Miss Friendship wrote:Last movie you watched?
Kubo and the Two Strings. Mag-nif-i-cent.
Miss Friendship wrote:Would you be willing to lie to a court for a close friend if it meant saving them from going to jail for life?
My first instinct is no. However, this is a complicated question. To pick an extreme and very hypothetical example, if they were on trial in Nazi Germany for an assassination attempt on Hitler, then that would be a different matter than what one would normally picture when reading this question, and the answer would change. So, having established that at least at a far extreme there would be an exception, where the moral right overrides the legal right, then where father back woulf it also be the right thing to do?
Miss Friendship wrote:Do you think children should be sheltered from unhappiness?
Well, we can't, the first thing a baby does is cry. But the question was do I
think we should? Only in the normal sense. Inasmuch as we normally try to make the people we love happy, we should do the same with our kids; they will run into enough sadness as it is. However, an inane attempt to shelter a child from all unhappiness in any situation whatsoever would be an unhealthy approach.
Inside Out covers this topic well.
On another note, I do believe children should be largely sheltered from evil.
-- Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:18 pm --
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What would you get with $10?
(It obviously depends, but this is a lighthearted question, and will be therefore answered without overthinking.) An CD. I measure my money in how many albums I can buy with it.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What do you wish people knew about you?
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What do you wish others understood better? (about you or the world in general)
The existence of universal truths.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What do you find most annoying in others?
Them talking to me.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What do you like more about your online friends than your IRL friends?
What real life friends?
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What is the worst that could happen??
The end of the My Little Pony and Kingdom Hearts franchises.
Let's try that again.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What would you get with $10?
That greatly depends.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What do you wish people knew about you?
Whatever they need to understand me.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What do you wish others understood better? (about you or the world in general)
The existence of universal truths, the existence of a debate for mutual benefit, that they can be wrong, bronies, and the concept of decency.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What do you find most annoying in others?
When people interrupt me when I'm in the middle of something. And I'm always in the middle.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What do you like more about your online friends than your IRL friends?
They tend to be more easily contactable. (But just barely.)
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:What is the worst that could happen??
There is no existence after death, and everything is meaningless.
-- Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:42 pm --
Mandy wrote:If someone were standing over you with a sword, telling you to deny Jesus or else you'd be chopped into a million pieces, what would you do?
I'd start a debate with him.
Mandy wrote:What do you usually do to vent/calm your anger?
I don't tend to have a lot of anger. What I have tends to be work-out-able with growls and running my fingers through my hair. When I get really frustrated, I'll tend to go do parkour outside. When I "lose it" {Weird fact: Arkán never loses it. Somehow he was born with such great self-awareness and detachment that even in his most violent of tempers, he never actually loses control, and can prevent himself from doing anything he would regret. [This omnipresent 24/7 self awareness can drive Arkán nuts on occasion, making him feel like he's living his life in third-person. His best memories are often when he can just be normal and do what he feels like doing without too much over-analysis.]} I will typically lift my bed or something else you wouldn't think I would be able to lift unaided.
Mandy wrote:What is your career goal?
Oh God. {Cry to the Lord in his distress.} If I knew I'd have a major right now. I might go into computers or law.
Mandy wrote:Favorite SS forum?
Mandy wrote:Funnest thing you've done this summer?
Probably working at the magic shop. Played a lot of awesome video games too. Oh, and I got to see some close friends I hadn't seen in a few years.
-- Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:55 pm --
Mandy wrote:What are your 2 favorite hobbies?
Magic and Mountain Biking.
Mandy wrote:What is your career goal?
-- Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:05 pm --
MnM wrote:Winter or Summer?
Summer. Around here winter is just some unnecessary cold.
MnM wrote:Autumn or Spring?
Spring. There are no falling leaves to make the Autumn beautiful around here, but spring has flowers and new growth.
MnM wrote:Beach or forest?
BOTH! I could not live without my beaches, and I could not live without my Redwoods.
The feel of the sand, the sound of the waves, the taste of the salt. The Smell of the trees, the sound of the woods, the sight of the branches rustling in the wind.
MnM wrote:City or country?
Not the city. Country is boring. Y'all should live in a small artistic town like me.
MnM wrote:Stripes or plaid?
I guess I've always looked better in and preferred plaid-like shirts.
-- Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:15 pm --
NinjaThrowingStar wrote:What is your favorite anime?
*embarrassed cough* Well,
I haven't really seen any.
I mostly read manga. (So when someone asks how many episodes of One Piece I've seen, I reply that I'm on the eighteenth book.)
NinjaThrowingStar wrote:What was your favorite movie when you were little?
Hard to tell, but probably Mary Poppins.
-- Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:25 pm --
Isaiah the Ox wrote:What if I want my answers guaranteed?
There is is a tier on my Patreon page which will guarantee you a 96% chance of an answer.
Isaiah the Ox wrote:Are you artistic?
Fairly. I have some odd tastes, but by-and-large the strong artist genes in my family hold true, especially when it comes to my photography.
Isaiah the Ox wrote:What's your favorite writing utensil?
A mechanical pencil, hands down. But I have a favorite thin-line pen too.
-- Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:56 pm --
Miss Friendship wrote:Why is the right "a" so important to you?
I think you mean the right "á".
a) It is, after all, what makes my name distinctive. b) For fun, it's a great running joke to give people a hard time about it. c) I am a precisionist. d) It's my name! How would you feel if people we always missplelling your name?
But mostly b).
Miss Friendship wrote:Why do you only appear every so often on here?
I do have a reputation to uphold.
Miss Friendship wrote:What is your favorite word?
I cannot possibly choose. I have a great many favorites for how they sound, and how much fun they are to say. Should I make an
Arkán's Favorite Word of the Day topic?
The one word which always grabs my attention and gets me excited every time I see it is "magic."
I hate it when marketers use it for things which have nothing to do with magic.
Miss Friendship wrote:What is your favorite meal?
A good number. My family's homemade tacos is my go-to answer.
Miss Friendship wrote:Do you like coffee?
No. Though I have had some coffee drink things that were good.
Miss Friendship wrote:Did you have a good birthday?
Well now I forget.