The E.R.K. (Emily Rules Klub)

Do you think Matthew is a great character? Absolutely hate Emily? This is the place to discuss AIO characters, from the old to the new!

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Raspberry Ripple
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Someone should start a Emily Haters club, just to make Pound Foolish angry. But of course he's a mod so he'd just delete it.
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Raspberry Ripple
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Oh and a "pat" doesn't frighten me :P
DON't BE A FOOL!!!!!you have no idea.jk :lol:

Emily's isn't even close to the best or even an good character.
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Tea Ess
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Pound Foolish wrote:It's time for the first weekly... Reason Why Emily RULES!
For causes I've failed to fathom, many soda shop users assert that Emily's talents seem absurd. They say that she just "stumbles upon a solution" and such nonsense. As well as that Emily didn't do anything to earn her talent, that her reasoning seems to be random and not come from thoughtfulness, etc. To show the sheer ridiculousness of this, I'll be posting a simple diagram of Emily's cases, starting with case #1....

Thank you for reading the weekly reason why... Emily RULES!

When you summarize it, the episode doesn't sound all that bad. However, it was the legistics and execution that made this such a (censored) episode. To help you see my viewpoint, I have pulled another story from my bag of tricks.

Harry Houdini, as many of you know, was a masterful escape artist capable of feats beyond the capacity of the human mind. His talent rivaled that of all others, and he performed in several acts and circuses before becoming the famous man we think of now. In one of these acts, Harry Houdini completed an incredible escape from a pair of ancient handcuffs. However, the audience practically fell asleep during his act. After the show, a man approached him, basically telling him that his act stunk. Harry turned, discouraged. Then the man caught his shoulder and exemplified, explaining that he realized Harry had unbelievable talent, but that he failed to captivate his audience with his miserable performance. The man, I believe, went on to become Harry's manager, and showed him how to take advantage of the emotions of a human. From then on, Harry took every opportunity to make his escape seem impossible, rather than commonplace. He would struggle for minutes, sometimes hours, pretending to wrestle with the handcuffs, or take a long time to come out of a supposed death trap. The audience wouldgo wild. Men shouted for help, women screamed and fainted, children bragged og seeing the escape artist. With his new acts, Harry went on to become one of Americas most famous performers.

Perhaps AiO needs to change Emily's act, and not her talent. She needs to be stumped every once in a while, just to get us closer to the proverbial seat's edge. Instead of widely chasing false leads, she needs to slow down and consider the facts. Instead of making everything so fast paced, maybe she could slow down to make everything a little more realistic.

The episodes she is in could also use a little tuning. I will expand on a previous point made several weeks ago made by myself, that her adventures seem to drift between the clichéd and the preposterous.

For example, consider the fore-mentioned episode. A bird? Really? Do you realize how many stories there are centered around the basic plot 'first the detective thinks a dear friend robbed them of the precious object, then realizes that the thief was a raccoon/jackdaw/random animal/angry platypus?

Then some of the other mysteries are flat out confusing, fast paced, and outrageously twisted. Such as Stage Fright. I am still reeling after that one, and it's been six months.

So, as much as Emily has alleged talent (for the sake of argument, we'll assume its really in her), she really doesn't entertain very well. She would do well if she read up on Harry Houdini.

In conclusion: check, Pound Foolish, your move. ;)

You know you have too long of posts when the website logs you out while you are in the middle of writing your post, and seven people have posted during the time you were writing!
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Pound Foolish
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Hmmm. Perhaps you are right. Emily might be more fascinating if matters challenged her more. However, is Emily really about thinking things through? Hardly. Would it be better if she was? She would be more fascinating, but to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, what fascinates one may also displease.
Emily moves quickly. It's part of who she is. It's why she's the opposite of Matthew, which is what creates their marvelous chemistry.
Also, Emily, as I've pointed out, is, to a great extent, comedy a comedy supplier. She moves fast. She thinks quick. And talks along with the rate of this. Thus, she keeps things, as you say, moving speedily. Thus, her episodes are more cartoony.One is reminded of Loony Tunes. But it's not just her. This is the way of many, many newer AIOs.
Emily's part of this. I suspect you're complaining about that fact because she's NEW. Wooton has been around for a long time, and he often makes things move much faster than Emily does. And he blows lines out like an Ice Age character who ate coffee beans for lunch. Yet, we don't rebel that much against him. I suspect that's because he GRADUALLY became this way. It was a TRANSFORMATION, from an occasional, somewhat crazy character to... what he is now. Emily moves less fast than Wooton. My guess is you're noticing her because she's been this way, a major character, a funny one, and quick one, ALL ALONG.
Oh, and why are you here? I didn't know you'd joined this club! ;P I'm so happy!
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Raspberry Ripple
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Wow!! Nice long posts :lol:
Last edited by EugeneforPresident on Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Eugene would be the best President, don't you think?
I'm a member of the:
Modest Cheerleaders Club!
Superheros Club!
Totally Tubular Commenting Club!
Doll Lovers Club!
Soda Shop Sisters Club!
Emily? Well, I'm in the middle somewhere.
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Tea Ess
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Pound Foolish wrote:Hmmm. Perhaps you are right. Emily might be more fascinating if matters challenged her more. However, is Emily really about thinking things through? Hardly. Would it be better if she was? She would be more fascinating, but to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, what fascinates one may also displease.
Emily moves quickly. It's part of who she is. It's why she's the opposite of Matthew, which is what creates their marvelous chemistry.
Also, Emily, as I've pointed out, is, to a great extent, comedy a comedy supplier. She moves fast. She thinks quick. And talks along with the rate of this. Thus, she keeps things, as you say, moving speedily. Thus, her episodes are more cartoony.One is reminded of Loony Tunes. But it's not just her. This is the way of many, many newer AIOs.
Emily's part of this. I suspect you're complaining about that fact because she's NEW. Wooton has been around for a long time, and he often makes things move much faster than Emily does. And he blows lines out like an Ice Age character who ate coffee beans for lunch. Yet, we don't rebel that much against him. I suspect that's because he GRADUALLY became this way. It was a TRANSFORMATION, from an occasional, somewhat crazy character to... what he is now. Emily moves less fast than Wooton. My guess is you're noticing her because she's been this way, a major character, a funny one, and quick one, ALL ALONG.
Oh, and why are you here? I didn't know you'd joined this club! ;P I'm so happy!
Well, just to help clarify, I was severely anti-Wooton when i first started to hear him. It was only when I began to get small glimpses of his past and strong faith that I began to warm up to him. In a way, you're right. I have had more irritation because of Emily than I had with Wooton. I suppose this is partially, as you suggested, because this craziness and speed is a more and more prevelant trend in current Odyssey.

You stated your argument very well. I have nothing more to say after this next statement.

I am not an advocator for Emily's removal, or her replacement. I am, however, an advocator for her reapplication and her reapportion. She is not at her full potential. She lacks true mind, heart, and soul. She is constantly swaying between outside forces, and can't sit still long enough to decide where to go. None of these faults have to be permanent. There is always hope for change. These faults have scarred deep mars into her character, but with time and proper treatment they can be healed.

I am neither a celebrator of Emily or a despisers of Emily. I am not neutral, and neither am I undecided. So, I will call myself a member of the AFEC: the Advocators For Emily's Change. Any who wish to join may. As soon as I get two additional members, I will open a thread for the discussion of what change Emily needs.

I realized that most of the topics in this forum relate to either Emily, Wooton, or Penny. Is that good or bad? :?
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A SMALL spoiler for album 56 will be included in this post.

I must say, though the other Jones and Parker Detective Cases weren't to bad, the one in 56, I thought they toned down Emily's quickness to solve a case, as T.S. complained about, way to much. They go to Dale Jacobs, and HE is basically the one a solve the mystery. I found that rather odd.
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Pound Foolish
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T.S., I'm with you that Emily needs to become have her full potential reached. Naturally, the only way to do this is through growing... that is, changing. I hope she does. She deserves the attention. Right now, she's definitely not anywhere near as great as she could be. I wish she'd choose a direction for herself, try to find out who she wants to be... But I also wish that of Barrett and Priscilla, as well as a LOT of characters. Even Connie, was we've discussed, seems to currently be slowly but surely going in the wrong direction.
I'll join you in being an advocate for Emily's change! DEFINITELY. But that's because... I like her. A lot. She deserves the chance to go as far as she can.
Oh, and I'd say it's KIND of a good thing about Wooton, Emily, and Penny... I guess. ;)

-- Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:01 am --

ps, just to show we're not ignoring you, Underseasie, I liked your clever point.
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Raspberry Ripple
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I will join the advocates for Emily's change!!
Eugene would be the best President, don't you think?
I'm a member of the:
Modest Cheerleaders Club!
Superheros Club!
Totally Tubular Commenting Club!
Doll Lovers Club!
Soda Shop Sisters Club!
Emily? Well, I'm in the middle somewhere.
Pound Foolish
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Yes, well, fine, but... technically that doesn't exist. Small complication.
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Raspberry Ripple
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Pound Foolish wrote:Yes, well, fine, but... technically that doesn't exist. Small complication.
What?? Were you talking to me PF :?

-- Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:08 pm --
Pound Foolish wrote:Yes, well, fine, but... technically that doesn't exist. Small complication.
What?? Were you talking to me PF :?
Eugene would be the best President, don't you think?
I'm a member of the:
Modest Cheerleaders Club!
Superheros Club!
Totally Tubular Commenting Club!
Doll Lovers Club!
Soda Shop Sisters Club!
Emily? Well, I'm in the middle somewhere.
Pound Foolish
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Yes, I was. And, Godsgirl, I am would LOVE to go to the prom with Selena! I'd be the envy of every guy in America. Well, except Wooton, maybe. Anyhoo, going with Suzy might be fun too... ;) Godsgirl, who are you going to the prom with? Zach Callison?
Is it just me, or do I make more weird, weird, WEIRD posts than anyone else?
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Suzy Lou Foolish
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You make weird post, Pound Foolish.=P I'd go to the prom with you on one condition- no stepping on my toes, thank you. I hate getting my toes stepped on. Oh, and going with Zach Callison would be a.w.e.s.o.m.e.s.a.u.c.e.
Anyways, back to the E.R.K...can Whittifer still be a member without adding the signature?
Pound Foolish
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Well... it depends. The signature is a very serious rule. Bending it, could lead to... I don't know what. Perhaps something...
Anyway, I just made a new topic in this forum called Jason: Tasha, Monica, or... CONNIE?!? It's a little below the club.
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Suzy Lou Foolish
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Oh, okay. And I totes agree, dear.
Good gosh, Pound Foolish! That topic introduction is longer then that last book I read! I'll go read it anyhow.;)
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Rainbow Sherbet
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So, yeah, I don't have a prom. Instead, I go to the Civil War Ball. It is every year, and I love it! My sister's younger brother usually escorts me, but I'd LOVE it if the aforementioned twin brother to take me, but alas, wishful thinking. I did get to dance with him once last year though!
~Queen Belle of Altanovia, Knight of Montreal & Order of Aristotle, Benevolent Dictator, Catspaw of the SS, & Dan's couch troll~
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Suzy Lou Foolish
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Oooooooh! That sounds like soo much fun, Godsgirl! I'd love to go to a Civil War Ball. I assume you have a ball gown you wear to it?
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Rainbow Sherbet
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Yep, it is my aunt's older sister's prom dress. My aunt gave it to me. (It doesn't sound like much, but just a little bit after her prom, her sister died. :()
~Queen Belle of Altanovia, Knight of Montreal & Order of Aristotle, Benevolent Dictator, Catspaw of the SS, & Dan's couch troll~
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Suzy Lou Foolish
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Oh my...that's terribly sad. What a sweet treasure it must be to have it now, though! I think those type of things are the most special, they have so much sentimental value.
Pound Foolish
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I concur, that is gorgeous, Godsgirl. That's so sad, but that part's so lovely. And that's sooo neat you got to dance with the boy, Godsgirl. How rarely a dance partner suspects the feelings of the other.;) Well, I'm afraid I'm beginning to see what The Old Judge meant about us being prone to off-topicness...
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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