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Nice to meet you too, jubihm09! How many episodes of Novacom did you listen each day to complete it?
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I got to around like 8 or 9 a day 😏
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Greetings and salutations! I'm baysimp. I've been listening to AIO since I was 9 and have loved it ever since! I'm a huge Grady McKay fan and Paul Herlinger's my favorite Whit.
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Cookies & Creme
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Welcome to the Soda Shop, Baysimp! I as well am a big fan of Paul Herlinger. Grady is pretty cool too. :yes:
Glad to have you here! I look forward to conversing with you!
-Signed, PolehausFifty-three

President of The Emily Rules Klub (est. 2012)

“We have it translated in every language (กฎของเอมิลี่, Emily es la mejor, 艾米莉规则, Emily Quy tắc!, エミリーは最高です, emilyyay ulesray!, Эмили Правила!, Emily é a melhor, एमिली नियम!, Emily est la meilleure!, إميلي هي الأفضل!, Emily Kuralları!, אמילי שולטת!, Emily Regeln!, 에밀리 담당!, Si Emily ang pinakamahusay!, എമിലി രാജ്ഞിയാണ്!, એમિલી નિયમો!) that Emily RULES!”~The E.R.K.
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Hola I am Roberto.
Well, actually I’m not. lol I have another name but you can just call me Buckfan. I found this through the ToO. If you’re on there, you can find me by looking up Justine Baker. Yes, my friends, she’s alive. How do I know this. My AIO’s instincts of course. I believe she faked her death and is now working for the chairman until she can blow him out by turning him over to the FBI. Mitch doesn’t know a thing but he’ll be the agent she meets.
Enough of my theories, now down to business. 1. I’ve been a fan of the show for over a decade. I think we’re coming up on 15 years pretty soon.
2. Album 53 was my first but I was alive long before it came out. 😜
3. Buck was my first ever favorite character and then it switched to Eugene after probably 2 years of listening
4. I cried when Connie and Eugene got fired. My mom had to convince me that Whit would rehire them eventually so I did get a spoiler but at the same time, I had already heard GRC so I should’ve put 2 and 2 together. I also cried when Eugene left in album 75, when Connie’s mom died and when Eugene became a Christian. Still can’t listen to Eugene saying yes in The Time Has Come without my having moist eyes
4. I got inspired by Novacom to write my (now 50,000 words) written novel. Still have to edit it but it’s done. 🎉 I started having a passion for writing when I began writing fanfiction stories and scripts.
5. #adopted I was actually adopted out of foster care. ❤️
6. #homeschooler (ex because I graduated tho 😉)
7. #bookworm
8. #fanofblimeycow
9. I used to listen to the family hour. It was always my favorite time of day. I’d lay down and close my eyes or do a puzzle book (sudoku, dot to dots, mazes, word searches, crosswords, color by number ect)
10. Meeting a bunch of people involved with AIO and going to the headquarters of AIO are on my bucket list
What if Justine Baker is actually alive…!

I want to live in the room of consequence

I wish they made more room of consequence episodes

Buck should become a Christian during the next Novacom part
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Hey, y'all!

My name is Parker Hankins. I'm a huge AIO fan (obviously) and make certain to listen everyday. I have created a fan group at church.

I spend my free time writing my five book story (currently two books are finished and the third is in progress) and preparing to publish. AiO has been one of the largest inspirations for me in writing and life. When not doing that, piano and singing, fishing, pondscaping.

I'm a huge fan of anything Jason and Buck. I'd like to be Jason, and Buck is so cool because he's an intelligent country boy which is awesome since I'm from the south.

I'm always suspicious that an episode is related to Novacom. I think Buck and Jules will break up, Renee shouldn't be *too* main, The Rydell SAGA is VERY interesting, Jason is not around enough, Novacom must return with an even longer storyline.

I was homeschooled with ten siblings (currently) and a huge fan of the family singing group The Dixons. (Country gospel band.)
always suspicious that Novacom episodes are happening and we dont know it yet

Hopeing to be like Jason one day

A big fan of Buck and his intelligent southern character
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Jason&novacom wrote:
Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:35 pm
Hey, y'all!

My name is Parker Hankins. I'm a huge AIO fan (obviously) and make certain to listen everyday. I have created a fan group at church.

I spend my free time writing my five book story (currently two books are finished and the third is in progress) and preparing to publish. AiO has been one of the largest inspirations for me in writing and life. When not doing that, piano and singing, fishing, pondscaping.

I'm a huge fan of anything Jason and Buck. I'd like to be Jason, and Buck is so cool because he's an intelligent country boy which is awesome since I'm from the south.

I'm always suspicious that an episode is related to Novacom. I think Buck and Jules will break up, Renee shouldn't be *too* main, The Rydell SAGA is VERY interesting, Jason is not around enough, Novacom must return with an even longer storyline.

I was homeschooled with ten siblings (currently) and a huge fan of the family singing group The Dixons. (Country gospel band.)
First off, that’s so cool! What’s your story about and what genre do you write? Have you ever heard of the Young Writer’s Workshop? Totally recommend it if you’re under 25.
Secondly, That’s how I feel about Buck too! Jason is amazing!

Yes! I can’t wait for Novacom Part 3! What’d you think of 28 hours?
Yeahhhh… Renee is interesting and fine but she’s not Eugene and I hate that she’s becoming his replacement. No one can replace Eugene. I’d rather just have Connie and Whit by themselves than have a Eugene replacement.
*cough cough* Yes, it’s interesting… but not good. I’m still listening though because I’m curious where it’s going to go.

I think I already mentioned it but I’m an ex-homeschooler (meaning I graduated from school as a homeschooler) and I was homeschooled all the way through! I’m so glad I was too!
What if Justine Baker is actually alive…!

I want to live in the room of consequence

I wish they made more room of consequence episodes

Buck should become a Christian during the next Novacom part
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My name is Chloe, but y'all can call me monkmonk.

I started listening to AIO when COVID hit and have been listening since. Anytime I find a new interest I want to know anything and everything about it, so I dug deep into Odyssey, wanting every connection with it, fan sites, books, memes, and more.
I'm homeschooled. I spent kindergarten to 4th grade in public school and have been homeschooled sine 5th grade. (Currently in 9th).
I have a bunch of hobbies, I draw(I've drawn many aio fan art), scrapbooking, crocheting and a little bit of sewing and knitting. Basically anything crafty. I also love a good book, and singing.

I have a brother and a sister, I'm the oldest of the 3.we have 2 cats and a dog. I enjoy dressing up my dog in dresses.
My favorite characters are characters like Mandy, Sarah, Liz, Alex, Trent, characters in that time period (I don't know what it's called :( ) I also love Emily and Matthew.
And of course, my favorite saga is Novacom
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Cookies & Creme
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Welcome, Chloe!
~Two of your five a day~.
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