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Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:45 pm
by SirWhit
The SS Connie yes (I think, not sure I've lost track at this point), but I was referring to the AIO character.

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:45 pm
by Connie G.
SirWhit wrote:How would you react if I said that Connie should stay single and not be shipped with anyone?
Not to violently. I really would have to agree with you though, I personally don't want to see her character change that much in that way.
Miss Friendship wrote:
SirWhit wrote:How would you react if I said that Connie should stay single and not be shipped with anyone?
Have you been shipped with her?
Yeah. just. nevermind.
Blitz wrote:How would you prefer to die?
How long is the longest you've gone without being on the chat since you started?
Worst movie?
In my own home, able to support myself, with my wits still about me, preferably in my sleep.
Since I started regularly coming on, which was about a year after I joined, the longest I went was probably 3 weeks
(restriction x) yay)

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:17 pm
What subjects are you currently learning?
What is the craziest, or one of the craziest things you have done with your siblings? \:D/
Would you say that you are analytical?
How would your siblings describe you?

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:04 pm
by Connie G.
GJFH wrote:What subjects are you currently learning?
What is the craziest, or one of the craziest things you have done with your siblings? \:D/
Would you say that you are analytical?
How would your siblings describe you?
Algebra 1, Oklahoma History, Lit and Comp 1, and (you're probably going to think this is weird, but) instead of Chemistry (which I'm not ready for :P), mom is having me read a bunch of books on parenting O.o

I really don't know how to answer this, we were always such good children :wacky:

Hah. Had to chuckle at this one. Godmother Joe Felicity Holt, I may be one of the most analytical people you will ever meet :mad:

Annoying, probably :P

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:21 pm
Are you bothered when people give you spoilers?
Who is your current OTP? (From any fandom.)
Have you ever watched Doctor Who?
What is your favourite fandom?
Who do you ship me with? 8)

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:27 pm
by Didi
Hmm interesting question Joe.
Who do you ship me with, Connie? 8)

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:08 pm
by Connie G.
GJFH wrote:Are you bothered when people give you spoilers?
Who is your current OTP? (From any fandom.)
Have you ever watched Doctor Who?
What is your favourite fandom?
Who do you ship me with? 8)
- Without warning, yes, it's annoying :P

- No, in fact, we don't watch a whole lot of TV at all, so no Dr. Who 8)
Connie G. wrote:Connie and Mitch. There is only Connie and Mitch. There only ever was Connie and Mitch. Connie and Mitch were meant to be together. Connie and Mitch are meant for each other. Connie and Mitch forever. :noway:
Yeah I conveniently ignored the part where he... married someone else... :cry:
- I can't tell you :mad:
At least not yet...
Didi wrote:Hmm interesting question Joe.
Who do you ship me with, Connie? 8)
- I haven't quite decided yet... but there's one possibility, the only problem being I already ship him with someone else. Oops. I'll work on that :yes: You do need to be shipped... *goes to ponder that*


Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:25 pm
by Miss Friendship
Didi wrote:Hmm interesting question Joe.
Who do you ship me with, Connie? 8)

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:42 am
by Connie G.
Miss Friendship wrote:
Didi wrote:Hmm interesting question Joe.
Who do you ship me with, Connie? 8)
*cough* He's the one I ship with someone else O.o O.o *cough*

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:53 pm
by Miss Friendship

*all dramatic*

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:59 pm
by Didi
Miss Friendship wrote:
Didi wrote:Hmm interesting question Joe.
Who do you ship me with, Connie? 8)
Who is "we all"?

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:45 am
by Miss Friendship
Me. I count for multiple personalities.

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:52 pm
Was I the one responsible for the current shipping drama? :oops:
Who was your favourite character in Zootopia?
If you could visit the desert, tundra, rainforest, or bustling city, where would you go?
Do you like diving?
Would you ever cliff-jump?
Do you like the rain?
What is your favourite flavour of popsicle?

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:06 pm
by Connie G.
Not... really... :P You're not responsible, per say just involved :P You can't help your adorable existence :D
Mr. Big :P
Definitely the tundra, cause I love being in cold places, so long as I'm warm =D
Not really... I mean I only go swimming like twice a year, which equates to me not being an awesome swimmer. I also have water-in-the-nose phobia. :anxious:
Off a cliff? no, that would be stupid, why would I do that...
No, not much of a rain person.
Orange :D I like orange flavors for most things \:D/

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:12 pm
by Didi
GJFH wrote:Was I the one responsible for the current shipping drama?
No um *cough* I believe I revived the topic :anxious:

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:24 pm
Connie G. wrote:Not... really... :P You're not responsible, per say just involved :P You can't help your adorable existence :D
Off a cliff? no, that would be stupid, why would I do that...
Aww thank you! *blushes*
I meant, into the water. Every question was a slight reference to the movie :) .
Would you rather travel by train or plane?
Have you ever wanted to travel aboard a cruise ship?
Would you like to ride in Ed Washington's hot dog mobile?
When is the last time you made a blanket fort?
Have you ever tried Karaoke?

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:40 pm
by Connie G.
GJFH wrote:
Connie G. wrote:Not... really... :P You're not responsible, per say just involved :P You can't help your adorable existence :D
Off a cliff? no, that would be stupid, why would I do that...
Aww, thank you! *blushes*
I meant, into the water. Every question was a slight reference to the movie :) .
Would you rather travel by train or plane?
Have you ever wanted to travel aboard a cruise ship?
Would you like to ride in Ed Washington's hot dog mobile?
When is the last time you made a blanket fort?
Have you ever tried Karaoke?
Oh. Yeahyeahyeahyeah, I totally picked up on that.
Ehh probably not. See previous diving question :?
I've never been on a plane before and though 'trains may be the most romantic way to travel, they're hardly the most efficient', I'd probably pick the train :)
YES. That would be so much fun, so like MercyMe and Hawk Nelson and Tim Timmons are doing this cruise thing in January that would totally be awesome to go on but you know :P
Oh totally. Right on the top, in the relish seat. I'd even wear the mustard costume, that's totally something I'd do.
Wow... it's been a long time O.o I was quite the fort maker in my day, though, about every week we (Okie, Steppy and I) would have one strung out some part of our house or our grandmother's :wacky:

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:44 pm
What is your favourite font? \:D/
What is your favourite formula in math?
Do you know what a Flashmaster is?
How fast can you type?
Are my questions getting worse?

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:36 pm
by Connie G.
Favourite font? I can't say as I have one... do you? O.o
Any one I can remember... Like the the area of a circle is pi * the radius squared :yes:
Nope, should I?
Probably about 60 wpm
They're getting weirder, that's for sure :P

Re: Candid Conversations with Connie

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:53 pm
Connie G. wrote:Favourite font? I can't say as I have one... do you? O.o
Any one I can remember... Like the the area of a circle is pi * the radius squared :yes:
Nope, should I?
Probably about 60 wpm
They're getting weirder, that's for sure :P
I do. :)
Eh, it's a electronic device used to help kids learn basic math facts. It was my childhood.

Are you a light sleeper or heavy sleeper?
Do you have your own room?
How did you learn to type?
How many pillows do you have on your bed?
Have you ever read the Boxcar Children?