#989: The Smouse Show

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Caramel Crunch
Posts: 166
Joined: October 2016
Location: The Metroplex

#989: The Smouse Show


I was a little surprised to see there was no topic for this one.

Abigail Geiger looks like the show's troubleshooter; when there's an arc that has ongoing issues, she's brought in to fix it. I don't know if this is intentional, or is a side effect of her specialty, which seems to be writing episodes about estranged characters. As the characters air and sort out their issues with each other, fans likewise tend to be reconciled to AIO.

Although I can't say I liked this episode quite as much as Jay's last Room of Consequence adventure ("Groundhog Jay"), it had poignant moments and leaps in resolving the troubles with the Jay/Zoe relationship.

Given that Jay is habitually 'playing a role', the moments when his veneer cracks and his true feelings show are the most meaningful in his appearances. We have at least three of those here, by my count, maybe the most of any of his episodes.
A classic never goes out of style.
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