When One Door Closes 1 & 2

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When One Door Closes 1 & 2


OAClub members:
If you haven't yet, listen to the latest exclusive two-parter, When One Door Closes. It's one of the most powerful episodes Odyssey has done in a long time. (Not to mention, it has in Part 2, IMO, the MOST intense Imagination Station trip of all time in it.) O.o DEFINITELY worth a listen. :)
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Peanut Butter Cup
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I'm not a OAC member unfortunately, though I'm curious, what was this episode about?
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us - Romans 8:18

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Raspberry Ripple
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Whit and Eugene go to the Middle East to take the Imagination Station to a church. I liked it!
Pound Foolish
Coffee Biscotti
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Reaction One: Whit and Eugene are taking a trip in IS!? Cool, that's a new one. Where to?

Reaction 2: Israel. Oh.

Look oppression in Israel is a super important issue which receives far too little attention. Which means it's a shame it's being addressed in a club that forces the show into story-lines that don't gel at all with the actual albums. The issue deserves better. I may listen to it as people seem to like it but it won't erase the problem of context, that these sorts of episodes are already overabundant and therefore expected and the result is a show very different from aio, resulting in shoehorning of character and genre.
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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