaps Jay is as close as she can get? Who knows.
Nelson, not being able to confide in his sister, or anyone really, took to quietly making his way through life. His studies were his friends, and he was okay with that. Well, as okay as anyone would be.
He took to tinkering, and the like, working on small projects from clocks to mechanical pencils. (Yes, I did just make a Matthew reference) At one point while tinkering with a broken stapler, a boy just a year or two older than him approached him about it.
Nelson was scared, as always his first reaction, and awaited the insults. However, instead, this boy (who had introduced himself as Ryan Cummings) only pulled up a chair and watched Nelson work.
Eventually, he spoke up, suggesting something that might have been wrong with the stapler. Together they then started on what was the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
As it turns out, Ryan had recently moved there after fleeing with his mother from his abusive father.
While not exactly the same story, they both sort of understood each other. They'd both been hurt by a parent, by people, and they didn't have anyone else, really. Except God, as Ryan had said. Nelson didn't really know about God... He didn't exactly want to, either. If there really was a God, why did He let his mom leave and other kids hate him?
Ryan made that his personal goal though. He wanted his friend to believe, even when it felt like everyone and thing was against him. He wanted him to know that there was Someone on his side. Two someones.
Even though their friendship, and Ryan's faith, was tested, (I.E. Kidsboro) the friendship remained strong over time. Eventually it lead to creating a club for their favorite thing (and friendship starter): Tinkering. Which, of course, we all know what happens with that later. Pete, who they had befriended from Kidsboro (although they already knew him some from school) joined, and later, Matthew.
Nelson is still on edge about some things (he was always a rather scared kid), although he's gotten better about people. Quite brave, even in Kidsboro.
Valerie, on the other hand, while mellowing her physical violence over the past few years, still has yet to truly befriend anyone. Although she has her popular status, and doesn't let anyone walk all over her.

And that is something I think could end up a really great back story to give some depth to Nelson and Valerie. No one becomes that mean, or that sensitive on their own. Things probe it. Prod it. Make it real. And I think it could bring in some great discussion, if handled properly.

Stay tuned for my head canon update on Priscilla Peterson later this week. Where I discuss how her dad was killed over seas (a soldier), she befriended Berrett, and more. (I sound like a news anchor or something. -_-)

In the meantime, feel free to discuss this, actual canon storie. and even create your own now. I'll try to keep being active in this discussion, depending on school and stuff. \

So, anyways, as PF would say, let's talk it up!
Last edited by Samantha14 on Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Of course, all boys have cooties, so I avoid like them like the plague. -Helios

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Interesting..... ? What is that supposed to mean, Sing? (And I adore your set.)
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Nelson S.
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Superb. I could imagine all that had happen to Nelson and Valerie. Very enticing, Shammy.

Your writing made me feel for Nelson and Valerie to an extent that I had never experienced for these characters. Thank you for writing this.
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Ooh, fascinating. (That's a bit better than "interesting" I hope.) Thank you for taking the time to share this. I enjoyed it.
Hrm. I've long been curious about Valerie. She seems so cruel and power hungry, the sort who is simply bent on getting what she wants and doesn't care how. But I often wonder if there's any particular way she ended up there.
As for Nelson, him, not so much. Valerie has a vicious surface that hides everything underneath, and furious hunger for power. She's one-dimensional, but she's good at it. Nelson, to me, is more or less just there. I'm glad he's part of AIO, and I'd notice him more and like him more if he had a major role outside of Kidsboro. As it is, he's just another AIO science nerd. AIO has had plenty of nerds, heck, it has three besides Nelson here and now in this generation alone! (Pete or whatever that kid with the deep voice in the Tinkerers Club name is, Eugene, and Matthew.) Even though Matthew is more about machines than science, he is still a nerd. And of course, Eugene is the peak of nerdom. And that's not even counting the characters in past generations. AIO has overdone it with science-nerds and technophiles in my opinion. Still, if Nelson were fleshed out more, perhaps in the way you did, it would be lovely.
Well written, as ever, Frog Face.
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*applauds* that was a great, Shey! I really hadn't thought much about the Swansons, to be honest... I feel about Nelson I suppose like PF does. His character isn't in many episodes, and when he is, he's so quiet and calm that he really doesn't stand out. Also, I don't feel attached to him from his almost complete lack of character development (which i suppose is the point of this topic ;))

Valerie... Now I will say this chick stands out quite a bit more... But at the same time, all the episodes we hear her in are about people having an issue with her, not why is she like the way she is. She's just a bully, but we have no idea whys she's like that...

I liked your theory's, Shey... They fit the Swansons well! Can't wait to hear about Priscilla ;)
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This was the topic you were talking about. O.o I would really, really love to see some character development along these lines for the Swansons. It's not a secret that I have disliked Valerie's character in the past, and I think that some background information and concentration on her story would help a lot, as opposed to her being a random antagonist.
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Raspberry Ripple
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Samantha14 wrote:Interesting..... ? What is that supposed to mean, Sing? (And I adore your set.)

Thank you Sam! Interesting.... was not meant to be bad. it means what it is, that was an interesting story! :D Plus that was a lot to take in at once. plus I sometimes forget who people are, an I can't remember quite evrything about the swanson's that"s all. :) Anyway good job at what you came up with like always!

-- Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:26 pm --

by the way Sam, I agree with the whole we hardly know anything about the new characters quote you said. (if that makes any sence what I just said.... :) )

Of course, all boys have cooties, so I avoid like them like the plague. -Helios

Music is life, that's why our hearts have beats
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