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The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 1:09 pm
by Doll
Wait, what? :o

The Soda Shop is 3 years old? Already?


So, it’s dance partay time!





















So, a bunch of us will be hanging out in the ToO chatroom all night, so come join us! If we get enough people, we may be able to play some games! :D

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:18 pm
by Nelson S.
Goodness. That was a lot of gifs.

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:27 pm
by snubs

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:32 pm
by Paula
*GASP* The SS is getting sooo old!!! Heh...Sort of *can't wait to party all night*

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 7:50 pm
by Bethany Shepard
Somethings to add to the collection:


Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 1:53 pm
by Emma
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Oh.... heheh... that was two days ago.... *shrug* I wish I coulda been there for the party. How did it go?

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:51 pm
by Paula
Heh...No one was really on.... *watches the crickets*

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:33 pm
by Doll
therealpaulajarvis wrote:Heh...No one was really on.... *watches the crickets*
It happened to be the same night our power kept blinking in and out and in and out...

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:03 am
by shnoodlec.
Aw man... I didn't see this. :/

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 4:51 pm
by The Old Judge
I must have been busy in order to have missed this. The last two years, I've even commemorated the SS's anniversary to some of my real life friends, whether they cared or not. It completely slipped by me this year. All I can say is, these three years have gone by dizzyingly fast, but I've enjoyed almost every minute of it. (Though you would've though I'd have hit 2,000 posts by now.)

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 1:34 pm
by Aftershocker
Happy Birthday, our dear Soda Shop! \:D/


Soda Shop Experience

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 2:43 pm
by Miss Friendship
I've been part of the Soda Shop for over two months now...and I thought some of you old-timers might like a "first impression" from a newcomer. ;)

The first person I remember reading: Blitz--someone in "Introduce Yourself" said he was "crazy"

4 users I always got mixed up: Micky, Sameriazx, paula and underseasie...(and Wakko and Woody)

An avatar that always bugged me: TigerShadow's (don't ask me why)

Users who usually make me laugh the most: Pound Foolish, Blitz, and on occasion Eleventh...(when he isn't frustrating)

A user I wish I could have known: John Henry

Someone who was intimidating (at first): Belle

The first PM I received: From a user who urged me to "Fight against Emily!"

Users I communicate with the most: Eleventh, Jay (of course) and Mandy

Users I hardly know: Renae, Audrey, and Stella C.

My favorite forums: General Discussion, Church, the Debate Hall

Boring forums: The Gallery.

If my "first impressions" is offensive to anyone, I apologize. This was just a lot of fun to write up. But the main purpose of this topic, is to hear yours. So post away. \:D/

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:09 pm
by Doll
Ooh, this sounds like fun. Here's my first experience....

The first person I remember reading: A post by Emuman.

Users I always got mixed up: Renae and Stella

Users who usually make me laugh the most: Pound Foolish and CT101

A user I wish I could have known better: SuzyLou

Someone who was intimidating (at first): Aaron Wiley

The first PM I received: I don't know the first, but the oldest I have is from SparkyHappyGiraffe

Users I communicate with the most: Limerick, Bren, DanP740, and Pound Foolish. (And underseasie, obvi..)

Users I hardly know: Most of the newer members who joined in the past few months.

My favorite forums: All? ;)

Boring forums: None. :P

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 4:49 pm
by Ashley
Belle, you pick the perfect gifs. Especially OUAT and Doctor Who ones. Those ones of Lana and Robert oh my goodness

Users who made me laugh: PF, John Henry, Mr Yorp, and Eleventh. (But JH and Mr Yorp in the "oh my gosh what even" kind of way.)

Someone who was intimidating: Idk…

First PM I got: From SparkyHappyGiraffe, as we know each other irl.

User I communicate the most: Samantha14

Users I hardy know: The ones who have left before I joined. xD

Favourite forums: The general discussion and the C+J club.

Boring forums: None. I love them all. xD

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 5:56 pm
by Emma
Lets see here:

Users who made me laugh: PF, Samantha(Though at that time she wasn't on much) Now I laugh at everyone. At first it was them though.

Users With Annoying Avatars: Where do I start? Nowhere I guess, no ones avatar were bad! Good job! *realizes Yelsew's is horrible*

Someone Who Was Intimidating: Belle, for about a year..... she was scary....

Users I hardly Know: Gabby, KeyBladeWarrior, Susannah P., bout' half the list of users.... But I know a lot of people, and they're all awesome!

My First PM: From WadFamChocSod, a welcome message. *wonders if Choc is still active*

Favorite Forum: General Discussion. I enjoy it all.

Least Favorite Forum: Uh.....

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:06 pm
by Pound Foolish
What a lovely dance party. Hooray, SS!
Come on, Suzy. Let's you and me have at it.

Samantha and Arka'n seem to be having fun.



Goodness, Eleventh Dr. and Miss Friendship certainly have their own style.

Users I get mixed up: Mr. Yorp, Gabrielle, and John Henry. I will say no more.

Users who make me laugh: Underseasie, Sammy, my Evil Twin, and Arnold the Rubber Ducky.

Users With Annoying Avatars: I am tired of Frozen avatars and Doctor Who avatars and getting tired of those things in general. Make it stop.

Someone Who Was Intimidating: T.S. But that didn't last for very long after I joined. I loved Valerie and Emily, war was inevitable.

Users I hardly Know: Lots of users whose names don't come to mind because I hardly know them.

My First PM: Aaron Wiley, if I recall, asking if I wanted to be a mod. I did, and that was fun for a while. (I got fired for the quite good reason I stunk.)

Users I communicate with a lot: Dear Belle, my wifey Suzy (though not on here) Frog Face (Sammy.)

A user I wish I knew better: Helios. She was great and then gone. Sad but predictable. And I'd like to get to know Tiger and Liza'like, maybe Nelson/Ben.

Favorite Forum: Character discussion. And not just for the E.R.K. either. I just thrive on talking about characters.

Least Favorite Forum: End it on a negative, why doncha. Possibly Episode Discussion.

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:17 pm
by SirWhit
I didn't get mentioned? Not even as your evil twin? *bottom lip quivers* :P

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:26 pm
by Pound Foolish
Ha, sorry about that. A user I am not in regular communication with but regard as a good partner in debating, an amusing wit and all around dastardly chap: my Evil Twin.

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:34 pm
by Miss Friendship
What??! Did you just compare me to a monkey?!

Re: The SS's 3rd Anniversary!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:43 pm
by Eleventh Doctor
Are you comparing me to Ben Stiller?!?