#994: The Hero's Laundry

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Cookies & Creme
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#994: The Hero's Laundry


This episode was interesting. I like how Ted Humphries is taking a bigger role in his recent episodes; we’re really getting to know him as a character, which I am in favor of. \:D/ For some reason I was surprised to hear Zoe in this episode, although I should have expected it. She does work with Ted as his (unpaid) intern, as established in the episode “Breaking News”. I need to brush up on my episode/character facts. :anxious:

It was great to see how Trey is content in his position of not being super extraordinary in his family. He is more than happy to be the one who serves. But he is ultimately rewarded for this: Zoe and Ted are able to find how Trey is making an impact, even by doing what seems to be the normal, unremarkable tasks. And I really do like how Ted recognizes how each and every job has its importance.

This episode kind of coincides with last month’s Club episode, “Quiet As A Smouse”. It also bears a similar message regarding those who do the little tasks and make a difference. I’ll need to listen to that one (and this one) again to think about this further, but it is something that came to mind while I was listening.

My favorite part was the scene where Joseph Calhoun is doing surgery. Ted’s line, “Sorry, but audio picked up a stomach gurgle. Could you put the tumor back in and start over?” actually made me laugh out loud. :lol:

I’m going to need to listen to this again before I make any final judgements. For now, I’ll just say that it was a fine episode. :yes:

Anyone else have any thoughts? Let’s discuss!
-Signed, PolehausFifty-three

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