#1005: My Hero Renee

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Cookies & Creme
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#1005: My Hero Renee


The final episode of Album 78, featuring the finally-now-appearing-in-the-mainstream-episodes character Renee D. Carter!
This episode was interesting. I loved that we hear Whit being on the board at Campbell County Community College again! This is something we've known about from way back in Album 5, in the episode "Eugene's Dilemma". I'm glad that we hear about that again.

As for the rest of the episode, I liked hearing Renee's story progress. She has definitely grown since her first appearance. She has admitted that she is "searching" and not fully committed to either side. I'm interested in seeing where she goes from here.

I'll need to listen to it again before making any final judgements.
Anyone else have any thoughts? Let's discuss!
-Signed, PolehausFifty-three

President of The Emily Rules Klub (est. 2012)

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