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Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:34 pm
by Mandy
Wakko wrote:
Wakko wrote:I know that you like Apple, would you change your mind about their products if I told you they have a Gay CEO and are pro LGBTQ?
I'm asking this same question to you since you two have similar views. :P
Yes!!! \:D/ Someone other than Blitz asked me a question!!! \:D/ JK Blitz, I love your questions... :anxious:

Um... I don't give them support in any way because I've never had enough money to buy anything of theirs. Plus, if they support homosexuality that doesn't affect the quality of their products. Besides they probably already are in favor of it anyway. So no, I don't think I would change my mind about liking Apple devices.
Blitz wrote:Your welcome Lady Mandy, and yes life is unfair.

What would you do if America changed the age limit to 18 to drive?
Do you think you'll ever vote?
Why are you saying "You're Welcome"? Did I thank you for something? :wacky:

I would be mad. Seriously though, there's no age limit to drive in America, it's different in each state.

No I don't believe I ever will. It would be interesting but I don't believe in getting involved in that.

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:31 pm
by Blitz
Yeah is is very interesting.
Why is PF asking you questions such a great thing?
Do you like watching tv shows?
Worst nightmare?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:44 pm
by Mandy
Blitz wrote:Yeah is is very interesting.
Why is PF asking you questions such a great thing?
Do you like watching tv shows?
Worst nightmare?
Because he had never asked me a question before and because he's really cool! ;)

We don't have TV but I watch some TV shows on YouTube. I enjoy them but usually my time online is so limited that I don't watch movies much.

That someone I love very much (MF for instance) would die.

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:18 pm
by Helios
Did I miss me while I took a sudden and unexpected fast from SS? :twisted:

Yes, you may call me Heli. Although, it kinda makes me sound like I'm from an island somewhere in the Pacific. :P

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:31 pm
by Mandy
Helios wrote:Did I miss me while I took a sudden and unexpected fast from SS? :twisted:

Yes, you may call me Heli. Although, it kinda makes me sound like I'm from an island somewhere in the Pacific. :P
YES!!!! You can't begin to imagine how much I missed you! :mad:

Why does it sound like that? :P I just love nicknames...

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:54 pm
by Blitz
What if I died?
Best dream possible?
Theoretical best day possible?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:20 am
by Helios
I don't know why I think of little islanders. Maybe because Heli sounds Hawaiian? :?

If Blitz died, would you dress in black and mourn, or dance a jig on his grave? :twisted:

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:16 pm
by Mandy
Blitz wrote:What if I died?
Best dream possible?
Theoretical best day possible?
That would be very unfortunate. You are one of my best friends on here. If, in the case that you randomly disappeared from the SS and no one knew what happened to you, I would miss you very much and be sad. But I would probably try to stalk you since I know your real name and stuff... But if I knew you had died, I would be VERY sad and take a month long fast from the SS to mourn for you. :(

Best dream possible? Not sure what that's supposed to mean... I guess making a difference in the world, following God's call for my life, becoming like Him and showing His love to others.

Probably going to OR and hanging out with MF. We've dreamed of that and talked about it forever but it's never happened yet.

@Helios. I would sob heart-brokenly while you gleefully danced on his grave. :evil:

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:46 pm
by Helios
You make me sound so cavalier and cold-hearted. How accurate. :twisted:

I would kiss his cold, dead forehead tenderly and lay a single white rose on his grave.

Then dance gleefully on it. :P

Have you considered changing your location yet? Maybe...move to the other side of MF? Or was that were Jay was? :?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:53 pm
by Mandy
Helios wrote:You make me sound so cavalier and cold-hearted. How accurate. :twisted:

I would kiss his cold, dead forehead tenderly and lay a single white rose on his grave.

Then dance gleefully on it. :P

Have you considered changing your location yet? Maybe...move to the other side of MF? Or was that were Jay was? :?
Yes I'm a very perceptive person. I can see right through your cruel self. :twisted:

And I would hope that would would break your ankle during that dance. :twisted: Well maybe just sprain it...

Yes! I want to change it but I don't know what to change it to. :? Nope I'll always be on her right side. :mrgreen: Jay was behind MF...

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:57 pm
by Helios
Well, I look at you and see the angel. :P

I've never sprained an ankle. It would be a new experience for me. :)

I thought I was behind MF. *looks at location* Yup, I am. Maybe I'm behind Jay who's behind MF.

Do you classical music?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:02 pm
by Mandy
Helios wrote:Well, I look at you and see the angel. :P

I've never sprained an ankle. It would be a new experience for me. :)

I thought I was behind MF. *looks at location* Yup, I am. Maybe I'm behind Jay who's behind MF.

Do you classical music?
*coughs* You are taking this angel business rather far, aren't you. :roll:

Good. New experiences are good for people. ;) Maybe we should go back to the broken ankle though, if you would enjoy a sprain. This is supposed to be a punishment, remember? And one should never enjoy a punisment. :twisted:

Ah sorry Jay was IN FRONT of Miss Friendship. My mistake.

Yes I do. Expecially classical piano.

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:02 pm
by Helios
Am I taking this angel business far? :) What defines far? :P

I didn't say I would enjoy a sprain, only that it would be interesting. Punishment can be interesting, right? It doesn't have to be boring.

I am still behind him, in any case, just behind MF who's behind Jay, which puts me behind Jay. :P

What is your favorite piece of classical music?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:21 pm
by Blitz
What is your opinion on Christian rap?
What is your opinion of Pop?
Do you know who Justin Bieber is?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:47 pm
by Dream Big
What is something you value most about your family?
What scientific evidence would you use to prove or back up Genesis 1:1?
Who is your favorite speaker?
Do you prefer swimming, running, or biking?
Why do you think God created us?
Would you rather cook or bake?
What do you hope to accomplish in the next 10 years of your life?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:40 pm
by Novatom
What do you like most about yourself?
When someone says "skating" do you think of ice skates, roller skates, or roller blades?
What smiley do you use the most?
What is the scariest nightmare you've ever had?
What's your favorite holiday?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:57 pm
by Mandy
Helios wrote:Am I taking this angel business far? What defines far?
Yes you are. :roll: The way you act.
Helios wrote:I didn't say I would enjoy a sprain, only that it would be interesting. Punishment can be interesting, right? It doesn't have to be boring.
Punishment should be miserable. :P
Helios wrote:I am still behind him, in any case, just behind MF who's behind Jay, which puts me behind Jay.
I suppose. :lol:
Helios wrote:What is your favorite piece of classical music?
I'm not sure. I really don't know many. I guess of the ones I play though. it would be Canon in D and Fur Elise.
Dream Big wrote:What is something you value most about your family?
Our love for God and desire for Truth.
Dream Big wrote:What scientific evidence would you use to prove or back up Genesis 1:1?
Dream Big wrote:Who is your favorite speaker?
Well... Maybe Eric and Leslie Ludy... I'm not sure.
Dream Big wrote:Do you prefer swimming, running, or biking?
Definitely swimming.
Dream Big wrote:Why do you think God created us?
Because the Bible says so. And God cannot lie. And... I look around and see all the fascinating evidence. :D
Dream Big wrote:Would you rather cook or bake?
Probably bake. I don't particularly enjoy spending time in the kitchen...
Dream Big wrote:What do you hope to accomplish in the next 10 years of your life?
Become more like Christ and serve in His Kingdom. Write/publish a book or two, maybe get married and have some children... Travel to other countries...I have a lot of dreams. \:D/
Novatom wrote:What do you like most about yourself?
Personality-wise, maybe my sensitivity to others feelings and my ability to always make my IRL friends laugh. ;) Physically, my eyes and/or my figure.
Novatom wrote:When someone says "skating" do you think of ice skates, roller skates, or roller blades?
Ice skates. In the winter, the young people in our church do a lot of ice skating. My very favorite sport is Ice Hockey. \:D/
Novatom wrote:What smiley do you use the most?
Either :twisted: or :lol:
Novatom wrote:What is the scariest nightmare you've ever had?
Most recently it was one where my best friend's parents told me she had died. :mad:
Novatom wrote:What's your favorite holiday?
Does my birthday count? :P If not, then Thanksgiving.

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:45 pm
by Paula
Whoa...Ice Hockey O_O That's pretty cool, Mandy *nods*

How long have you been playing it?

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:48 pm
by Mandy
Paula wrote:Whoa...Ice Hockey O_O That's pretty cool, Mandy *nods*

How long have you been playing it?
Of course... I am very cool! :mrgreen: *nods back*

Just for the last 2 winters.... I hope we have lots of good ice this winter!! \:D/

Re: Starring Mandy

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:35 pm
by Paula
xD #ModestyOnFleek

What made you want to start playing it?
This might be an odd question(but I'm an odd person so it's all good)...Do you wear a dress when you play Ice Hockey? If so...How do you manage?!?! It's hard enough playing Ice Hockey alone much less when a dress is added to the equation Image

Either way...I respect that *nods*