Why Wooton and Penny are the best couple in Odyssey

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Fudge Marble
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Why Wooton and Penny are the best couple in Odyssey


Ok, this might sound a bit strange, but hear me out. For every other couple in Odyssey, it started with the main character, and the writers wanting to give them a love interest. They created this love interest only for that particular role, and that was their role. They may have done things later, but that was their original purpose. It's different with Wooton and Penny, though. Penny wasn't brought on the show to get married to Wooton, she was just a new character. During her time on the show, we really got to know her as a character and she didn't feel like just an extension of Wooton's personality, she was her own character. She's Penny, the quirky artist who's best friends with Connie and Wooton. So we had two fully developed characters who, in all the characters of Odyssey, happen to be perfect for each other. The fans can enjoy their relationship way more too because we've gotten to know Penny before anything super romantic started going on between her and Wooton.
"Let me get this straight. I bet all those non-friends of yours try to embarrass you about your love for that stuff, right? So, you almost feel like you have to hide your treasures away and can only take them out in secret on rainy days when your mom goes to the store to get more liver and nobody is around to berate your sensitive spirit. Is that what you’re saying?" -Jay Smouse
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Connie G.
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I agree, and appreciate your insight, but there is one exception: Lucy and Jack. We did know them before they got married, although their marriage itself wasn't a big thing. I'm just throwing that out there. I also wouldn't automatically say they were the "best" couple, because there's more to a "good" couple than having known them before they became interested in each other...
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Mocha Jamocha
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Not to be that fangirl, but Trent and Mandy are also an exception to this rule. But holistically, I agree; it is an unfortunate trend in Odyssey romances, especially when female characters are involved, to make the new character a satellite love interest.

To be fair to Wooton and Penny, though, in the buildup to their relationship, we've gotten quite a few episodes centered on Penny being developed as her own person with her own lessons to learn. That's a lot more than we got for Odyssey supercouple Eugene and Katrina; all but two of Katrina's episodes prior to her marriage to Eugene (and quite a few afterward) were centered entirely around their relationship. Penny has established herself well as her own person, who has a clear presence on the show besides "Wooton's love interest", which is definitely a mark in her favor. So I can see why that makes them much more interesting to watch as a couple, although if I'm being honest, "characters in relationships with the leads being characters in their own right outside of their relationships" is really something I want to expect out of my entertainment rather than note as something that stands out.

But as Connie G. observed, I must ask—is this the only mark in their favor? Obviously, given your username, you ship Wooton/Penny pretty hard; what is it about them that draws you to them? What is it about their relationship that makes them the best couple in Odyssey to you? Don't take this as a criticism; I'm genuinely curious. Why are they your OTP?
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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Fudge Marble
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You know to be honest I think I like the Meltsners more than the Bassetts but I thought I would compile a list of 10 reasons why I like Wooton and Penny as a couple (this is just my opinion, please don't hit me):

1. Wooton and Penny have wonderfully complex characters that mesh well together, despite their differences.

2. I really like Penny because she is a lot like me spiritually and personality wise.

3. Wooton will make the best father (Besides Eugene...)

4. Penny trying to be a mother will be wonderfully ridiculous (seriously, just think about it)

5. Bassett is a fantastic last name

6. It's high time Wooton got married

7. We've gotten great character development for Penny and Wooton during their courtship and engagement.

8. They're just super adorable together!

9. I felt really bad for Wooton after what happened with Victoria.

10. And their kids will be awesome!
"Let me get this straight. I bet all those non-friends of yours try to embarrass you about your love for that stuff, right? So, you almost feel like you have to hide your treasures away and can only take them out in secret on rainy days when your mom goes to the store to get more liver and nobody is around to berate your sensitive spirit. Is that what you’re saying?" -Jay Smouse
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The Old Judge
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Could you perhaps give us five more reasons, PennyBassett, but this time with objective reasons of why Penny and Wooton should be together? There are many anti-Wooton-and-Penny people on here, so try to give strong, logical arguments about why they would be a good couple. For instance, answer these questions:

1). How will their relationship endure in the time of a crisis?
2). Who will be the major disciplinarian in the household when kids come along?
3). Will they compromise effectively?
4). What will be the bedrock of their marriage?
5). Would each of them be able to sacrifice the dearest things in their lives for the sake of each other?

There is a lot more to a marriage than just "Oh, they are so cute together!!!"

Think Meco. I don't know what else to say for this one. Brain cells died when I saw the album cover. (1977)
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Marriage, maybe. Shipping? Not so much. ;)

Yes, these are important questions to ask, and they're questions that we as listeners should take into consideration. For storytelling purposes, especially storytelling that is supposed to be based in Christianity, those are important things to take into account.

But this is a shipping topic on a shipping forum, and it's a topic started by a thirteen-year-old girl. I'm not saying this to say that thirteen-year-olds can't think deeply, but even now, at nineteen (almost twenty), my concept of shipping is pretty deeply rooted in "here's all the reasons why these two are cute together", even as I'm also capable of addressing those questions you posed. I think that person is perfectly within their rights, even as a Christian, to support a fictional couple and think they're the greatest by sole virtue of "they're cute together", "they mesh well together", "I like that they have been developed as individuals independent of their romance", et cetera. And you are perfectly within your rights to disagree.

Encourage kids to think deeply about the concept of marriage, absolutely. Ask those difficult questions. But please, don't treat a thirteen-year-old like she's in the wrong for not thinking along those lines, like she's in the wrong for liking two characters together because they're cute.
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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Fudge Marble
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Ya, my list was more of things that I liked about Wooton and Penny being together and not as much of how to persuade a non-Wooton and Penny shipper. So, in ten points, this is why Wooton and Penny should get married (for the non-shippers):

1. Wooton is not a solely comedic character. What I've found is that a lot of people think of Wooton as stupid, or out of touch and therefore not ready for marriage. Wooton is actually very smart as shown in almost every episode. When he says things that are strange or (sometimes) funny, he always laughs at his own jokes, showing that he knows he's being ridiculous on purpose. Therefore, I believe he is fully ready for marriage and is really just someone with a unique sense of humor.

2. Wooton is sensitive to other's feelings. He is an extreme extrovert who not only needs to be around people but cares about them and adding to what I said in point one, he knows when to stop joking and focus on either being there for someone or cheering them up. He would honestly make a wonderful husband and father, if not only because he would be able to quickly tap into what his wife and children are feeling and no exactly what to do to help them.

3. Penny, like Wooton, can act silly or childish at times but only when appropriate. Around other adults and in serious situations she has proved herself to be very intelligent and mature.

4. Penny is an artist. To be an artist, one has to be in tune with the world around them, in a visual way. So even though Penny may not be super in tune to people's deeper emotions, when things in that category are pointed out to her, she understands quickly, because she can quickly put herself in someone else's shoes. She is, however, insightful about the world and understands creation in a way that is very unique.

5. Wooton though he too is an artist, better understands things verbally and more literal. As I said before he also understands people's emotions, but can still easily understand things from Penny's point of view.

6. They both have strengths and weaknesses, but when you put them together, working in their strengths, it's beautiful. When Penny is freaking out over something, Wooton can calm her down. And when Wooton is being too silly or is in his own world, Penny can spark him back into reality. Penny helps Wooton see things visually and Wooton helps Penny see things verbally. Giving both of them a deeper understanding of themselves, others, and God.

7. They inspire each other. Anytime they're around one another, motivation and confidence are sparked. They are the most comfortable and self-assured because they share similar interests and their personalities work well together.

8. They, love each other. Now, I'm no expert on love or anything, (I mean I AM only 13) but you have to admit that no matter what any fans say about their relationship, they do clearly love each other and that IS an important part of getting married. And it's obvious they love each other because of their personalities and spirits that draw them to each other.

9. Because they support one another's personalities so well, I think they could get through hard times because they can get on the same page mentally when discussing things.

10. People need to understand that Wooton and Penny are not Eugene and Katrina, they're not Connie and Mitch, and they're not Jason and Tasha. They are Wooton and Penny. People are going to be disappointed with any fictional relationship if they expect it to resemble another, especially one that takes place in the same universe. They're going to have their own struggles and confusions and failings. Their marriage may not be as perfect as Eugene and Katrina's appears to be because they simply aren't Eugene and Katrina, and when people start treating Wooton and Penny's relationship as something separate and new and exciting, with different twists and extensions and tragedies then I think people will be more open to the idea of Wooton and Penny getting married, because when you don't have any expectations then you can't as easily be disappointed. So let go of your "perfect relationships" expectations, and let Wooton and Penny's crazy relationship play out. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you see.

P.S. I know people make the argument that Penny and Wooton's relationship wasn't fully developed enough for them to get married yet. But that doesn't mean that Wooton and Penny shouldn't get married, it means the writers, for whatever reason decided their relationship wasn't going take 11 years to develope.
"Let me get this straight. I bet all those non-friends of yours try to embarrass you about your love for that stuff, right? So, you almost feel like you have to hide your treasures away and can only take them out in secret on rainy days when your mom goes to the store to get more liver and nobody is around to berate your sensitive spirit. Is that what you’re saying?" -Jay Smouse
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The Old Judge
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I would like to apologize, Penny, if I seemed condescending at all. It appears to be something I do unintentionally, in both the real world and cyberspace. But I thank you for the reply, and must admit that I was quite astounded at your reasons. Very deep. Very mature. A lot more probing into the persons of Wooton and Penny than many older fans (including myself) typically give them.

I will also say that I agree with your opinion that it doesn't matter that their relation only developed over the course of a couple years. Three years, which is what it will be if they are married this year, is plenty of time. My grandparents dated for six weeks before they got married. My parents took their time, and it was still only two years before they were hitched. For my uncle and aunt, it was around a year; and for my cousin and his wife, they dated for approximately a month before they tied the knot. So I am quite used to short pre-marriage relationships. Actually, three years seems a bit on the long side to me.

This song was featured in the 2016 film Everybody Wants Some!! at a scene which takes place at a Texas country bar. (1980)
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Fudge Marble
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Well thank you. And I really wasn't mad at you or anything, in case you thought I was. I just wanted to prove you wrong.:D
"Let me get this straight. I bet all those non-friends of yours try to embarrass you about your love for that stuff, right? So, you almost feel like you have to hide your treasures away and can only take them out in secret on rainy days when your mom goes to the store to get more liver and nobody is around to berate your sensitive spirit. Is that what you’re saying?" -Jay Smouse
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Well thank you for proving him wrong, it doesn't happen often and it was delightful to see. Also, excellent list, I adored reading that. *raises wine glass raspberry soda* I believe in Wooton and Penny.
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*off topic but who cares*
TigerShadow wrote:Encourage kids to think deeply about the concept of marriage, absolutely. Ask those difficult questions. But please, don't treat a thirteen-year-old like she's in the wrong for not thinking along those lines, like she's in the wrong for liking two characters together because they're cute.
Thank you Tiger for this. I've been noticing this a lot around the SS... many older people saying "PROVE TO ME IT'S AMAZING BECAUSE I NEED 3000 LOGICAL REASONS OR ELSE YOU ARE STUPID" (not exaggerating at all :mrgreen: ), and it' gets annoying at times. A lot of things in art/entertainment are how you feel about them... there are not always extremely logical answers. (sometimes there are of course, but still) We all need to remember to be kind to each other and respecting each other's opinions. =) kthxbye.
xo eht haiasi-
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