Jason: Tasha, Monica, or... CONNIE?!?

If it ships, it fits! Think Jennie is a match made in heaven? Think Jason and Tasha are meant to be? Here's where to discuss your OTP!
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Arkán Dreamwalker
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Aren't they at least 10 years apart?
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Arkán Dreamwalker wrote:Aren't they at least 10 years apart?
AT LEAST. If not more. Apparently age makes no difference... But, I would rather them not get married. It would just change things too much. Plus, wouldn't it just end up like another Connie and Mitch story?

(Insert someone whining about Jason's retirement here. ;) )
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either way I would be fine with ;) There are pros and cons to both, enough to even them out :D I would nice to see Connie and Jason married, but at the same time, it would be to much change, to quickly, you know?
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Um, at this point in my life I'm open for options, but seeing how Connie isn't real... It looks like a no go for me. :D :lol:

On a more serious, but equally pointfilled note, this can not happen. EVER. End of story.

My reasoning has been stated elsewhere, but another point I wish to make is that both have been long term characters and for them to make that kind of thing happen would be a BIG shake to the show. I honestly feel that this is one of those "fandom loves" as was the case with Connie and Eugene in the early years.
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Age is a side-issue here. It's fine that we think women shouldn't get married to significantly older men. Though that kind of thing is not very unusual and sometimes works. It just depends if they are truly in love.
Is it then not a matter of "Ew, gross!" but of logic? Well, let's look at this logically, then. If Connie left Mitch, then how can she love Jason? She realized she and Mitch would never work because Mitch lived for action. That was his calling, his life. He found danger thrilling. That life wasn't Connie's. The same would apply to Jason... until recently. Now, it seems Jason could indeed be a compatible partner for Connie. He too is soul searching, and dedicated to God, and he has certainly shown interest in romance. So, in the end, Jason and Connie isn't logically problematic.
What it comes down to is gut-instinct.
Some of us feel that Connie and Jason should get together instinctively that it would be perfect if Jason and Connie came together. The rest of us feel it's "weird." It just feels wrong. Jason has his life, Connie has hers. We are familiar with those lives. For them to be united in love would for them to be melded, for them to utterly change.
There's a reason for this. After all, when one is married, you "become one" with them.
Connie would be one with Jason.
Nope. Doesn't work.
The desire for Connie and Jason doesn't spring reasonably from elements in the story. Not everyone who pleads for Connie and Jason matrimony has heard Love is In the Air. That's the only episode with any basis for C+J heart. That's the biggest problem here. The love would have to come into motion really lat in the show's existence, with no previous lead up whatsoever. It would have nothing to do with the former world of AIO. Thus, we must assume those who wish for Connie and Jason coming together are just wanting their favorite characters to be united. (After all, is anyone in favor of the, ahem, union, not Jason-happy? Uh-uh. Those who want C+J are generally those who are big Jason fans and, often, non-Mitch fans.)
So, the other Jason is right. This is just a fan wish.
Jason, would you please just ask Monica out?
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Enjoying everyone's thoughts on this...but the real question:

Is Monica Stone out on parole yet?
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Well, PF... I don't expect them to get married in the next album or anything! If it took FOTF 5 years to lead up to marriage, that would be fine with me!

But, to say that Connie and Jason aren't compatible is pish posh! Opposites attract! And, being a friends a LONG time is a really good base of a "relationship". They have know each other for forever! They have both grown a lot in the Lord! And... They have both been single for the whole AIO existence!
If the writers decide not to match them together, I would be fine with that. BUT... They both need to find someone! They can't be single forever!
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As this topic of mine, with the return of Jason to Odyssey, has inevitably become particularly relavant recently, I decided to bring it back up. Despite its size, those of you who are truly a fan of J+C will find this worth reading/skimming if you really want to make a case for you opinion.
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Well said, Pound Foolish. I love how you speak so logically through everything. :)
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No, Christmas is pish-posh. But anyhow,Focus doesn't know how long much longer they'll be around. They don't launch super long term projects anymore. They may, at some point. But as of yet, it looks like plot developments that span albums, without being self sufficient unto individual albums, are bygone.
As to your assertion "opposites attract" and that they are compatible, you obviously read my post while slurping a soda. I said:
Pound Foolish wrote:The same would apply to Jason... until recently. Now, it seems Jason could indeed be a compatible partner for Connie. He too is soul searching, and dedicated to God, and he has certainly shown interest in romance.
By the way, try to be careful not to get soda on your computer. But anyhow, your premise in that statement is flawed. Relationships are founded on similarities. The same religion is the biggest issue, and even seemingly little thing like similar musical tastes and past times.
to MeltsnerGirl: Thank you very much, I appreciate that.
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No, nope, nada. Connie said "Oh he's never been like that (Comparing Jason to Mitch) he's more like a big brother to me" and that's how I picture thier relationship, more like a "Brother Sister" relationship.
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But Abby, they can always start as friends, then get friendlier ;) :lol:
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Oh yeah. I'm sure. :roll:
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Ok that would be awkward for many reasons. They have entirely different personalities. Jason seems attractive to 'the bad girls' and Connie was his employee at one time; plus Mr. Whittaker is her surrogate Father.
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Sage wrote:Ok that would be awkward for many reasons. They have entirely different personalities. Jason seems attractive to 'the bad girls' and Connie was his employee at one time; plus Mr. Whittaker is her surrogate Father.
Whoah.... Uh "bad girls"? I'm not sure I'd go that far... I mean, sure Monica turned out to be bad, but he was falling for Monica's cover. Tasha wasn't so much a bad girl, but more of an action girl. But I will agree that they really wouldn't work out for reasons I think I've stated before.
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well ok not bad girls, but girls related to his line of work. actions girls if you prefer.
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I was with a non-believer for 3 depressing, gloriouse, yet demoralizing years...so I'm glad Jack played interferer, and I'm glad Jason didn't get too tangled up with Monica. They should meet again and she should be a Christian. Besides her character, her voice was just gorgeouse. There was chemistry between them, and you could just feel the love vibes.
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None of the above, thank you very much. Jason can stay single and just plain awesome! :jason
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SparkyHappyGiraffe wrote:None of the above, thank you very much. Jason can stay single and just plain awesome! :jason
Amen! Hear! Hear!

This is exactly my opinion! I don't think any of the girls mentioned above are right for him!
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