Mandy and Trent

Hidden in all this dust lies the hypothesis of many AIO fans. What do you feel is sure to happen, and what should stay buried? Chris says keep listening, we say speculate.
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the Valiant wrote:
Pound Foolish wrote:Come to that, what would Jared and Sarah's kids be like... Or dare we think on such a thing?
We daren't.

Is that a word?
It is now. =p
Pound Foolish
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Actually that's a very old word, it's just not normally used anymore. And.... are we having a grammar-convention?
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Raspberry Ripple
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Liz and Trent should get married so Mandy and Jared can be together.
17:39<Novatom>: I'm in another boat. A boat of people who don't know what everyone's talking about. A boat that is sinking.
17:40<Sameriazx>: oh no... here we go again...
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The Old Judge
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You just proposed a revolutionary and potentially dangerous postulation of AIO theorization. If Mandy and Trent were not united in holy matrimony, that would distort and redirect the whole Odyssey timeline. And if "Trandy" isn't safe from change, then nothing is! O.o Everything we know and love about the show could vanish! O.o Oh, Novatom! How could you even think of this?! The humanity!!!

(By the way, good to see you've become a regular on the board.)
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That... Is a very very bad idea. (No offense, Novatom. I'm only teasing. ;) ) Trandy. Must. Happen. Sorry, no questions about it.

Plus, even if it weren't destined to be, it would have to be. I'd die before Trent married anyone but Mandy.
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Bethany Shepard
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That's how I feel about Mandy! In other words... no. I'm not to happy they got together. Trent was pretty cute. I was disappointed. :(
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Woah, Bethy. Mandy is charming, kind, and witty. So... Where does this hatred come from? From your sheer envy of her? That's it. You wish, wish, wissshhh you could be like her. But you're in denial. You pretend to hate her because you can never be like her. Admit it!
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I can't stand her, because she's always thinking of herself! How she feels. And she's SOOOOOOOO whiny! I get that it's hard that her parents where separating.... but... She just thought about how she felt and how it effected her and not how it was also hurting others! (David, and Her mom and dad)

I should start a Mandy Haters Club! :twisted:
"I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther.
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Bethany Shepard wrote:I should start a Mandy Haters Club! :twisted:
You do and I'll never speak to you again. =P

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Mandy and Trent are the best Odyssey couple, aside from *sob* Connie and Mitch.... but we all know how I feel about that. AiO did this all perfectly, from the Mum's the Word to The Present Long Ago.
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The Old Judge wrote: (By the way, good to see you've become a regular on the board.)
I'm glad you're glad. I have 74 posts, not bad (doesn't that sound like Dr. Seuss?).
17:39<Novatom>: I'm in another boat. A boat of people who don't know what everyone's talking about. A boat that is sinking.
17:40<Sameriazx>: oh no... here we go again...
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the Valiant wrote:Ew. Jared and Sarah SHOULD NEVER BE TOGETHER. And my conclusion is based on this: I hate Sarah. I love Jared. Therefore, they can never be TOGETHER.

I know, I know. Such intelligent and advanced judgement I possess.
Wow...way to be subtle.
High wellborn Lady shnoodlec Knight of the Order of Augustine, formally known as Queen of the Monkeys. Q&A thread HERE. "SHNOOD IS THE OLDBIE NEWBIE AND SHE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS THAT TITLE" - Belle
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Bethany Shepard wrote:NEVER!!


I can't stand her, because she's always thinking of herself! How she feels. And she's SOOOOOOOO whiny! I get that it's hard that her parents where separating.... but... She just thought about how she felt and how it effected her and not how it was also hurting others! (David, and Her mom and dad)

I should start a Mandy Haters Club! :twisted:
Mandy's not whiny! She may not be the best character on AIO, but she's nice. And she's not selfish at all! She's perfect for Jared! What makes her so annoying?
17:39<Novatom>: I'm in another boat. A boat of people who don't know what everyone's talking about. A boat that is sinking.
17:40<Sameriazx>: oh no... here we go again...
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Novatom wrote:She's perfect for Jared!
Jared?! What makes her perfect for Jared? 0_o
^^ Props to Belle ^^
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I loooove the idea of Jared and Sarah. ansering machine Jared:Hi going to be late I think the old lady across the street is just a cover for a group of alians. Sarah: 4th time this week good thing I didn't make dinner, I'll go out.

On second thought Jared would probaly marry the presidants daught to get inside info. Ha Ha!!!!
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do you know how long i was waiting for this topic to revive


Trent and Mandy are my precious babies. Words cannot describe the amount of love I have for this couple. They're both awkward, dorky, and intelligent enough to match each other without reaching insane levels of intelligence—and they're both such drama queens, too! I like that they're each closer to earth where the other is not, and I like how they compliment each other without being exact duplicates or opposites of each other.
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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AHA. I found the thread! I have questions for the Trandy fandom (aka Tiger) and don't want it just in some q&a. =p

SO. Did Trent help Mandy during her parents divorce? Or was he oblivious like he was in Mum's the Word? Did Mandy text him while in the hospital?

When did Mandy realize she liked Trent? It seems he liked her in the aforementioned episode, but she kinda cut him down fast. When did she realize the love? Did she like him in A Class Reenactment? =0
xo eht haiasi-
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Mocha Jamocha
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Isaiah the Ox wrote:AHA. I found the thread! I have questions for the Trandy fandom (aka Tiger) and don't want it just in some q&a. =p
-is happily crowned queen and dictator-for-life of the trandy fandom-
Isaiah the Ox wrote:SO. Did Trent help Mandy during her parents divorce? Or was he oblivious like he was in Mum's the Word? Did Mandy text him while in the hospital?
I'd guess he was probably there for her as he could have been.

At the end of "Mum's the Word", Trent asks Mandy if the fact that she only liked him as a friend was the big important thing she was going to talk to him about in the cafeteria at the beginning of the episode, and she replies that she was actually going to tell him something about her parents. I did write a speculative fic on her following through with that, although that's not canon, obviously. But Mandy explicitly tells Trent that she trusts him, and knowing her character, I don't think that would change due to the events of the episode. He still misled her about the valentine thing, but he didn't do it on purpose, and I think she could put two and two together and figure out that he only did it to protect Max's secret.

I think it's also important to note that Max had flipped the switch to put them back on the air by the time Mandy said she was going to tell Trent "something about [her] parents", which means that the whole audience of Candid Conversations heard that something was up. She may also have decided to tell Trent the whole truth so that she could reveal it to someone she cared about on her own terms, before everyone else started speculating.

As a result, I think we could expect people to stop asking for Richard Maxwell to return before we should expect that Trent wouldn't be there for her. That's just who Trent is—he's compassionate and kind, and he helps people who are in need. Whether or not she let him know about the broken leg, of course, I don't know, but it doesn't sound like she was even in the hospital for very long before she was taken home, so I suspect that anyone who wasn't either Connie or a Straussberg, including people like Liz and Trent, found out about it after she'd gone home. (I headcanon that Trent found out when he went to church that Sunday morning—"Life, in the Third Person" starts on a Saturday—and saw the Straussbergs there minus Mandy and asked about her, and then promptly had an aneurysm and broke down her door to mother-hen her to the end of time. Definitely haven't written a fic about it, though. No sir-ree.)

However he found out, though, I imagine he was as supportive and helpful as he could have been, helping her get around school, carrying her stuff, bringing her homework assignments when she was still in bed, that kind of thing. That's probably about the time when everybody really started shipping them, although most people were all aboard the USS Trandy after the KYDS Radio incident.
Isaiah the Ox wrote:When did Mandy realize she liked Trent? It seems he liked her in the aforementioned episode, but she kinda cut him down fast. When did she realize the love? Did she like him in A Class Reenactment? =0
I don't think Mandy was really in an emotional state to like any guys at the time, to be honest. Her priorities just didn't lie there at that point. I do think we should take her behavior in "A Class Reenactment" at face value, though; I really do think she only saw him as a friend at that point. It's not really out of character for Mandy to get frustrated with and lash out at people who keep trying to pigeonhole or bully her, so while we can't rule out that she had feelings for him that she was in denial about, I think it's more likely that she really didn't see him as more than a friend and just wanted everyone to leave her alone about it.

I would at least hope that Mandy started falling in love with Trent in high school, though, mostly because any longer than that just seems like a really long time to drag out a crush.

My guess is that it starts in freshman year and they start dating their sophomore year. Mostly because both of them are pretty in tune with their emotions, especially in how they feel about each other, so they'll understand how they feel pretty quickly, but they're also complete morons with self-esteem issues, so they won't want to address it with each other immediately, and will probably dance around it for awhile (Mandy in particular having moments of self-flagellation because of how she treated Trent when she denied that she had feelings for him). Such circumstances will be rife for entertainment for almost all involved, and mass betting pools will emerge.

Basically, if Lucy and Curt are the couple that makes for good drama but probably not a good long-term relationship, Trent and Mandy are the couple that starts dating in high school and winds up having Instagram hashtags for pictures of their kids.
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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