#1000: Kriss Crossed Part 1

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#1000: Kriss Crossed Part 1


This is a monumental episode for Adventures in Odyssey, yet extremely controversial. Was it worth the title of the ONE THOUSANDth episode? Share your thoughts.
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Cookies & Creme
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Here are some of my thoughts on the first part:
I am a bit disappointed that nothing special was done for the 1,000th episode. Chris introduced it as the 1,000th episode, but otherwise it was just a regular episode. I think that the AIO Team should have done something like they did with episode 500.

That aside, I cannot say I am the biggest fan of Rydell episodes since my investment in them has significantly dropped. This episode I had difficulty keeping up with what was going on. The two storylines do not seem to have much in common.

Also, perhaps this just might be the device I'm using to listen with, but was this episode remotely recorded? There were several points where some characters in the scenes sounded a bit off, like their voices were filtered or slightly muffled.

Overall, I can't say I enjoyed this episode very much after hearing just the first part. My thoughts on Part 2 are soon to come.
-Signed, PolehausFifty-three

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Cookies & Creme
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Not a life-changing episode, but it definitely wasn't bad. Starting to think Phil Lollar has it out for Emily lol. This girl cannot catch a break!

This is definitely an interesting and relevant premise. False allegations weren't something I expected Odyssey to discuss, but I'm looking forward to hearing what the team has to say about it.
The ending of this episode reminded me a lot of Square One. It felt almost like a full circle moment for Emily. In Square One, Emily severely screws over Matthew by trying to be a good friend far too aggressively. Seems like the roles were reversed this time around with Emily and Suzu.
About to listen to the second part. Probably will make a second post haha!
*Finger guns aggressively*
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