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Re: Dreams

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 9:58 am
by Blitz
I was going to America in my last dream and forgot half of my stuff. Helios..... Girls think about marriage way too much.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 7:15 pm
by Helios
This morning (I slept in earlier than usual, lol) I dreamed I was Anakin Skywalker running around with Obi-Wan trying to destroy a bunch of droids before they activated. Then we had to chase down the Emperor and kill him before he got into this special pod that would protect him during some kind of interdimensional flight...I think. While fighting our way to the Emperor, I turned into a girl with a lightsaber that was really long and red. And then I met this guy who's saber was exactly the same, and he fell off the gantry and almost died. Fortunately I rescued him and I think he fell in love with me or some such nonsense....dreams are kinda vague sometimes. So then I was with the Avengers right before the Norn stones blew up and everyone got sent to different worlds. And I was trying to decide which world I wanted to be in, and somehow I ended on the elf planet with Hawkeye. Only he ran away on a horse, so I climbed a tree to get away from the wolves who climbed after me, forcing me to lop off the branches with my lightsaber. And then Hawkeye returned to rescue me, and I was very happy to see him, only I already liked that other guy, so I felt a little sorry for Hawkeye. Then the elf showed up and I woke up. *sigh*

PS Blitz, I don't know what made me dream that...but at least it wasn't the Shaun Cassidy look-alike, eh? :P

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:08 am
by Blitz
I can't remember my last dream.

All girls think about is love. My girlfriend won't even tell me her dreams. ;)

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:04 pm
by Ameraka
I love to tell people about my dreams but they don't always seem interested to listen.

I for one don't only think about love. In fact, it is pretty far down on the list at the moment. (except for Jason+Connie haha)

Last night I had a dream that a bomb was going to go off in a garage (or barn-ish building) near my horses and it was counting down--I ran away but it didn't go off ....then I was running through this back alley in New York away from someone.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:25 pm
by Helios
Last night (or this morning, it's all the same) I dreamed about smuggling messages through my garage to someone outside. Only, these four bad guys (they were all young, like mid-teens) were sitting at a cardtable playing poker...right in front of the garage door. So they caught me on my way out, but it was all like a game. No one was really trying to hurt anyone. So one of the guys started sparring/play-fighting with me, and I hit him good a couple of times, but he wasn't hurt. And then yelsew (who was one of the guys) pulled out Metal's six-inch knife from his soak and started waving it around. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:18 pm
by Ameraka
The night before last I dreamed I found some frogs, but my sister put them in this big brown paper bag and was all excited about frying some frog legs. I was so mad at her for killing the frogs just for their legs, I was screaming but she just laughed it off and went ahead with it. Then I found some shell fossils on this small island and picked up a bunch of them to sell.

Last night I dreamed I found some cute baby bunnies, baby ducks, and kittens and gathered them into a run-down trailer house we were staying in. They kept running into corners and getting lost and running back outside through the cracks along the walls of the house.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:28 pm
by shnoodlec.
My sis and I were at camp jam when a pack of dire wolves attacked. One of 'em had rabies and bit me. I tried to call for help before it kicked in, but it was too late.

I feel like eleven-year-olds shouldn't be having such intense dreams...

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:05 pm
by Pound Foolish
Yes, but sadly, our we can't help where our psychies go at night.

Speaking of which, I dreamed the night before last I was a little kid watching cartoons and getting rather upset because everyone in the cartoons kept dying bizarre deaths at the end.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:45 am
by Ameraka
I don't much remember my dream last night, except that Blitz was in it and came over to my house. He asked me what book I was reading and I said "Allegiant". He said, "Good" in kind of an absent way and then went looking through all my books.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:17 pm
by Blitz
What did I look like? Does sound like me though.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:28 pm
by Ameraka
You were kind of vague looking (probably because it was a dream). You had dark brown hair though. Medium height I think.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:31 pm
by Blitz
That is not me. I am black eyed and black hair and slightly taller than average.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:16 pm
by Ameraka
Now you have a dream about me and see if your subconscious guesses right. ;)

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:13 pm
by Blitz
Lol.... I never dream about online people.... and I never know names in my dreams generally.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:31 pm
by Ameraka
Me either. Makes it all the more weird that I dreamed about you, Blitz! :)

Last night I had a dream that mom was driving, and she fell asleep and wouldn't wake up. I tried to wake her up, and finally she did. As soon as she stopped the car, we were riding a horse instead of a in car and the saddle was falling off.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:51 am
by NateVONgreat
I don't remember my dream last night, but the night before I had an interesting dream.
i started in a long bus ride, and don't remember much of it, but then I went to the airport, just walked past security and everything, and got on an airplane without buying a ticket! and in the dream, it was really realistic, like I could do it if I wanted. I told the lady at the gate that my dad was already on the plane, and I just went to the bathroom, kinda like in Home Alone 2, and then the weird part.....yesterday my sibilings watched Home Alone 2 (!! a Christmas movie in June!!).

Re: Dreams

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:48 pm
by Bethany Shepard
If I do to much of one thing, that's all I dream of. So, yesterday I went swimming for the afternoon, and that's all I dreamt of. :P

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:03 am
by Metal15
I had a dream recently where the Joker from the Dark Knight movie was torturing some dude by chopping off parts of his hands bits at a time. O_O I woke up quite disturbed.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:29 pm
by Blitz
See I am cool.
I dreamed I and my family were pirates in a cross Britain-America-Ghana world. We were captured by a British lord who adopted me and let the rest of my family go where ever they wanted to. O.O

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:29 am
by Samantha14
Blitz wrote:Lol.... I never dream about online people.... and I never know names in my dreams generally.
I read that as "white people" at first, and my first sarcastic question was "is he double standard racist?" xDD

METAL. I seriously worry about you sometimes, dude...o_O