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Relating Songs to Odyssey

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:50 pm
by PennyBassett
Ok, so you're just listening to a song, and then you realize: Oh my gosh! This totally relates to so and so scene(s) from Odyssey! I do this quite often and I wanted to share this adorable video with y'all. It's a video of a 3-year-old singing I See The Light from Tangled and in the middle of listening to it, I realized it sounds exactly like Clara singing to Mr. Whittaker! And if that wasn't emotional enough, her voice sounds just like this little girl, and the toddler's name is Claire! :mad: It's so beautiful! :boohoo: And then the man that sings after her, even though Whit is older when he meets Clara, this young man sounds a lot like young Whit! \:D/ Anyway, does anyone else do this? And if so, care to share your song discoveries?! Here's the link to the video if you would like it:

Re: Relating Songs to Odyssey

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:48 pm
by Bananareader
That's a really cool video and so is their YouTube channel but I haven't listened to the episode Clara in a while, so I'll probably re-listen to it and compare anyone of Claire's songs to it. Another cool thing I found on their YouTube channel is that Claire can also plays the Ukulele, which is related to adventures in Odyssey, because both Eugene and buck play it, Here a link to a Video of Claire playing the Ukulele