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Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:57 pm
by Bethany Shepard
*pops head in for a sec*
Matthew 15:10
Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”


Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:39 am
by NateVONgreat
uhhhh, no men should wear boxers or night gowns everywhere, except for on sundays, thats when men can wear pants, as long as they are their own pants, and not borrowed. believe me, much better....... I dont understand the point of this topic..Is it because of the "Should women wear pants?"?

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:20 am
by Striped Leopard
Have you read the posts on any of the previous pages...?

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:00 pm
by NateVONgreat
you know what? I didn't, I guess that might change a few things, ahhhhh no, no it didn't. My point stands. BTW love your Avatar.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:22 pm
by shnoodlec.
Men not wearing pants? This is a world I don't wanna live in...

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:05 pm
by NateVONgreat
I don't want to live on this planet anymore already, before we have to deal with men not wearing pants.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:35 am
by John Henry
Leetastic wrote:Not to mention that was the old Levitical Law... really people. If we're using that as a basis for women not wearing pants, or 'men's clothing', why do we not still ceremonially wash ourselves before a meal?
Deuteronomy 22:5 is a moral law not a ceremonial law of the Old Testament. We must not do what God hates. God is love, but God can be VERY angry too...Look out! Pants were not made for women. The only women who wore pants were 1. Joan of Arc who was burned at the stake because the English thought she was a witch because she wore men's clothes & cut her hair 2.Chinese Women wore pants. Yet, Chinese Women are too strong nowadays. 3.Pirate Women who dressed in men's clothes, acted like men, and carried swords.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:28 am
by Eleventh Doctor
I think the English had other reasons for burning Joan of Arc, she was leading an army against them after all. What do you mean Chinese women are too strong? Also pirate women? Where do you come up with this stuff?

hahaha, God can be angry over pants? And pants weren't made for women? Why were pants made? Please enlightenment us as to the history of pants.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:41 pm
by Wakko
John Henry wrote:
Leetastic wrote:Not to mention that was the old Levitical Law... really people. If we're using that as a basis for women not wearing pants, or 'men's clothing', why do we not still ceremonially wash ourselves before a meal?
Deuteronomy 22:5 is a moral law not a ceremonial law of the Old Testament. We must not do what God hates. God is love, but God can be VERY angry too...Look out! Pants were not made for women. The only women who wore pants were 1. Joan of Arc who was burned at the stake because the English thought she was a witch because she wore men's clothes & cut her hair 2.Chinese Women wore pants. Yet, Chinese Women are too strong nowadays. 3.Pirate Women who dressed in men's clothes, acted like men, and carried swords.
Actually I think that verse is directed toward a certain people group, and it was OT law. I recommend this video from the creator of VeggieTales, (Phil Vischer) who explains it all. Even though it's aimed towards younger kids, it's still a good video. =)

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:32 pm
by John Henry
1. The English had other reasons, probably more important, but this was one of them.
2. Though EXTREMELY RARE. There were a FEW women pirates. They acted like men, wore pants, and carried swords. Indeed, when I saw their pictures (in a book) they LOOKED like men.
3. There must have been an error in my statement concerning the Chinese. But, almost all Chinese and Korean women of nowadays wear pants. My mother said that her Chinese friend told her that Chinese women are too strong.
4. Yet, also God wants the distinction of the sexes. All the ceremonial laws were done away with, of course. i.e. washing your hands, burnt offerings. Yet, the moral laws have not been taken away. Women that wear men's clothes are an abomination to the Lord. God never changes. Though, let us not look at the rule, but at what God thinks. God hates it when women wear men's clothes and men wear women's clothes. It is perverse. Indeed, women wearing pants is as sinful as men wearing tutus or pink dresses.
5. A Woman ought to be womanish. Nowadays there are times I can't tell if such-and-such a person is a man or woman just by looking because women cut their hair short. Men grow their hair. Women also wear men's clothes which makes it confusing who is a man and who is a woman sometimes.
6. In ancient times when people worshipped the idol Venus men would wear women's clothes, and women would wear armour. Isn't that perverse.
7. If God is only a loving God, then why did he kill Ananias & Sapphira? He is gracious, compassionate, and loving. Yet, he is a consuming fire. It is indeed terrible to fall into the hands of the Living GOD!

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:08 pm
by Eleventh Doctor
1. Are you saying the English were right to burn Joan of Arc?

3. So you're getting your info from one third hand anecdotal source? That doesn't seem very strong.

4. So would you say the phrase "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Is wrong? Wow, calm down buddy, women wearing pants is not an abomination. Stop being so legalistic.

4B. So if women need to wear what they wore in Old Testament times, why not men? Why do you not wear robes? Also, please answer my questions, do you wear clothes with tassels and made of only one type of fabric? Because if not you are being extremely hypocritical.

5. Where in the world does the Bible say woman need to look womanish? Also how is that decided? Do we go by what looked womanish at the time the Old Testament was written?

6. They're worshiping a false god and the part you get caught up on is what clothes they're wearing?

7. Dude, chill out.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:21 pm
by John Henry
God wants a distinction between the sexes. If you compare Deuteronomy 22:5 & 1 Corinthians 11:14 - 15 you will know what I'm talkin about. If pants were originally designed for women I might agree that it is all right, but pants were not made for women but for men. Okay, as for Joan of Arc, maybe that was wrong, but I don't think women should dress in armour. You may say I'm a legalist. But wait, a legalist has 2 definitions 1. One that is too strict. 2. One that believes that we are saved by the works of the law. I don't think I'm too strict, and I definitly do not believe in salvation by the works of the law. Indeed, if you look at the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge which was made at a time when hardly if any woman wore pants you will notice that Deuteronomy 22:5 & 1 Corinthians 11:15 link together.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:27 pm
by Eleventh Doctor
Please answer my questions.

So would you say the phrase "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Is wrong?

So if women need to wear what they wore in Old Testament times, why not men? Why do you not wear robes? Also, please answer my questions, do you wear clothes with tassels and made of only one type of fabric? Because if not you are being extremely hypocritical.

Women shouldn't wear armor, what if they're being attacked?

How are you not strict? You said it is an abomination for women to wear pants, that is very strict, who is stricter than you?

Why should I accept Treasury of Scripture Knowledge as authoritative?

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:20 pm
by Blitz
She wasn't executed for wearing pants since she didn't. She was executed for leading an army against them and they accused her of witchery. Also the English took a lot of flak from their own people for killing her.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:52 am
by John Henry
Okay, I'll stop my ideas on Joan of Arc. But, lets say you're all right. If women wearing pants is all right, then men wearing tutus, pink dresses, earrings, make-up, bikinis, women's skirts (not kilts or robes), dresses, and blouses are okay. Also then, what would be wrong with transgender - it would be okay.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:21 am
by TigerShadow
...You are aware that pants made for women are just that—made for women? Pants have become a woman's garment—they are cut and sewn to fit our body type and make us look like women. As near as I can tell, that verse isn't saying that women shouldn't wear pants—I'd like for you to show me in the Bible where it says, literally, "Women who wear pants are condemned to hell, because even though pants aren't even a thing yet, women wearing them is an abomination because they have arbitarily been declared a men's garment". As a matter of fact, I did some research on the topic, and apparently what the verse is talking about pertains to armor and garments of a warrior—basically, women were forbidden to use what the men traditionally wore in their armor (thus, when Jael assassinated General Sisera in Judges, she used a tent peg—it would have been against God's law for her to use a sword). (Source:

What is a "man's garment" and a "woman's garment" changes with culture. So are you saying that we ought to define the way we dress by the changes of our culture? Are Biblical manhood and womanhood subject to change, then, based on what our culture decides is masculine and feminine? It's interesting to note that what men and women wore both in Moses's day and in Jesus's weren't that distinctive from one another other than by style—much like men's and women's pants these days are stylistically very different. You (I'm going to assume that you're male by your username) couldn't squeeze into a pair of my blue jeans, nor I your dress pants, without either of us looking and feeling ridiculous. There's still a difference and women who wear pants still look distinct from men without the world going up in flames.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:27 am
by John Henry
Not all the time. I sometimes get confused between men and women.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:51 am
by Eleventh Doctor
Maybe talk to people instead of condemning them from afar and you'd be better off.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:10 am
by John Henry
Eleventh Doctor wrote:Please answer my questions.

So would you say the phrase "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Is wrong?

So if women need to wear what they wore in Old Testament times, why not men? Why do you not wear robes? Also, please answer my questions, do you wear clothes with tassels and made of only one type of fabric? Because if not you are being extremely hypocritical.

Women shouldn't wear armor, what if they're being attacked?

How are you not strict? You said it is an abomination for women to wear pants, that is very strict, who is stricter than you?

Why should I accept Treasury of Scripture Knowledge as authoritative?
1. No, I do not say it is wrong. But, the Bible is a balanced Book. If you don't believe me go to Proverbs 26:4 & 5.
2. Maybe, I made some misleading statements. Customs change - that's true. But, pants were designed for men. As for robes - they were made distinctly for men and women. But, pants were made only for men originally - that is until the 1970s.
3. I don't think a woman should fight.
4. Who's stricter than me? Some people are! Some people are as strict as me believe it our not.
5. I'll surrender to the 5th arguement
You know, EleventhDoctor - Whenever someone says something you're the one who's one of the first to oppose him or her.

Re: do you think men should wear pants?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:26 am
by TigerShadow
John Henry wrote:I don't think a woman should fight.
So if a woman is being, say, mugged or raped, she should do absolutely nothing to defend herself? You are aware that in the very book we are discussing, a woman, Deborah, was leading armies, and another woman, Jael, stabbed a general in the temple with a tent peg, and both were lauded for their actions?