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True Heroes
by Lindsey Hess



[Odyssey 105 Music. Bryan is talking]


Bryan: And we're back! This is Cryin' Bryan Dern and today we're talking about Dollar Menus. I mean, come on people, I know everyone is trying to save a buck these days but please! I tried one of these Dollar Menus, I ordered an ice cream cone, and then I ordered another ice cream from off the Dollar Menus and you know what? They tasted the exact same! So why do we need to pay twice as much on the regular menu as the dollar menu for the exact same thing! All right I'm taking calls.


[Bryan pushes the button]


Older woman: Well, I think these people just need help with their finances. Once they have more money they won't need to give us these confusing menus, those poor boys have families to support too you know.


[Click to end call]


Bryan: Umm.... thank you Mrs. Swanson! Ah! We have another caller! You're on the air!




Caller 2: I think its part of a conspiracy to steal our money and fund an underground company that will come and try to take over the world by giving us cheap ice cream!




Bryan: Thank you very much! Hello caller what's your take on this?




Bart Rathbone: Ya know Bryan, these fast food joints don't know how to sell their food cheap while keeping their quality; unlike the Electric Palace! Like, all year around we sell quality electronics but at low LOW prices. And right now we're having a sale on......


Bryan: Thank you Bart Rathbone. And now it's time for a break.


[Odyssey 105 music]


[After work]


Bryan: Whew! What a day! Look, Casey, you've gotta start giving me better material than this! I mean come on Dollar Menus! Don't you think I deserve something better than this!


Casey: Sorry Dern, but it's been a slow week.


Bryan: No Kidding! Did you hear some of the people today! These people are so annoying it makes the pain in my neck hurt even more.


Casey: You know, you've been rubbing that shoulder all week. Have you seen a doctor?


Bryan: I don't need a doctor! It's just a little sore right now; I probably just slept on it wrong.


Casey: All week?


Bryan: Well.....These things do happen! I'll see you tomorrow.


Casey: All right. I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early for the Early Bird Program.


Bryan: Yeah sure. Of all the weeks for Joe to get sick.


[Bryan continues to grumble as scene fades out]


[Whit's End] [Kids laughing and talking]


Connie: See you tomorrow Nick.


Nick: See ya Connie.


[Nick bumps into Dern]


Oops, Sorry Mr. Dern.


Bryan: Yeah, watch where you're going next time kid. Evening Whittaker, Hired Girl.


Connie: Connie.


Bryan: Yeah, whatever.


Whit: This is a rare treat. What can we do for you Mr. Dern?


Bryan: Well, how about some coffee and.....what is that?! WOD-FAM-CHOC-SOD? What is that, some kind of science experiment?


Whit: Oh, no, that's our World Famous Chocolate Soda. Connie ran out of letters when she put up the menu.


Bryan: Oh, well maybe I'll have one of those some other time but how about some coffee?


[Bryan rubs his neck and shoulder]


Whit: One coffee coming up. Is there anything else I can get you: ice cream, banana, Aspirin?


Bryan: NO! I'm fine! I just slept wrong!


Whit: All right, all right, I'm sorry. I was just trying to help.


Bryan: Well, don't! I don't see why everyone thinks something's wrong with me! And as for the ice cream I've talked about ice cream enough to last me till my retirement.


Whit: Here's your coffee.


Bryan: Thanks.


Whit: That was quite a show you had today.


Bryan: Don't remind me! That was probably worst show in a whole slew of bad shows! Is this what it's come to, Dollar Menus?! I need something better than this. Something hard hitting, powerful, important. Interesting!


Connie: How about the psychology of a radio talk show host. That's definitely interesting.


Whit: Connie. Bryan, if you want something new, why not report on the library book sale. Or the Walk-for-Cancer drive, it's being held next month and all the proceeds go to helping families who have children with cancer.


Bryan: That's all fine and good, but I want something earth-shattering and exciting. Not some do-gooder people walking all day. Like reporting on a natural disaster or the downfall of a big corporation. Or better yet, interviewing a big shot hero. Now, that would jack up the ratings.


Whit: You know Dern, sometimes the important stories aren't the big earth-shattering ones, but are the simple stories. And as for the hero, well, most of the time, the real heroes are the ones you would never expect.


Bryan: Thanks for the advice, but I have to go. Goodnight Whittaker. Goodnight Katie.


Connie: Connie!


Bryan: Whatever, goodnight.


[End scene]


[Open at radio studio]


Bryan: Casey where are those aspirins?!


Casey: Right here Dern. Is your neck still hurting?


Bryan: My neck, my shoulder. Either way it all adds up to pain.


[Bryan takes pills]


Casey: You know, maybe it's your pillow; I hear that some pillows can do that to a person, especially foam pillows. Do you use a foam pillow?


Bryan: No, I don't use a foam pillow! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a show to do.


Casey: Maybe you should try a shoulder massage. I know! Marge, from the front desk, she took a class on massage therapy, she might be able to help you.


Bryan: [Starts interjecting midway through Casey?s idea] No, thanks Marty. Now if you'll excuse me!


Casey: ,Come on Dern, you should at least try it.


[Bryan shuts door on Casey]


[Odyssey 105 music]


Bryan: Good morning Odyssey! This is Cryin? Bryan Dern, your Early Bird! Joe Reed is home sick this week so I'm filling in for him. Today we're talking about doctors, and how they are overpaid for not doing anything! They come in late, they overcharge you, and then they stick needles in you! What's that all about! I'm taking calls. Yes, what's your opinion?


Caller 1: You're right. Just last week I went to see my doctor for a check-up. And you know what? ,He was twenty minutes late! He said he got stuck in traffic, but I wonder what the real reason was.


Bryan: Thank-you! And that's another reason why doctors are so annoying! If a doctor is late just one more time I think I'll scream! [Cry out in pain] Casey! [More crying in pain] Help! [Groan in pain]


[Casey comes bursting through studio]


Casey: Dern! Dern! Someone call an ambulance!


[End Scene]


[Open in hospital]


[Bryan moans while regaining consciousness]


Doctor: He's waking up.


Bryan: What happened?


Doctor: You had a heart attack.


Bryan: A heart attack!


Doctor: Yes, please don't move. Don't worry; it was very mild, minimal damage. We're going to keep you here for a few more days for observation. As you can tell, the attack has left you very weak.


[Casey comes through door]


Casey: Dern that was great! The ratings are going through the roof!


Bryan: No, kidding!


Casey: Yeah, you know, for a minute there, I thought you were just faking it.


Doctor: Sir, that's enough. Now I told you no one could see him yet. Please leave.


Casey: I know, but the nurse said that he was waking up and I just thought......


Doctor: Sir.


Bryan: Casey, you should go. But hey, do some big work-up on this, like.... I was in ER for hours before I finally regained consciousness or something like that. Use your imagination; try to make this a story that people will want to tune in to see if I make it.


Casey: ,You got it Dern, boy you're a genius even after a heart attack!


Doctor: Now that you two remember that little tidbit, let's go. Now you need to rest Mr. Dern, got it? Oh, by the way, I think you'll like your new roommate.


[Doctor leaves and closes the door]


Bryan: Roommate?


Ryan: That would be me.


[Ryan pulls curtain back]


Bryan: Who are you?


Ryan: Names Ryan, Ryan Peters. My friends sometimes call me the Warrior. You're Bryan Dern, aren't you?


Bryan: Yeah, how'd you know?


Ryan: Well, other than the fact that I heard that guy......


Bryan: Casey.


Ryan: Casey, say your name, I also recognized your voice from the radio.


Bryan: You listen to my show?


Ryan: Yep, all the time, I like all your energy, but some of your views are, well, wrong.


Bryan: Like what?


Ryan: Christianity for one thing.


Bryan: Oh, you're one of those.


Ryan: If by "one of those" you mean a Christian, then yes, I am and proud of it.


Bryan: What are you here for? Surely you're too young to have a heart attack.


Ryan: Cancer.


Bryan: Oh. So, how long have you been here?


Ryan: About a week, I come in and out of the hospital every so often, which stinks because it interferes with baseball season.


Bryan: [With sudden interest] Are you a baseball player?


Ryan: Yep, I'm one of the best left field men in all of Campbell County.


Bryan: I used to be a baseball player.


Ryan: No Kidding!


Bryan: Played all through college. MVP three years in a row.


Ryan: What position did you play?


Bryan: Pitcher, I could strike out any player on the field!


Ryan: I'll bet I could catch any ball you throw.


Bryan: Not a chance, the ball would never get that far.


Ryan: All right hot shot, as soon as we get out of here, it's you and me at the ballpark.


Bryan: You've got a deal!


[Scene fades out]


[Scene opens in hospital room, Casey is talking to Dern]


Casey: We're getting calls from all over Odyssey asking about you.


Bryan: Nice to know people care.


Casey: Everyone wants to know what your next stunt will be.


Bryan: Oh.


Casey: Now, when you get back, we'll need you to cover the Walk-for-Cancer drive.


Bryan: Walk-for-Cancer?! Marty, I thought you were going to talk to the station manager about me handling more interesting stories.


Casey: I tried Dern, but no else wants to take this job.


Bryan: Perfect. Can't you ask again?


Casey: I'll try Dern, but there's no guarantee. More than likely, you'll be stuck with it.


Bryan: Try anyway.


Casey: I'll do my best. See you tomorrow Dern.


Bryan: See you, Casey. [Door closes] Walk-for-Cancer. Where's the story in that?


Ryan: It's a great story! Who wouldn't want a story like that!


Bryan: Me, that's who, there is no story there, Ryan.


Ryan: Sure there is! Walk-for-Cancer is one of the biggest events of the year. People from all over the state come.


Bryan: Even if that's true, there's still no story. It's just a gimmick to raise money for research that doesn't work!


Ryan: See, you don't even know what the drive is for! The drive raises money for families who have kids that have cancer. Media people are always looking for public interest stories right?


Bryan: Right.


Ryan: Then you need to interview the walkers. A lot of them have or had kids with cancer. Some of them even lost their kids to cancer, but they still come and walk so that they can help others.


Bryan: People like big stories and great heroes.


Ryan: This is a big story and there are heroes almost everywhere you look! Just talk to one person and you'll see.


Bryan: Why are you so passionate about this?


Ryan: Because I don't like people dissing my favorite day the year!


Bryan: You're a walker?


Ryan: Yeah


Bryan: Ryan, I'm....I'm sorry, I didn't....


Ryan: I'm tired.


[End scene]


[Open scene]


Bryan: *Sigh* 2:03 am *Sigh*


Ryan: Can't sleep either?


Bryan: No, I keep thinking about how good it'll be to get out of this hospital bed.


Ryan: Yeah, I always feel like I'm wasting away to nothing on this bed. But what I really hate are nights like this when I can't sleep and I think about all my troubles and worries


Bryan: Tell me about it.


Ryan: You know what I found helps?


Bryan: What?


Ryan: Chess, [Ryan reaches into a drawer] ,Do you prefer being white or black?


Bryan: Black.


Ryan: Ok, best two out of three, loser has to read the entire A section of the dictionary.


Bryan: Deal. I hope you like to read, because you are going down!


Ryan: In you dreams, Dern.


[Music montage]


[Bryan wakes up in the morning]


Bryan: Hey Ryan. , [Bryan pulls back curtain] ,Ryan? Where? , [Bryan rolls over and pushes button to summon nurse]


[Nurse enters]


Nurse: Yes, Mr. Dern.


Bryan: The kid, Ryan Peters, where is he?


Nurse: Were you a close friend of his?


Bryan: We are roommates. Now where is he?!


Nurse: One moment sir.


[Nurse Exits]


Bryan: Hey don't leave! Come back here!


[Nurse enters]


Nurse: I'm sorry sir; Ryan Peters died this at 4:30 this morning.


Bryan: 4:30 that means.....


Nurse: He died in his sleep.


Bryan: Dead, how could he be dead? He was supposed to do the Walk-for-Cancer.


Nurse: A Casey Demons is here to pick you up.


Bryan: Yeah, sure.


[Car door closes]


Casey: I'm sure you're glad to get out of there.


Bryan: Can we stop by the Burger Barn on the way; the food in that hospital was terrible.


Casey: You could always sue.


Bryan: He died this morning.


Casey: Who?


Bryan: Ryan Peters.


Casey: Oh, the kid in the bed next to you. Yeah, so what?


Bryan: Only an hour before he died, we were playing chess. If I had stayed awake just a little longer, I would have watched him die.


Casey: Well thank goodness you fell asleep when you did. Who wants to watch someone die?


Bryan: Can you find out when it is?


Casey: When what is?


Bryan: The funeral.


Casey: Sure Bryan, sure.


[End Scene]


[Scene opens at the funeral] [Raining]


Pastor: Today we are here to honor the life of Ryan Luke Peters. Son, friend, and child of God. While we may have lost him in this life, we can rejoice that he is with his and our Lord. He was a true warrior and hero to all those he came into contact with. While he was in therapy, he would often go see other children who were also about to do therapy. Ryan would visit them and make them laugh so that they would not be afraid of what was ahead. He is truly one of the great unsung heroes.


[Scene fades to after the funeral]


[Everyone is leaving. Bryan walks to his car]


Mr. Peters: Mr. Dern! Mr. Dern! You are Mr. Dern are you not?


Bryan: Yes. You're Mr. Peters, right? I knew your son, he was quite a kid.


Mr. Peters: Yes, he was. Since children can't make wills, he wrote a letter saying where he wanted his things to go. In his letter, he mentioned you.


Bryan: Me?


Mr. Peters: He left you this shoe box. I don't know what's in it.


Bryan: Thank you, Mr. Peters.


[Music montage]


[Bryan enters his studio, opens the shoe box, and reads the letter]


Bryan: Dear Bryan...


Ryan: If you're reading this letter, it means that I am no longer with you. You're probably wondering why I gave you this shoe box to you, well, it's because I liked you and I think we would have been good friends, even if we disagreed on some stuff, but hey, that's what makes a friendship exciting. I now leave some of my favorite things to you, because I know that you'll appreciate them. My Bible, it is my prayer that you would read it and come to a relationship with Jesus. Next, my pendant. My Grandfather gave it to me on my 5th birthday, it always reminded me of him whenever I really missed him, now I give it to you so you won't ever forget me. And lastly, my pitcher's glove, I hope you'll start playing baseball again, you'd probably be really good. Well, I have to go now, since you're waking up. , You're Friend, Ryan. P.S. You snore really loudly.


[Bryan bursts through the door to Casey's office]


[Bryan walks up to Casey]


Bryan: Marty, I'll take the Walk-for-Cancer assignment.


Casey: Ok, Dern, it's yours.


[McAllister Park]


Bryan: This is Cryin' Bryan Dern live at McAllister Park where over 300 people have gathered for the Walk-for-Cancer drive! This drive will raise money for families who have children with cancer! Lots of different people have shown up here today, even some who had children with cancer and are now here to help others! I had the pleasure of meeting a young man who had come for five consecutive years, but unfortunately, is no longer with us. We will have a full story on this young hero tonight at seven, but now we will take a break as we wait for the drive to start!


Radio Guy: Ok, Dern, we'll go again in about fifteen minutes.


Bryan: Ok, great.


Radio Guy: Hey, are you really going to do a story on that kid?


Bryan: Yeah. Why? Is there some reason why I shouldn't?!


Radio Guy: No, it just doesn't seem like a story you'd want to cover. Is the station bribing you to do it or something?


Bryan: NO, the station is not bribing me! I wanted to do it! Don't you have something to go check or something?


Radio Guy: Ok, whatever.


[Radio Guy walks away]


Boy: Look out sir!


[Bryan catches the ball]


Boy: Sorry, sir.


Bryan: No problem, so, are you a baseball player?


Boy: Yep. I'm going to be a pro player one day.


Bryan: You know, I used to be an MVP in college.


Boy: Really! Can you give me some pointers?


Bryan: Sure, now the first thing you gotta know is cover your basics.


[Fade out]


[Chris wraps up]

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