Goings and Comings

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brittany k
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Goodbye CT! :( We were never good friends or nothing but u were quiet Interesting! ;) we will miss u! :) hope life treats u well!!! :D
I'm a crazy gal! :)
I love life! :)
Pound Foolish
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Mr. Thinker, you're my friend, my enemy, my companion.
Thank you for all your long, thoughtful posts about AIO, and your short, funny ones. Thank you for your blog, which we can thankfully still look forward to seeing. And thank you for the Emily war. After all, it was you who first declared it. And what would this board be without it?
I've had so much fun with you. In the earlier days, just a few months ago, you, me and, Suzy, and sometimes TS or God's Girl, were a kind of a little team. The board was much smaller, and sometimes it almost seemed to be just us fooling around. Posting on so many of the same things, and bouncing off each other, riffing off each other. In a sense, that's still true, and always will be.
I know it's crazy, Mr. Thinker, but it wouldn't be going too far to say I love you. Come back someday.
Oh, I almost forgot... Emily RULES!
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Suzy Lou Foolish
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It made my heart hurt a little to see you bid your farewell. Like Pound Foolish said, I'll always remember those days of "fooling around" in the beginning. I miss those times. You should come back next summer...maybe we can do that again. We'll have Emily wars and have hopeless conversations of lost love between Connie and Mitch, or whine about how cheesy Penny and Wooton are together, (oh, sorry Myah ;) )
Anyways, take care, bud! I'll miss you and will be praying for you! Next time we hit up a AiO show maybe we can actually meet!

Your friend- Suzy
Mocha Jamocha
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Good-bye, Mr. Thinker. *waves* We will miss you.
^^ Props to Belle ^^
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Nelson S.
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See ya, CT. I'll miss having someone fun to disagree with. ;)
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Fudge Marble
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First time I met you, CT, I thought you were older. I never knew that someone your age could be so mature. But you still were able to be silly and hilarious in your posts too. Your writing skills amazed me. Your hate for Emily along with your banter with PF was fun to read..

I was never really close to you, but I will miss you. The SS won't seem the same without you. You'll be in my prayers. =) Goodbye, CT.
Isaiah 40:8, 1 Corinthians 10:31
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Cookie Dough
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Goodbye, CT. I'll miss you around here, even though we didn't always get along. I'm looking forward to the time when you return. God Bless you, were ever you are.And since you've always teased me about never hugging boys, *hugs*.Goodbye, CT.
꿈. 희망. 전진.
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brittany k
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Well I hate to this, but it is the right thing to do...I'm.... well.... I'm leaving... :cry: I hate to, cause I really love the SS and everybody on here!! I just feel it's right, I have a life to live dreams to accomplish! I really appreciate all of u, And you're kindness, love, forgiveness and prayers!! it means a lot to me, more than you'll ever know! my heart aches cause I'm doing this but I want to leave my life the best I can, I want to do things for God, see my dreams accomplished, do things in real life! I'm sure y'all understand ;) but I hate to leave! all of u r such awesome friends so kind... I'll be leaving in about a week, after this mafia round is over! I'll tell my goodbye's then. I've been crying wondering if it's the right thing to do and I feel it is... there have been lots of things going on in my life right now!! I'm really stressed right now and need lots of prayers!! I really love all of u, and appreciate all of u! so thank you! if u could please, please pray for me and my family I would really appreciate it!!! as I said it will be about a week or less I'll tell everyone my goodbye's then! I am crying right now this is harder than I thought it would be!!! I love all of u, u will be in my heart, thoughts and prayers!

your friend Brittany Dawn Kimble <3
I'm a crazy gal! :)
I love life! :)
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Mint Chocolate Chip
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Well, I'll see you guys in a week or two...... School starts tomorrow... Also, other things as well.
Goobye all, love you lots. *Hugs*
And if you read this... you will know that I may...or may not be back. I love you all... but, I may have to move on... I don't want to... but, I may have to... I love you all more than I could ever say. Now, if I must say it, I might as well get it over with. Goodbye, all. *Hugs*
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Aaron Wiley
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I'll have less-to-no internet for the next week or so. Nobody blow up the forum or anything while I'm gone.
"I strive to be an Elephant" - Odyssey Fan Wiley
Mocha Jamocha
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So, GG is in charge? :D
^^ Props to Belle ^^
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Rainbow Sherbet
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Aftershocker wrote:So, GG is in charge? :D

(What should I do first guys?)
~Queen Belle of Altanovia, Knight of Montreal & Order of Aristotle, Benevolent Dictator, Catspaw of the SS, & Dan's couch troll~
~"I’ve always found you to be a good person to disagree with." - Eleventh Doctor~
Fudge Marble
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Ok I to am leaving forever. Jkjkjkjkjk. But I am going to be gone from tomorrow morning for about a week
So I will be on very little. Ok so I'll see you guys later if I don't see you before I go.
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Mint Chocolate Chip
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You had better be Jkjkjkjkjkjkjk. :P ;)
So, sorry I'm late. I hope you have a good time with whatever you're doing. See you later, Wes! =]
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Cookie Dough
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I'll be gone for about a week :( Going to help move my Grandmother... I will miss you all very much!
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brittany k
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Well, I'm gone now.. I hate it but the time is come I need to move on with my life I'm on here all the time! I want to do things for him, I've been thinking about it and decided to go ahead and leave!
I thank u all for you're kindness & love and everything else! I've never had friends like all of u I've never been shown the kindness & forgiveness all of u have shown me... It means a lot to me and I'll never forget it or all of u. all of u will be in my prayers and thoughts daily! this has been really hard for me, but the addiction is too much! I love all of u and will pray and think of u daily. try not to forget me! ;) I will come back and visit someday! I'll be leaving Thursday. Thursday night will be my last time on here... :cry: thank you all for being so kind because definitely don't deserve it! I love u all so much!

Love your friend
Brittany Kimble
I'm a crazy gal! :)
I love life! :)
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Fudge Marble
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Hello, I'm back, but not for long. I had a lot of fun on here, but I am not going to be on here anymore, or at least, not in the foreseeable future. My mom thinks I am on the young side for this board. This does not mean that I am going to stop loving Emily! Emily haters, you thought too soon!
You were all very upset at Suzy's leaving and you can show your appreciation of me by doing the same for me. ;) ..........When CT misses me, I'll know I've seen it all. Gablerbage8 (actually age 10) ((You were always very confused about that....))
"What-ever."- Pound Foolish


"Why are you cutting a table with a chainsaw...?"
Pound Foolish
Coffee Biscotti
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Young? For a message board for young people? Okayyy... Well, awfully sorry. I have missed you a great deal, my beloved Emily lover. Thank you for announcing the reasons for your absence.You are my friend and possibly the biggest and most loyal Emily fan on here, even (gasp) above Suzy, Vice President Aftershocker... maybe even me. I'm very pleased you'll be back for now.
Oh, right. About the leaving thing: Sob. Boohoo. We love you. Happy? ;) But we'll get to that when your time's up. For now... Yay, you're back!
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Raspberry Ripple
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Well, hi and bye, Gabler! It was nice having you around, and I wondered where you went. So sad and glad!
Fudge Marble
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Location: Some "Grand" state. near "Arizona's Christmas City".


hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that I may not be on again till after sunday.
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