Relating Songs to Odyssey

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Fudge Marble
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Relating Songs to Odyssey


Ok, so you're just listening to a song, and then you realize: Oh my gosh! This totally relates to so and so scene(s) from Odyssey! I do this quite often and I wanted to share this adorable video with y'all. It's a video of a 3-year-old singing I See The Light from Tangled and in the middle of listening to it, I realized it sounds exactly like Clara singing to Mr. Whittaker! And if that wasn't emotional enough, her voice sounds just like this little girl, and the toddler's name is Claire! :mad: It's so beautiful! :boohoo: And then the man that sings after her, even though Whit is older when he meets Clara, this young man sounds a lot like young Whit! \:D/ Anyway, does anyone else do this? And if so, care to share your song discoveries?! Here's the link to the video if you would like it:
"Let me get this straight. I bet all those non-friends of yours try to embarrass you about your love for that stuff, right? So, you almost feel like you have to hide your treasures away and can only take them out in secret on rainy days when your mom goes to the store to get more liver and nobody is around to berate your sensitive spirit. Is that what you’re saying?" -Jay Smouse
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Caramel Crunch
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Joined: July 2020


That's a really cool video and so is their YouTube channel but I haven't listened to the episode Clara in a while, so I'll probably re-listen to it and compare anyone of Claire's songs to it. Another cool thing I found on their YouTube channel is that Claire can also plays the Ukulele, which is related to adventures in Odyssey, because both Eugene and buck play it, Here a link to a Video of Claire playing the Ukulele
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