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Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:37 pm
by Dom
T.S. (myself) wrote:What question should I ask you?
Ask me if I'll tell you a secret.


Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:49 pm
by Tea Ess
Will you tell me a secret?

Do you like peas?

Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:56 pm
by Dom
T.S. (myself) wrote:Will you tell me a secret?
Probably not. :twisted: But since you asked so sweetly, I'll consider it. :wacky:
T.S. (myself) wrote:Do you like peas?
I hated them when I was little, but I don't mind them, now, like steamed ones by themselves. But if they're mixed into a meal, or fried rice, they get all wrinkly and THEY CREEP ME OUT, okaaaay? Okay. :mrgreen:


Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:01 pm
by Mandy
When you are done considering let me know. CAUSE I WANT TO KNOW YOUR SECRETS TOO! ;)

Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:19 pm
by Dom
Mandy wrote:When you are done considering let me know. CAUSE I WANT TO KNOW YOUR SECRETS TOO! ;)
Mm Iono, you didn't ask as sweetly as our friend over there. :mrgreen: Why should IIII?


Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:36 pm
by Cassandra
Who is Helios? A celebrity? Are you not a fan? :|

Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:57 pm
by Dom
Cassandra wrote:Who is Helios? A celebrity? Are you not a fan? :|
I am not the person to ask, but it seems she is a well-loved but seldom-seen-anymore poster, revered especially by Countess, AKA Miss Friendship. I know next to nothing about her, so I am not a fan. The hype is also disenchanting, and disproportionate to what I've experienced of Helios, thus far. :wacky:


Re: The Dom

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:08 am
by Miss Friendship
Dom wrote:revered especially by Countess, AKA Miss Friendship
O.o I'm pretty sure Mandy "worships" her more than I do. Helios and I have our fights you know. :mrgreen:

How did you make it into my five favorite people from the SS so fast? You don't deserve a place beside Helios. :twisted:

What's your favorite TV series? (I'm sure this has been asked before) I'm too lazy to look.

What are your thoughts on Little House on the Prairie?

What was your most painful punishment as a child?

How many times a day do you think about SSers when you aren't on the board?

Re: The Dom

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:29 am
by Dom
Miss Friendship wrote:How did you make it into my five favorite people from the SS so fast? You don't deserve a place beside Helios. :twisted:
I'm irresistable. *hides magical sparkle dust* Totally, unadulteratedly irresistable. :yes:
Miss Friendship wrote:What's your favorite TV series?
So You Think You Can Dance :mrgreen:
Miss Friendship wrote:What are your thoughts on Little House on the Prairie?
Michael Landon, mm. :wacky:
Miss Friendship wrote:What was your most painful punishment as a child?
A leather belt.
Miss Friendship wrote:How many times a day do you think about SSers when you aren't on the board?


Re: The Dom

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:37 pm
by Miss Friendship
Dom wrote:Michael Landon, mm.
What's that supposed to mean?

Do you think spanking damages a child?

Do you think of me as Countess or MF? What was your first impression of me? (Aside from making you Dan's twin brother -_-)

Do you have any antiques?

Do you like any themes, sea, mountain etc?

Re: The Dom

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 1:47 am
by Dom
Miss Friendship wrote:
Dom wrote:Michael Landon, mm.
What's that supposed to mean?
Miss Friendship wrote:Do you think spanking damages a child?
It didn't damage me, but I would not use it as a form of punishment.
Miss Friendship wrote:Do you think of me as Countess or MF?
Countess. :yes:
Miss Friendship wrote:What was your first impression of me? (Aside from making you Dan's twin brother -_-)
Miss Friendship wrote:Do you have any antiques?
I'm sure some of the things I have from my Grandma are antiques. I think if nothing else, I have the christening gown of my Grandma's mother. :wacky:
Miss Friendship wrote:Do you like any themes, sea, mountain etc?
Themes for what? Decorating?


Re: The Dom

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:58 pm
by sing
What was the last thing you were/still are obsessed with?

Re: The Dom

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:48 pm
by Miss Friendship
What's your favorite things about Michael Landon? :twisted:
:twisted: I'll take that as a complement. Wait, what does that mean? O.o
Dom wrote:Themes for what? Decorating?
Yeah or collecting...

Do you read all the Q&A's in the Interview Booth that are posted in? If not, which ones do you read?

What do you think of my new set and the misspelled word? :P

Re: The Dom

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:55 pm
by Dom
sing wrote:What was the last thing you were/still are obsessed with?
Collecting menus, business cards, and other memorabilia from around town, from where I grew up, and from my adventures, and organizing them all into scrapbooks by location.
Miss Friendship wrote:What's your favorite things about Michael Landon?
His face is quite pleasing. :mrgreen: And you gotta love his thick, touchable hair.
Miss Friendship wrote:Wait, what does that mean?
You'll never knowwww!
Miss Friendship wrote:
Miss Friendship wrote:Do you like any themes, sea, mountain etc?
Dom wrote:Themes for what? Decorating?
Yeah or collecting...
None that are nature-related like that. I collect and decorate in my four favorite colors, and have been doing so for several years. I also love tiger stripes, so that very often crops up. I used to be obsessed with camouflage so that was my "theme", before the tiger stripes.
Miss Friendship wrote:Do you read all the Q&A's in the Interview Booth that are posted in?
Nope. :twisted:
Miss Friendship wrote:If not, which ones do you read?
It really depends on the day, and how many other posts have popped up after my last one. If there's two pages of stuff, it's highly unlikely I'll bother reading it all, especially because when that happens it's often back and forth between two or three people, not actual questions and answers. But I'd say the ones I read more thoroughly are Ox, TS, and latch.
Miss Friendship wrote:What do you think of my new set and the misspelled word? :P
I don't think the quote fits your avatar at all, and I dno't likes mispellleed wrods. :twisted: Otherwise, the avatar is super cute.


Re: The Dom

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:06 pm
by Tea Ess
Dom wrote:I do not believe in abortion of any sort, at any point, for any reason.
This is interesting. So you'd be against abortion even if the life of the mother was at risk? Do you think it should be legal?

Re: The Dom

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:14 am
by Dom
T.S. (myself) wrote:
Dom wrote:I do not believe in abortion of any sort, at any point, for any reason.
This is interesting. So you'd be against abortion even if the life of the mother was at risk?
There are risks to becoming pregnant. One of them becoming reality is not a good excuse to murder an innocent life.
T.S. (myself) wrote:Do you think it should be legal?
Obviously there's the whole argument that if something is illegal, people will find more dangerous ways to go about making it happen... But meh. I think it should be illegal and if that results in stupid desperate women getting botched abortions, maybe that will teach them a lesson.

And no, the lesson isn't always "You shouldn't have had sex", because I'm aware that people who get pregnant with their husband can still want an abortion, and people who have been raped do occasionally get pregnant from it. The lesson is to NOT take an innocent life, for your own convenience, or any other reason. No matter what the circumstance, nothing justifies murdering an innocent baby.


Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:15 am
by Mandy
What do you think of people who dont 'believe' in doctors and their little girl dies from appendicitis?

What was the best part of your day today?

Do you have any secrets to share? :twisted:

Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:21 am
by Dom
Mandy wrote:What do you think of people who dont 'believe' in doctors and their little girl dies from appendicitis?
I think they should burn in the hell I don't believe exists.
Mandy wrote:What was the best part of your day today?
Coming home from work in a ridiculously good mood. Sending something to a friend, that his friend accidentally saw, and CAUSING WAVES. :twisted:
Mandy wrote:Do you have any secrets to share?
Of course. But it'll cost you. 8)


Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:30 am
by Mandy
Dom wrote:
Mandy wrote:What do you think of people who dont 'believe' in doctors and their little girl dies from appendicitis?
I think they should burn in the hell I don't believe exists.
Mandy wrote:Do you have any secrets to share?
Of course. But it'll cost you. 8)

I felt the same way... :x Well not quite that extreme but...

What will it cost me? :P

Re: The Dom

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:35 am
by Dom
Mandy wrote:I felt the same way... :x Well not quite that extreme but...
If I feel anything about something, it's usually extreme.
Mandy wrote:What will it cost me? :P
*smirks deviously*
