
To this day, Ohio has never been mentioned specifically by a character in such a way that eliminates the possibility of Odyssey residing there.



  • The original "Family Portraits" series of thirteen episodes introduced the town of Odyssey, its environment, the main characters, and the Christian morals we value on the show today. Although the writers later decided that Odyssey's location would never be verbally revealed on Adventures in Odyssey, "Family Portraits," before this decision, gave a direct location for the town. "Family Portraits" is not available from Focus on the Family at this time and is not considered part of the Odyssey chronology, but Odyssey's definitive mention will continue to inspire AIO fans to paint the roadmap to Odyssey. Or at least this website. We've provided a little peek into where Odyssey used to be, before it became Adventures in Odyssey.

    Whit's Visitor [

    At the start of the series, we take a walk with Whit as he describes the town, its location, and the struggle for the common people.

    The Narrator begins the episode by stating, during the introduction after the opening interview, that we are "going to 'Odyssey, Ohio'".

    • Whit mentions that Odyssey is "in a valley".

    The New Kid in Town [

    The key people and places have been introduced, and the eccentric character, John Avery Whittaker, is already helping those who need him.

    • In the closing interview the question is asked, "Where is this town Odyssey?" and Ohio is given as the answer.


  • The city of Cleveland is mentioned throughout Adventures in Odyssey. However, the state of Ohio is never mentioned. Likewise, no evidence proves that Odyssey cannot be located in Ohio.

    • Tom Riley mentions that he went on a trip to Cleveland (The Big Broadcast).

    • In First-Hand Experience, Eugene and Bernard begin their roadtrip near a city called Cleveland. However, there is not enough evidence to prove which Cleveland the episode refers to. (There are several cities named Cleveland in the United States.) Could this be Cleveland, Ohio?

    • In the episode For Better or For Worse, Millie Shanks is planning Eugene and Katrina's wedding. Due to the weather, she tells Connie that she will be going to look for an alternate wedding site. Connie responds, "Where? Cleveland?"

  • The city of Cincinnati is mentioned as well in a variety of episodes. However, the state of Ohio is never mentioned. Likewise, no evidence proves that Odyssey cannot be located in Ohio.

    • While presenting a riddle to the kids at Whit's End, Whit references the city of Cincinnati (along with Buffalo and Detroit) in Promises, Promises, although he doesn't say any states. He attempts to prove that he is in neither of the cities.

    • In Train Ride, Whit and Eugene board an Amtrak train in Chicago and head home to Odyssey. It is brought to their attention that some of the passengers on another train car (mannequin salesmen) are on their way to a convention in Cincinnati. According to Amtrak's website, a trip from Chicago to Cincinnati is approximately 8 1/2 hours in total. If traveling by train, it is a day's journey from Chicago to Odyssey, as revealed in the episode as well. Now, where is Odyssey in relation to Cincinnati? It is revealed that the stop to Odyssey is before Cincinnati.

    • In Waylaid in the Windy City, Greg Kelley tells Dr. Blackgaard that he has friends in Cincinnati he can lay low with for a while since he is wanted by the police.

    • Cincinnati is stated in a news report involving a mass misunderstanding that Harlow Doyle is the creator of Powerboy Comics. No state is mentioned in the report, although we do know that Cincinnati is in Ohio. (Rights, Wrongs, and Winners)

    • In The Jubilee Singers, George White purchases ten first-class train seats to Cincinnati.

    • During dinner in Child's Play, Katrina briefly mentions that Rhonda, teacher at Connellsville Middle School, is going to a teacher's conference in Cincinnati.

  • In The Life of the Party, a boy named Freddy states that his family moved to Odyssey from Columbus. He never references the state of Ohio. However, clues given in this episode do not prove Odyssey's existence in Ohio, nor do they rule it out.

  • In The Ill-Gotten Deed, Whit reads a book, with the first line explaining that Odyssey was founded in the early 1800's. Historically, during that time, Ohio was a state but was considered as "out west" (click here to view off-site details). In addition to "northwest Ohio," we have an area called the "Black Swamp" which might be related to the swamp in the episode.

  • Historically, Johnny Appleseed traveled through Ohio. In Timmy's Cabin, Tom Riley and several others discover that Johnny Appleseed traveled through the land that became Tom Riley's farm.

  • In Hymn Writers, the Kids Radio station takes listeners to Ashtabula, Ohio, to cover the events of a story. However, not enough evidence is given to rule out Ohio as the location for Odyssey.

  • Carl Ross tells Jack Allen the story of the Underground Railroad and establishes that it takes place in the "southern United States." Also, the ultimate destination of the sojourners is in the north. It can be assumed that Odyssey is in one of the northern states. (The Underground Railroad)

  • Also, in The Underground Railroad, Henry and Caroline crossed the Ohio River to get to freedom. The house connecting to the church where Reverend Andrew lived, which is ultimately Whit's End's location, was just across the border. Could it be Cincinnati? It can also be deduced that Odyssey is north of the Ohio River.

  • Eugene Meltsner and Mandy Straussberg take a ride in the Imagination Station to Oberlin, Ohio, in When In Doubt...Pray! However, not enough evidence is given to rule out Ohio as the location for Odyssey. A Butler County exists in Ohio, although no state is mentioned in the episode. Not enough evidence is given to prove that this is the same Butler County as the one that happens to be in Ohio.

  • The school closings notice, as heard on the radio in Snow Day, lists a Butler County.

  • Millie Shanks mentions that she is going to find an alternate site for Eugene and Katrina's wedding in For Better or For Worse. Connie sarcastically responds, "Where? Cleveland?" Not enough clues are given to prove that Odyssey is or is not located in Ohio, though it is interesting to note that Cleveland may be close to Odyssey's location since it came up during conversation.

  • In The Highest Stakes, it is revealed that bus ticket from Connellsville to Marietta costs $99. Marietta is a well-known city in Ohio, although no state is mentioned in the episode. Not enough evidence is given to prove that this is the same Marietta as the one that happens to be in Ohio.

  • In The Jubilee Singers, George Leonard White reveals that the Jubilee Singers' next stop is Chillicothe, Ohio. Not enough clues are given to prove that Odyssey is or is not located in Ohio.

  • In The Jubilee Singers, a talking painting of Frederick Douglass reveals that the Jubilee Singers are scheduled to perform before the First National Council of Congregational Church in Oberlin, Ohio. Not enough clues are given to prove that Odyssey is or is not located in Ohio.

  • In The Jubilee Singers, a talking painting of Frederick Douglass explains that the Jubilee Singers go on tour from Ohio to New York. Not enough clues are given to prove that Odyssey is or is not located in Ohio.

  • In The Green Ring Conspiracy, Dr. Graham informs Whit that she has contacted the local Secret Service office in Springfield. Springfield, Ohio, is located in southwestern Ohio. However, there are also a Springfield, Illinois and Springfield, Missouri. Not enough clues are given to prove that Odyssey is or is not located in Ohio.

  • It could be argued that Odyssey is in Ohio, based on a clue in the Adventures in Odyssey video Race to Freedom. When Dylan and Carter are inside the Imagination Station, the screen stops at the state of Ohio as their destination. However, since we base all occurrences of characters saying names of states on the audio series only, we do not use this as evidence that Odyssey is in Ohio.

Remember, no one knows where Odyssey resides to this day, but much evidence seems to indicate Ohio as one of the hot spots in the United States.

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