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Cookie Dough
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Yes...you look very different, Noah.... *pulls out hair trimmers*
Oh these? They're hedge trimmers. I'm uh..trying to win "Lawn of the Year"
꿈. 희망. 전진.
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Wretched Sinner
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*Slowly steps away from Helios.

Not so fast Rosy, my parents are gonna make me get a haircut this week :(
Butter Pecan
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Hey, it's not like I'm gonna attack YOU. I know who my friends are (except when my seeing-aids get knocked off...then I go ballistic).

Anyway, I was referring to the way you look at the camera, not the length of your hair. :P Though, now that I come to think of it...you look a little like a girl with that haircut...
Last edited by Helios on Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Helios wrote:Rosy? Excuse me??? 8O

Hey, it's not like I'm gonna attack YOU. I know who my friends are (except when my seeing-aids get knocked off...then I go ballistic).

Anyway, I was referring to the way you look at the camera, not the length of your hair. :P Though, now that I come to think of it...you look a little like a girl with that haircut...
Rosy is my sister...aka underseasie...

So he wasn't talking to you there, don't worry. However, there's no reason to be rude.

(Though I do agree that he needs a haircut.)
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Butter Pecan
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Lol, just figured that out, God's Girl (saw it on another forum).

I'm just gonna edit that post real quick...

Dude, do lots of people have siblings on here? I mean, Nelson S., Liz'alike, and Bethany Shepard are all related (either that, or they are eerily alike in their DNA).

Was I rude? I apologize...I talk sarcastically most of the time. I was teasing him, but I'll try not to be so...caustic..next time. :D

You think he needs a haircut? I think he needs more hair! The longer the cuter is my opinion (Prince Caspian, anyone?). :D
Pound Foolish
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Um. Pardon me, but well... Wretched Sinner does look a hair feminine. But that's okay, keep your hair on. (Or don't, preferably.)
Consider me your brother in Sarcasm, Helios sir.
PS, Arkan once grew his hair super long ,and virtually everyone in my family begged him to stop. Finally, an aunt of ours actually paid him to cut it.
The number of times I mistook him for a girl... Life was bizarre and bristled with difficulties. But at last, Arkan was relieved of his hairy birden. (For the Birds.)
Last edited by Pound Foolish on Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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*Laughs* I remember him telling me about that, but he didn't tell me that part xD That's hilarious. Just wow.
Butter Pecan
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Eeek! Everyone changed their sigs and avis! *stares goggled-eyed, then rams glasses up nose and snaps jaw shut*

PF, you're one to talk about a hair feminine. Look at your avi and sig! Flynn's hair is no longer than Noah's. :P

One day, I'm gonna shave my head and send you the picture. :)

Ooooo....Arkan with super long hair. Well, if he looks anything like his sig, that would have been really cute. *winks at...oh, never mind*

And long-haired guys are so totally no longer in style. Have you seen Hollywood lately? What's with getting a really short haircut and then letting all this grunge grow over their jaws...really disgusting.. :P
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Stella C.
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Helios wrote:
And long-haired guys are so totally no longer in style. Have you seen Hollywood lately? What's with getting a really short haircut and then letting all this grunge grow over their jaws...really disgusting.. :P
I soooo agree! =P

(Now.. Chris Hemsworth's hair.......... That's a different story ;) )
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Cookie Dough
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Hey now, I like short hair with facial hair! (Depends on the facial hair though...) I like short hair with like a 3 o'clock shadow... I find it attractive... Then again, I'm not drawn to the JB type with major baby face going on... So I suppose we're all drawn to different things ;)
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Haha, Liz, I so totally love the whole Bieber look. Just..I don't like Bieber. :P

Shadows aren't too bad, so long as the guy's hair is long enough to even it out (Aragorn, anyone?). :D But that's my opinion. I tend to not like facial hair, but that's just me. Some guys look great with it. :D
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Cookie Dough
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That's true, Helios, it also depends on the guy. (I do like Aragorn ;)hehe)
Butter Pecan
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Lol, do I see some girlish blushing here? :P

Truth be told, I actually like Faramir better than Aragorn. ;) Which is kinda odd, because usually I like the dark-haired guys (eg, Edmund over Peter), but somehow...Faramir just looks so nice and gentlemanly, I can't help but like him better. :D

-- Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:00 pm --

So, since I'm super-bored today, I think I'll post something about myself. :D

Name: Um.....some of you know my real name, some of you don't. I answer to the call fo many names. But the most usual one you'll find is one that starts with M
Age: Again, some of you know my real age (even my DOB), but I'll just leave it at this: I'm older than I sound. :P
Hair color: Um...it's not blond...
Eye color: I'm not blue-eyed...most of the time...
Country: The blood of many flows in my veins...but I've never left the US
Favorite book: The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks
Favorite movie: Ooooooo...currently, Hugo. But that's subject to change (c'mon, Ender's Game!)
Favorite food: Mashed potatoes and strawberries
Favorite AIO episode: Um...have to get back to you on that...
Favorite song: Linkin Park's Numb
Cool thing about me: I was awake during some cosmetic surgery when I was 10...
Coolest dream ever: The one where I was flying...
Occupation: Normal, unassuming girl by day...huntress by night
Hobby(ies): Commenting til my fingers fall off, poking silent fun at people's pictures, and wondering what would happen if I posted a pic of myself...thinking total system meltdown here... :evil:
Pound Foolish
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Annnd after reading that, I still do not know what your actual hobbies are (apart from writing, which is awesome) nor any actual information about you apart from the fact you like mashed potatoes with strawberries, the movie Hugo, and some song I've never heard of. Apart from that, nothing. Blue "most of the time"? What does that mean? Do you have that sort of eyes that change color? And what do you hunt? Are you a headhunter?
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
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Butter Pecan
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Why, Poundy, that was the whole point! It only serves to enhance my shadowed personality. Does it bother you? :P

I don't like mashed potatoes WITH strawberries, I like them apart! Like, what weirdo would eat fruit with a starch? :? :P

Most of the time blue...it's complicated. REALLY complicated (but no, I'm not an alien or anything) :P

As for the hunting...I hate to give away company secrets. Suffice to say that I do a lot of my work at night. Does that make more sense...ma'am?
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I don't think it's complicated. A lot of people's eyes seem to change color depending on what they're wearing. Purple Panda, for example, has green eyes most of the time, but they can look brown or gray, or on rare occasions blue, depending on what color she's wearing.

Hunting at night? I need to be more careful.

An Asa Butterfield fan, perhaps?

Ooooh, I know your name! Marilyn, right? Wait, no, Marsha. No, Mabel? I remember now, ********.

The rest of this message was removed by a huntress who has murdered GratiaDei.
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Ooh! I love Asa Butterfield, though I haven't seen Ender's Game yet :/
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Cookie Dough
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Why did I not see this before now?? *slaps forehead*

*GASP* Vixey, you like Skandar Keynes?? Wow, I didn't know that!!

I'm with you PF, mashed potatoes WITH strawberries?? I'm definitely thinking alien here!

I bet you wear contacts to cover your red and yellow slitted eyes! Sometimes you like to mix it up with different colors!
Butter Pecan
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Oh, Gratia, Panda has such cool eyes!!! :D I KNEW there was something special about that girl. ;)

Yes, be very careful. I don't have very good vision at night, so I might get you by accident. :twisted: :)

Oh, yes, definitely an Asa Buttefield fan! I've loved him ever since seeing him in Adventures of Merlin. His eyes...his voice...he's to die for... *wistful sigh* Even tho he's younger than me, he's still tragically cute. :D WILL DIE TO WATCH ENDER'S GAME.

Lol, ahahahaha, I shall die laughing as you try to guess my name! It's such fun. :P

Very funny, Lexicon. YOU KNEW!!! :evil: And I'm not alien! (scuse the yellow irises, just a Sith thing, ya know?) :D
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Cookie Dough
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Knew what? I'm sure. Know nothing of your strange and weird little planet! You even state that you're a Sith :twisted: In can only assume you're other worldly, Punzy!!
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