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Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:32 pm
by TigerShadow
So I was intrigued by the verse you shared, Aiofan7, and looked it up myself. I've read 2 Peter, but it's been awhile, so I couldn't recall that verse specifically. The problem with your use of it is that it doesn't make sense with the context around that verse.
KJV 1611 wrote:For wee haue not followed cunningly deuised fables, when wee made knowen vnto you the power and comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, but were eye witnesses of his Maiestie. For hee receiued from God the Father, honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heauen wee heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. We haue also a more sure word of prophecie, whereunto yee doe well that ye take heede, as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place, vntill the day dawne, and the day starre arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any priuate Interpretation: For the prophecie came not in olde time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost.
It's important to remember the context in which Peter was writing. Which church he was writing to is never specified, but he's talking about his desire that even after "this my Tabernacle" (i.e. the earthly temple of his body), the church would stand strong in proper doctrine and understanding of the gospel and live lives pleasing to God, as Peter himself was about to be martyred in Rome. He wanted to remind the church of the value of the gospel they've been taught to help them stand firm, even after the deaths of the original leaders, because Christ crucified is bigger than any individual human leader.

The New Testament had not been written and compiled by the point in time at which Peter was writing (roughly the late 60s AD); when the apostles went to share the gospel, they had to rely on Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah to convince people that Christ had come. False teachers were already springing up by this point, and the apostles were trying to stop evil subversions of the gospel before they started to spread. One of those subversions was a direct attack on the legitimacy of the Old Testament prophecies—writings like the ones in Isaiah and Ezekiel and the Psalms didn't mean what the apostles said they meant. These false teachers argued that they were written by fallible men who were just interpreting things as they happened to them, so who knew that Jesus was the one to whom the Gospel actually referred? Maybe the original prophets were just writing personal anecdotes with all the bias therein, and furthermore, the apostles were taking advantage of it to lie to people, and Jesus wasn't actually the Messiah.

Peter here says in rebuttal that they weren't just repeating "cunningly deuised fables" when they gave their testimony of the gospel to the churches—the apostles hadn't just made this stuff up. The church could trust Peter's word on this, as with the word of the other apostles, because they "were eye witnesses of his Maiestie" when they saw the Transfiguration, and he describes very specific details about that event. Furthermore, the words of the prophets came "not in olde time by the will of man", but rather, "holy men of God spake as they were moued by the Holy Ghost". Personal anecdotes about historical events are based in interpretation and human bias, but the ancient Hebrew prophets weren't telling personal anecdotes; it was their job to directly communicate with God, and therefore what they wrote down was what God wanted them to.

In other words, the verse you are using does not seem to be talking about people's individual interpretations of Scripture as they try to follow God's word in the modern day. It's talking about the reliability of Old Testament prophecies, and the reliability of the testimony of the apostles. Of course it's not unheard of to interpret the verse the way you're presenting it, but looking at the passage as a whole and the circumstances of its writing, it seems implausible.

(Also, JK Rowling is a woman. ...That's not really as important as Scriptural interpretation, but it bears saying.)

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:34 pm
by Doll
AioFan7 wrote:And why does a "Christian" use occultic symbols in his supposedly "wholesome" content?
What occultic symbols?
AioFan7 wrote:Occultists use Harry Potter to get people into the occult. Their top people say that. If you don't believe me...Then research it.
I have researched it, and I haven't found that. So, next.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:41 pm
by AioFan7
I don't fully understand you TigerShadow. Can't it be applied to all scripture?

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:08 pm
by TigerShadow
Not really.

Because while Peter was a fisherman by trade, he—like all other Jewish men—had been trained to some extent in the knowledge of the Torah. Paul, who presented the gospel using his vast wealth of academic knowledge as a former Pharisee, had an even greater claim to that understanding. Jewish scholars of the day (and in the modern day, like many Christian scholars) generally accepted a variety of interpretations of Scripture depending on their context. Because some passages (like the beginning of Genesis) are written using very poetic language, you can't assume that whoever wrote it is referring to events exactly as they happened—you could choose to interpret it that way, but it's not the only way to read it. End times prophecies operate under a similar principle. The general idea that they are communicating (i.e. God systematically created the world and everything in it) is true, but how they play out literally in real time (i.e. how long did it take Him to do it, how specifically did He create things like the moon and stars, etc) isn't necessarily clear.

But the Messianic prophecies aren't like that. When they say that the Messiah will come from Bethlehem, they mean, literally, that the Messiah will come from Bethlehem. When they say that the suffering servant will be "pierced for our transgressions" and "crushed for our iniquities", that "upon Him is the chastisement that will bring us peace", that's exactly what they mean. Now you can argue that they're not referring to Jesus specifically, but when you look at the actual historical events, which the apostles and their contemporaries were around for and bore witness to, that becomes increasingly difficult.

But going back to the overall thrust of this argument, Jewish and Christian scholars throughout the millennia have disagreed on interpreting the texts and what different phrases and passages meant, and how they impact how we should live. There are some things that are generally agreed upon, but others that are argued about to this day. Put simply, no one has all the right answers. I'm not an advocate for moral relativism, but I am an advocate for nuance, and if you're going to deal with these issues, you have to understand that there's more than one way to take different passages and instructions, and within the freedom that we are given in Christ, people will have different and valid views on these things.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:11 pm
by Shadow
You need to keep an open mind. You aren't listening, (or reading, but that's besides the point). I have many opinions which may not be popular, like being pro-vac, or thinking that video games and violence in real life have little to no correlation, or that gun control is ineffective, but want to know what I did before I came to those opinions? I looked at the other side, and found that their arguments, in my opinion, weren't stronger then the other side. But here, you are simply ignoring what we are saying. Research other sources. Cite. Look at the other side,and then come to a conclusion. don't simply preach your words as fact and not listen to the other side.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 8:52 am
by Miah Robinson
Here’s my two cents…

Some bible verses to start us off:

Matthew 5:43-48
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

John 15:12
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."

1 Peter 4:8
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

Mark 2: 13-17
Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him. While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

This is just my take on things, but I think you may be missing some biblical love @AioFan7… I mean, throughout Jesus’ life you see him love and pray for the sinner, not condemn them. And ultimately God’s the one to decide what’s right and wrong. Okay, now I’m gonna pull what we as missionaries like to refer to as the “Missionary Card” dun-dun-dun. I know, dramatic. So, I will address your claims on Harry Potter, Catholicism, and Atheism...

Harry Potter:
I myself have read all seven Harry Potter books. Sure, people take it the wrong way and do stupid things, but we as Christians have Christ’s guidance to make wise decisions based on the bible. I would never dream of walking up to a house and putting a hex on it. And according to you, I’ve sinned. For instance, have you ever watched any Marvel movies? Have you ever read anything for school or even just for fun that involves killing?
In Exodus 20:13, it says “You shall not murder.”
In Romans 13:9 it says, “The commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not covet,’ and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
There it is again, LOVE. Anywho, if your claims in saying that Harry Potter is “unbiblical” then watching Marvel movies, or reading history is “unbiblical” too. Maybe I’m wrong, and I’m not really a debate person, but I’d love to bring some clarity to this mess…

Okay, let’s do this. *cracks knuckles* Sooooo, Catholicism. I’m a missionary, as I have stated before. I live in a mainly Catholic country. I’ve been to multiple Catholic church services. Let me give you a little play by play of what happens. (This is a European catholic church service. I don’t know if it’s different in America)
1. The pope prays for everyone
2. We all stand and sing hymns
3. The pope reads the bible in Latin then in the native language, so everyone can understand
4. They take tithe
5. The pope preaches
6. We sing a few more hymns and it’s over
Does that not sound like your typical church service? I mean, you can say no, but it felt pretty normal to me.

To quote you, “Dear atheists, what are you doing here? What business do you have here?”. My answer: I’ve got a Atheist friend who likes writing stuff. I told him that I’ve written a few things and he was interested. I sent him the link to this website and he ended up asking a lot of questions about the Bible and God and his love for us, all because he looked up Adventures in Odyssey and saw what Christianity can look like. Isn’t that good? Now if that same person got on here and started reading hate messages towards his beliefs, do you think he'd be interested in Christianity? No. Isn’t your goal to keep people from going to Hell? If it is, then dooming people isn’t the right answer, it’s loving them where they’re at in life, being with them, so that God’s love can shine through to them.

So, buddy, this is what I believe. Maybe I’m wrong, but we don’t want to be the people that Jesus called Pharisees. And to be blunt, that’s kinda what you’re being... So, this is just something to think about. Not trying to stir up any nasty feelings towards anyone.

Oh yeah, one more thing to think about, Doc and all you others who keep bringing up the fact that he’s “young”. In 1 Timothy 4:12 it says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
Age shouldn’t really make a difference here. Young people are the ones who can and should set examples for the older believers.

Okay, I’m done. *jumps in a pond*

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:17 am
by Eleventh Doctor
Thank you Miah for bringing some much needed clarity to this discussion.

I do apologize for bringing up the fact that CGM is young, I thought I had avoided that because I was trying to keep in mind the lessons from 1st Timothy but I did say that he was young, my bad.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:33 pm
by AioFan7
@Miah Robinson

It's interesting you should bring up Marvel, History, and other things related. I have never seen any marvel movies, or any new movies that come out except for ones that are good documentaries about America, or a PureFlix or Kendrick Brothers film. So that takes care of that. (I'm bringing up this issue first for...IDK why. It's just that I'd like to tackle that first.) Reading or watching stuff that involves killing depends on reasons, depends on the situation, and it depends on other things. Reading history is very important. Because those who don't learn history, are doomed to repeat it. It's better to learn from mistakes. Note that there is also a difference between murder, and killing.

Now, about your scripture.

It's interesting you only bring out certain verses about Jesus' life. Most Christians paint Jesus as someone who has only love, and no mention of God being a just judge. Jesus condemned the Pharisees because they knew they were doing wrong. Maybe some of them were ignorant. But I feel that people like WD, and others are either rejecting what I've shown them. Or are just plain blind. (A lot of PM's and days of writing have been written debating these subjects.)

About the atheists

That's very good! You've done a lot better than I have. But maybe it's just because the atheist you're talking about is ignorant of the truth. When writing that paragraph, I was thinking of the more unpleasant debates I've had with others. I don't want to mention any names ATM.

About Harry Potter

I haven't read this entire article yet, but I suggest you take a look. ... k-Innocent

(Yes, I brought Chick up again. A trusted source for me.)

About Catholicism

I can understand how someone with apparently little knowledge of Catholicism could say that Catholicism seems fine. It seems like that on the surface, but, you need to do your research. Catholicism teaches a works-based gospel. There is more than meets the eye. Alberto, a former Catholic Jesuit exposed the corruption of the Catholic Church. Have you heard of the Inquisition? That was led by the Catholics. The Catholics were on Hitlers side in WW2. Their doctrine is not of the Bible. Most of it can't be backed up by the Bible. It's a powerful tool Satin uses in order to lead people straight to Hell. Now about citing sources...

I get most of my information from books, and my own study, and not usually online links. I've been taught by my Dad, and my Grandpa about many of these things. Chick Publications was where I got a lot of the information. Also, studying the Bible for itself is the most important. Catholicism's teachings matched up with the Bible just do not line up. How about you do your homework? Here's a source: ... atholicism

BTW, where does Purgatory come up in the Bible?


You have a lot of interesting beliefs, Shadow. Keeping an "open mind" doesn't sound very biblical if your mind consumes things that are ungodly. I believe that keeping an open mind can be a dangerous thing if you're not careful. Looking at both sides of things is important. But matching up both sides with the Bible is the way to determine things. Not by weighing out which side has stronger arguments. Did you look to the Bible when developing these beliefs? Though, I must say that gun control is truly ineffective. It's a master-plan to take our rights. If the 2nd Amendment is gone, all freedoms are gone.


You bring up VERY good points! (+100 points! You've taken the lead. Points given based off of humbleness, good writing, and honesty. Congratulations!)

I thank you for reminding me of something I have forgotten. Some things in the Bible have to be interpreted, yet not determined that your interpretation is correct. You need to ask God what something means. If He doesn't tell you, then don't assume your interpretation is correct. Things like end-time prophecy have to be interpreted. We don't know what it is really going to be like, so we don't say that we know it will be like. But most things in the epistles, and in the gospels and many other books are obvious in what they're saying. You don't need Bible scholars to figure things out. For some things sometimes, but not for easy-to-understand things.


Some of the proudest things I've heard. So what if you went to Bible University and stuff? There are lots of people who go to those kinds of places, and are worse off then they were before. Before God, I don't think it amounts up to a hill of beans to Him. I know people who have been to Bob Jones University, and are full of pride, (like you are) and yet there are people who never went to seminary or any Bible College yet know more about the Bible and become effective preachers. Take my Great Grandpa for instance. Dr. Sam Bradford. He preached in the largest church in Denver Colorado. Billy Graham himself said that it was Dr. Sam who kept his crusades out of that place. Because he saw right through Billy. (My Dad and grandpa talk about this often. Would cite sources, except IDK where to find 'em.) Someone (IDK who) would hear Dr. Sam cry out on his knees before God asking Him for wisdom and guidance. This man accomplished a lot. Yet he never ever went to seminary. That was probably 40 years ago. This man started lots of organizations including camps, churches, and ministries. Some of which are still around to this day. This is just the first example that came to mind. There are many others like this man. They never went to big-name Bible learning places. Most famous churches in America are straight from the pit-of-Hell. Teaching false doctrine against the Bible. So I honestly could care less about someone boasting that they went to a Bible University. That's fine, but getting prideful about it is a sin.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 1:33 pm
by Doll
AioFan7 wrote:They never went to big-name Bible learning places. Most famous churches in America are straight from the pit-of-Hell. Teaching false doctrine against the Bible.
Oh wow, you are just full of yourself, aren't you? So not only do you know more about the Bible than anyone else, apparently you know more about the Bible than most Christian and Bible Universities and churches??
AioFan7 wrote:So I honestly could care less about someone boasting that they went to a Bible University. That's fine, but getting prideful about it is a sin.
How you're claiming I am "prideful" about it is a hoot and a half. There's a big difference between being proud of someone's accomplishments and the pride fullness taught against in the Bible.
AioFan7 wrote:So what if you went to Bible University and stuff? There are lots of people who go to those kinds of places, and are worse off then they were before.
I've talked many many times about how going to University changed my life and brought me even closer to God. Are you saying that isn't true, that I'm making that up, or perhaps it isn't real?

I brought up Bible University because you constantly harp on people for not "researching the Bible." Well buddy, lots of people here have researched the Bible, and have come to drastically different views than you have. You're not the only one who has researched the Bible, many of us have, and in professional settings as well with professionals who have PhDs and things like that. Are you claiming the (around) 20 professors I studied under at school are all fakes and knew nothing about the Bible, despite being from many different backgrounds and studying themselves at many different schools and seminaries?

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 1:36 pm
by Scientific Guy
AioFan7, you are prideful. I can't stand reading this any more.

Number one, you are not the authority here, and you have no right to determine who is right and who is wrong. You have no authority on this website to say that some people are just plain blind. You're calling Belle full of pride? She was responding to you, calling you out for being full of pride. She's not speaking out of her own pride, she's speaking out of our collective frustration at your demeanor! How do you not see this? No, we're not looking down on you because you're young, we are questioning your authority because you have 86 posts. Belle has 4975. You had better respect her for her position over you.

Number two, you are not the authority on Scripture. Belle's point was that if you're making yourself out to be an expert on Scripture, then she can too, because she has way more credentials than you. Unless your interpretation is infallible, and unless you have had the spiritual training that she has had, you may be wrong. You have been called out time after time to quote Scripture to back up your three points, but you have not done this. You've cited Chick.

Number three, you are not God. You are not infallible, and your words mean nothing if you're looking down on us from your lofty self-righteousness. Not only that, you are fallible, and you are one hundred percent wrong. I don't care right now about whether Harry Potter, D&D, or Catholicism are occultic. Brother, you are seriously wrong. Right now, you need to stop and look back at the words you've said. You've shown false humility, arrogance, self-righteousness, disrespect, and haughtiness. You have made yourself and your thoughts the judge of right and wrong, instead of our Savior Jesus Christ. Not only that, you have gone so far as to claim that you believe that at least one of us is a false Christian.

You cannot say that. Whatever credibility you may have had at the beginning of this conversation, whatever reasoning against the occult you had, you have lost our respect because of your insolent, stuck-up, prideful manner. You are not the judge, and you have no standing at all to tell us what we are doing wrong because, in your pride, YOU YOURSELF ARE WRONG. On behalf of everyone who won't say it, STOP THIS ATTITUDE RIGHT NOW.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:27 pm
by Miah Robinson
First off: @Scientific Guy THAT WAS AMAZING!
Secondly: Kid, I think you may have figured out by now that you’re getting nowhere with us. So I suggest you call it quits. ;)

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:52 pm
by Miss Friendship
@CGM and @Belle

I'll just leave this verse here. 1 Corinthians 8:2
And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.

Once you realize you know absolutely nothing, tiny specks in this universe that we are, that is the first step of knowing anything.

CGM, so I am going to assume that you use Chick Tracts as your main point of reference because the format that makes the most sense to you is comics? Is that all you can understand?

Also, when I first arrived at the SS, my sword was hardcore raised against Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and even Narnia, I believe. I was also taught that this was next door to hell. I threw many debate tantrums over the awful hell-like people on this board who insisted, in my mind, to accept the occult. And then I decided to actually find out for myself by reading over the material and then I'd make a judgment.

Want to know something? Harry Potter is kinda lame, at times boring. I was expecting to be brought to Satans door, on a rush of spells and occult, and no, it was just a story. Not really worth your time. Lord of the Rings was even lamer. About this boring old guy and this boy who wanted to throw a ring into this pit. So what. Most people who get attached to these stories are NERDS, bigtime nerds, not witches.

IKR. It was disappointing to discover I had been wrong, but hey, the more you know, right?

So why don't you read the Harry Potter books, and if you feel constant attacks from Satan, let us all know? Or are you not strong enough to read over Pagan material? Would it completely wreck your faith? Paul the Apostle read lots of Roman's pagan writings. Do you think he is a witch?

Also, you kept apologizing for how you handled things, but not for your beliefs. Christ said "You will know them by their fruit." What if the fruit of your beliefs is pride, hatred, handling things in a severe, wrong way? Wouldn't that indicate, by Christ's own standards, that your beliefs aren't actually bringing about the grace and love in your heart that it should be doing?

One last question. Why did Christ befriend prostitutes?

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:34 am
by shnoodlec.
Oh goody.

CGM, you were banned from the OdysseyChat Discord server primarily because of your refusal to drop a conversation. After a heated debate over a year ago I felt like since you were new to debate maybe you had a little trouble (as many of us do) coming back down and remembering that we're all on the same side in the end. So I offered to do a little sprite work for your platformer game. I left the chat/boards for a few months and upon my return I found more than a few messages asking about the sprites. Yes, I should have followed through with my offer and not made empty promises, but in the coming months you continued to badger me across multiple platforms about the sprites and try to guilt me into doing work for you that I normally charge for. You said that you needed the work done and didn't want to do it yourself, so you needed someone else to do it for free. When I (and others) told you that I had my own life and commitments, you doubled down and said that since this was a "Gospel-based game" I should feel some obligation to work on it. When another artist tried to explain the concept of paying people who do work for you, you tried to rope her into doing the work as well, despite the fact she doesn't do that kind of art. When explained to you, you understood that it was an insult to me to not consider my perspective, but you didn't seem to care. You wanted it, so why shouldn't the rest of us stop what we're doing and help you?

I bring this up not to "expose" you or guilt-trip you - honestly this was one incident of many and in the end I was able to laugh about it. But I think it's a good illustration of how you seem to view debates and other people in general. When I first mentioned I was an atheist, you launched into a grand speech immediately, as if it was an invitation to debate. It was not. From then on, you demanded I read out-of-context verses, watch hour-long YouTube videos, and endure message after message of you claiming that I "hate God." This was the reason SW and I made the decision to ban you from Odyssey Chat.

Other peoples' existence is not an open invitation for you to attack them and "debate" them. Respect boundaries. You've made attacks on my art, my beliefs, my friends, my lifestyle, and my personal character. You either view people as with or against you. I'm not a mastermind Odyssey villain trying to induct you into the Cult of Potter (to be quite honest, I dislike Harry Potter, it's poorly written). I'm not trying to hurt anyone. I'm only two years older than you. Not everyone is out to get you. I'm just trying to exist man, let me exist.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:55 am
by PennyBassett
AioFan7, you sound so afraid. What exactly are you scared of? Do you think if you read Harry Potter you would start summoning demons or casting spells?

Most people have said all that needs to be, but I will add this:

You are dehumanizing people. Assuming everyone who attends a Catholic church is going to Hell is not only judging 1.1 billion people, but it's assuming those billion people have the exact same spiritual state and beliefs. You asked us to point out how you are not loving. This is not loving.

I might add to this later. I don't know. If you're not mature enough to engage in a civil debate, it's probably not worth it to try and convince you of my viewpoint. I just know it won't be respected.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:33 pm
by Miss Friendship
shnoodlec. wrote:CGM, you were banned from the OdysseyChat Discord server primarily because of your refusal to drop a conversation. After a heated debate over a year ago I felt like since you were new to debate maybe you had a little trouble (as many of us do) coming back down and remembering that we're all on the same side in the end. So I offered to do a little sprite work for your platformer game. I left the chat/boards for a few months and upon my return I found more than a few messages asking about the sprites. Yes, I should have followed through with my offer and not made empty promises, but in the coming months you continued to badger me across multiple platforms about the sprites and try to guilt me into doing work for you that I normally charge for. You said that you needed the work done and didn't want to do it yourself, so you needed someone else to do it for free. When I (and others) told you that I had my own life and commitments, you doubled down and said that since this was a "Gospel-based game" I should feel some obligation to work on it. When another artist tried to explain the concept of paying people who do work for you, you tried to rope her into doing the work as well, despite the fact she doesn't do that kind of art. When explained to you, you understood that it was an insult to me to not consider my perspective, but you didn't seem to care. You wanted it, so why shouldn't the rest of us stop what we're doing and help you?
:( This is sad. I'm sorry that happened.

CGM, what she just described is literally the definition of a narcissist. If you don't know what that is, google it. Google how many people, especially women, have been hurt by narcissists. Your inflated sense of self-importance, and your demands, I realize is partly due to the culture in which you were raised. A religion dominated by males, it serves and enables the males and lets the women follow in silence and submission. I saw this behavior in men quite often as I grew up in a culture that shared many of the same damaging principles that you share.

So let's break this down, so you know exactly where and how this attitude is formed.

Think about it. How do you view God? What characteristics of Him stand out more than others? Based on your conversations with others, I realize that you understand God to be a God of vengeance, ready with his lake of fire to burn all the unbelievers unless they "repent." You have the ultimatum mindset of "If people don't do A. B. C. they will perish." When it comes to God's love, you view it more as a condescension. Despite how totally awful and deprived humanity is, God has condescended to give them the gift of eternal life, and if they do not take it, well they are "stupid idiots." (This is evident by how you treat those who do not share your same beliefs. There is zero respect.)

Now factor in how many times your family and church have told you "We need to all become just like God. We want to mirror his attributes." Well then, there you have it. You are attempting to become that thing that you imagine God to be. Full of hate towards all unbelievers, you preach at them with the self-righteous fire of "I am saved, you aren't. I'm better than you because I am not an idiot."

Once you feel you are better then everyone who hasn't accepted God's everlasting gift, (which is completely contrary to scripture if you were thinking there is nothing wrong with this attitude) that is the first step in a series that brings you to the doors of narcissism. Narcissism's description:
is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.
Now does that description sound Christ-like? Nope. And yet, you likely don't stop to realize that. You feel superior to others, because of your lofty knowledge of what's right and wrong. Because of your belief that God is superior to everyone else, and in a sense, you are trying to mirror that. Naturally, Christians worship their God, and your excessive need for attention and admiration is because you expect the same, given your status as the right-hand man of God. The lack of empathy shouldn't be too difficult to trace; remember the part where people are idiots if they don't accept God's gift? Well, they have chosen their own path, we have no pity or empathy for such heathens. That's the spirit.

You expected schnoodlec to bow to your will, because it's "gospel-based" instituting the "God is superior and I follow God, so you should help me... free." In reality, you were wanting to use her for your own interests, primarily because you feel superior to her. Her, a god-hating lunatic, isn't a person of great worth in your eyes. So you attempted to use your self-inflated sense of godly power to manipulate her into doing what you wanted. Because, in serving you, she might be good for something.

So I hope you feel troubled that your culture is a seedbed for creating and distributing the horror of narcissism upon society. If you keep this up, your wife and your children will have a very miserable existence. Obeying your every command as if it were from God himself, which they will most likely be informed as such. This takes away all responsibility of your mistakes and puts the blanket of "God said to obey me" over everything, and letting you get off free with your abuse.

You are the exactly the kind of person Christ meant when he said: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:05 pm
by Audrey
Everyone else has summed up what I'd like to say better than I can, so I'll just do this:
schnood :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: DON'T LET PEOPLE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE TALENTED!!!!!! (that's a message to everyone: be like schnood)

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:35 am
by shnoodlec.
Thank you for all the support y'all <3 :)

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 7:08 pm
by NinjaHunter
If the resident troll may be allowed to apologize profusely for not joining in the mayhem, and quickly nitpick a couple lines from the OP:
AioFan7 wrote:I think that C.S Lewis made a mistake when deciding to use Greek mythology and stuff in his books. He could have been ignorant of it and never thought much about it.
I highly recommend Till We Have Faces, another C.S. Lewis novel that would give you a good idea of what he thought about Greek mythology and how he thought about it.
AioFan7 wrote:For example, Charles Spurgeon smoked and wasn't aware of anything bad about it.
What is morally wrong with smoking? Nicotine is just a drug, just like caffeine, alcohol, processed sugar, and whatever eldritch abominations they put in 5-hour energy drinks. Unless you're going to condemn all such substances as a whole, it's rather difficult to condemn someone for doing something you're probably doing yourself without killing your credibility.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:37 pm
by Bethany Shepard
This ongoing prattle has been quite interesting to read through.

As an unassociated individual to this cycling "debate," my conclusion to this thread was that is was created to not apologize or resolve any animosity between members, but to perpetuate the drama to fill a desire for entertainment and/or to self-gratify. Frankly, I'm not sure why all of this nonsense is still being entertained. If you're sharing your opinion with others, but not respecting the fact that other people have autonomy to have their own point of views or beliefs, that's when you lose any impact when voicing your opinion.

Re: My statements about this AIO forum and things related to

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:46 pm
Bethany Shepard wrote:This ongoing prattle has been quite interesting to read through.

As an unassociated individual to this cycling "debate," my conclusion to this thread was that is was created to not apologize or resolve any animosity between members, but to perpetuate the drama to fill a desire for entertainment and/or to self-gratify. Frankly, I'm not sure why all of this nonsense is still being entertained. If you're sharing your opinion with others, but not respecting the fact that other people have autonomy to have their own point of views or beliefs, that's when you lose any impact when voicing your opinion.
I couldn't have said it better myself. A fair debate is a good thing, and I admire of a lot of users for voicing their opinions and defending their positions better than I ever could, although I'm surprised it' s been carried on for a week.